8、Junjian Li, Hanqiao Jiang, Chuan Wang, Yuyun Zhao. Pore-scale investigation of microscopic remaining oil variation characteristics in water-wet sandstone using CT scanning. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.Pub Date : 2017-04-07 DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2017.04.003(SCI & EI檢索).
9、Junjian Li , Yuzhang Liu , Zhang Na , Zhihui Zeng & Hanqiao Jiang (2014) Investigation on the Adaptability of the Polymer Microspheres for Fluid Flow Diversion in Porous Media, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 35:1, 120-129, DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2013.769111(SCI & EI檢索).
10、J.-J. Li , H.-Q. Jiang , J.-R. Hou & S.-L. Wang (2014) The Effects of Oil Displacement Efficiency and Conformance Efficiency on Viscosity of ASP Flooding in a Heterogeneous Reservoir, Petroleum Science and Technology, 32:7, 830-839, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2010.529548(SCI & EI檢索)
11、Jun Jian Li, H. Q. Jiang, K. Xiao, Z. T. Zhang & Y. C. Wang (2017) The relationship between the sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency of function polymer in heterogeneous reservoir after polymer flood, Particulate Science and Technology, 35:3, 355-360, DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2016.1160461(SCI & EI檢索)
12、Bin Liang,Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li(通訊作者). Investigation of Oil Saturation Development behind Spontaneous Imbibition Front Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T2. nergy Fuels.DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b02903E.(SCI & EI檢索)
13、Kang Ma, Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li*(通訊作者),Experimental study on the micro alkali sensitivity damage mechanism in low-permeability reservoirs using QEMSCAN. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 36 (2016) 1004e1017.(SCI & EI檢索)
14、Li Y, Li J J S, et al. Characterization of remaining oil after polymer flooding by laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014, 35(7): 898-906(SCI & EI檢索).
15. C Wang,H Jiang,J Liu,L Mi,J Li.An Advanced Approach to Study the Seepage Characteristics of Dynamic Remaining Oil in Porous Media at Pore Scale. SPE-185825-MS SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 12-15 June, Paris, France
18. Junjian Li, Yajun Gao , Hanqiao Jiang. Pore-Scale Imaging of the Oil Cluster Dynamic during Drainage and Imbibition Using In Situ X-Ray Microtomography. GeofluidsVolume 2018, Article ID 7679607, 13 pages(SCI)
19. LI Junjian, LIU Yang, GAO Yajun, CHENG Baoyang, MENG Fanle, XU Huaimin. Effects of microscopic pore structure heterogeneity on the distribution and morphology of remaining oil[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development,2018.10(online)(SCI EI)
10、Jun-Jian Li, Hanqiao Jiang, Liangliang Jiang, Lidong Mi, Ting Xu &Chuanbin Liu (2016) Varying-scale shale gas flow: Discrete fracture networks (DFN) based numerical simulation, Particulate Science and Technology, 34:5, 557-564, DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2015.1099065
11、LI Jun-jian, XIONG Chun-ming, BAI Ying-rui. Leak-off behavior and water shut-off performance of a polymer/chromium (Cr3+) gel in fractured media. J. Cent. South Univ. (2017) 24: 1418?1429.
12、Junjian Li , Yanli Pei, Hanqiao Jiang. Tracer Flowback Based Fracture Network Characterization in Hydraulic Fracturing. SPE-183444-MS, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 7-10 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE
13. Linkai Li ,Hanqiao Jiang ,Junjian Li a,(通訊作者) Modeling tracer flowback in tight oil reservoirs with complex fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 157 (2017) 1007–1020.
14. Bin Liang, Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li(通訊作者). A systematic study of fracture parameters effect on fracture network permeability based on discrete-fracture model employing Finite
Element Analyses. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 28 (2016) 711-722.
15. Bin Liang , Hanqiao Jiang , Junjian Li(通訊作者). Flow in multi-scale discrete fracture networks with stress sensitivity. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 851-859
16. FANG Wenchao, JIANG Hanqiao, LI Junjian(通訊作者), et al. A numerical simulation model for multi-scale flow in tight oil reservoirs[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2017, 44(3): 1-8.
17. Yingrui Bai,Falin Wei, Chunming Xiong,Junjian Li(通訊作者) Effects of Fracture and Matrix on Propagation Behavior and Water Shut-off Performance of a Polymer Gel. Energy Fuels 2015, 29, 5534?5543
19.Mi Lidong, Jiang Hanqiao, Li Junjian. The impact of diffusion type on multiscale discrete fracture model numerical simulation for shale gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2014, 20: 74-81. SCI,EI
20.Mi Lidong, Jiang Hanqiao, Li Junjian, Li Tao, Tian Ye. The investigation of fracture aperture effect on shale gas transport using discrete fracture model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2014, 21: 631-635. SCI,EI
21.Mi Lidong, Jiang Hanqiao, Li Junjian, Li Linkai, Killough John. A Novel Permeability Model of Naturally Fractured Shale reservoirs. 2016. Proceeding of the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition.