清華大學汽車工程系 長聘教授, 博士生導師
車輛與交通研究所 所長
- 國際期刊IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, Energies, Chinese Journal of Engineering、Designs、IJPT、IEE ITS、機械工程學報等編委或特邀編委
- 中國機械工程學會高級會員,IEEE 高級會員(Senior Member)
- Vehicle System Dynamics、Journal of Automobile Engineering, International Journal of Automotive Technology,IEEE TVT、ITS、CST、TIE, Chinese Mechanical Engineering、機械工程學報、中國科學E等期刊審稿專家
- 國家自然科學基金、科技部、工信部等項目評審專家
- 汽車動力學與控制
- 汽車高級智慧型安全系統技術
- 混合動力系統動力學與控制
- 汽車電子控制產品自主產業化技術
- 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金:機械結構域系統動力學(汽車空間穩定性機理與多系統協同控制方法研究、51422505),2015-2017
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:插電式並聯混合動力系統瞬態動力學耦合機制與多目標動態博弈控制方法研究(51675293),2017-2020
- 國家自然科學基金青年-面上連續項目:汽車失穩臨界區域非線性瞬態動力學定量描述立論和預測控制方法研究(51275557),2013-2016
- 國家自然科學基金青年基金:失穩臨界區域汽車動力學狀態實時觀測與穩定性控制方法研究(50905092),2010-2012
- 國家重點研發計畫項目(2017YFB0103502、2017YEB0103900)課題與子課題,2017-2020
- 國家重大專項(04專項項目):汽車動力學穩定性系統全工況模擬測試試驗台(201304A13740),2013-2015
- 國家重大專項(04專項項目):汽車發動機罩蓋充液成型設備電控系統研製,2014-2016
- 國家科技支撐計畫項目:純電驅動快充客車驅動系統及整車控制系統研發(2013BAG14B00),2013-2015
- 國家重大專項(02專項)課題:基於自主基礎軟體的汽車底盤電控系統研製與套用考核(與長城汽車合作),2014-2015
- 國家發改委戰略新型產業專項:插電式混合動力客車機電耦合驅動系統研發,2012-2014
- 國家973課題任務項目:分散式驅動電動汽車電液複合制動耦合動力學研究(2011CB711205),2012-2013
- 三部委電動車創新工程項目(中通客車),2013-2015
- 國家質檢總局:汽車制動缺陷分析(201410001),2014-2015
- 長安汽車汽車ESC、AEB開發項目(兩期),2013-2016
- 長城、吉利、江淮、中通、恆通等汽車企業ESC開發、混合動力開發等橫向合作項目
- 《汽車動力學》 32學時
- 《汽車理論》 48學時
- 2018年,科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才;
- 2017年,重慶市科學技術進步一等獎(排名1);
- 2017年,國家自然科學基金委機械學科優秀結題項目(IMCC2017);
- 2017年,機械工程學報 首屆最有影響力論文獎;
- 2017年,The Awards of Highly Cited Original Papers of Applied Energy for 2016;
- 2017年,國際電動車會議最佳論文獎(ISEV2017 斯德哥爾摩);
- 2017年,清華大學首屆教學優秀獎;
- 2016年,北京市科學技術獎(發明類)一等獎(排名1);
- 2016年,山東省科學技術進步獎一等獎(排名2);
- 2014年,國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金;
- 2014年,茅以升北京市青年科技人才獎;
- 2014年,國家自然科學基金機械工程學科優秀結題項目;
- 2013年,教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”入選者;
- 2013年,機械工程學報(英文版)創刊60周年優秀論文獎(入選率1%);
- 2012年,中國汽車工業科技進步獎二等獎 (排名3);
- 2012年,山東省科學技術進步獎二等獎(排名3);
- 2014年,清華大學教學成果一等獎(排名第五);
- 2011年,清華大學“一二.九”優秀輔導員。
- Hua, C., Chen, J., Li, Y., &Li, L. (2018). Adaptive prescribed performance control of half-car active suspension system with unknown dead-zone input. Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, 111, 135-148.
- Wang, X., Li, L.*, He, K., & Liu, C. (2017). Dual-loop self-learning fuzzy control for amt gear engagement: design and experiment. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(4), 1813-1822.
- Hua, C., Liu, G., Li, L., & Guan, X. (2018). Adaptive fuzzy prescribed performance control for nonlinear switched time-delay systems with unmodeled dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(4), 1934-1945.
- Wang, X.,Li, L.*, He, K., Liu, Y., & Liu, C. (2018). Position and force switching control for gear engagement of automated manual transmission gear-shift process. ASME, Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement & Control, 140(8).
- Xie, S., Hu, X., Xin, Z., & Li, L.* (2018). Time-efficient stochastic model predictive energy management for a plug-in hybrid electric bus with adaptive reference state-of-charge advisory. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(7), 5671-5682.
- Cheng, S., Li, L.*, & Chen, J. (2017). Fusion algorithm design based on adaptive sckf and integral correction for side-slip angle observation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(7), 5754-5763.
- 7. Liu, B., Li, L.*, Wang, X., & Cheng, S. (2018). Hybrid electric vehicle downshifting strategy based on stochastic dynamic programming during regenerative braking process. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(6), 4716-4727.
- Xiqun Chen, Shuaichao Zhang, LiLi, LiangLi. Adaptive Rolling Smoothing With Heterogeneous Data for Traffic State Estimation and Prediction.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsYear: 2018,( Early Access ), Pages:1-12.
- Zhen cheng, Liang Li, Xiaosong Hu, Bingjie Yan. Temporal-Difference Learning Based Stochastic Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10.1109/TITS.2018.2869731.
- Congzhi Liu, Liang Li*, Xun Zhao, Et al. Cooperative Control of the Clutch and Hydraulic Control Unit, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Accept, 2018.9.
- Qiao Zhu,Liang Li*, Neng Xiong, Guang-Di Hu. Low-Cost Lateral Active Suspension System of High-Speed Train for Ride Quality Based on Resonant Control Method, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017,TIE.2017.2767547.
- Chao Yang, Liang Li*, et al. Cloud computing-based energy optimization control framework for plug-in hybrid electric bus, Energy, Vol.125, No.15 2017, Pages 11-26.
- Congzhi Liu, Qiao Zhu, Liang Li*, Wei-qun Liu. A state of charge estimation method for lithium-ion batteries based on H∞ observer for switched systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,10.1109/TIE.2017.2701766, 2017.
- Chao Yang, Xiaoh Jiao, Liang Li*, et al. A robust H∞ control-based hierarchical mode transition control system for plug-in hybrid electric bus. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.99(15). 2018, Pages 326-344.
- Chao Yang, Siyu Du, Liang Li* et al. Adaptive real-time optimal energy management strategy based on equivalent factors optimization for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Applied Energy, Vol.203(10), 2017, Pages 883-896.
- Qiao Zhu, Liang Li*, et al. H∞-Based Nonlinear Observer Design for State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery with Polynomial Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 10.1109/TVT.2017.2723522, 2017.
- Liang Li, Kai He, Xiangyu Wang, Yahui Liu. Sensor fault-tolerant control for gear-shifting engaging process of automated manual transmission. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.99(15),2018,Pages 790-804.
- Yahui Liu, Xiaoqian Fan, Liang Li* et al. An Innovative Information Fusion Method with Adaptive Kalman Filter for Integrated INS/GPS Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Online, 2017. 9.
- Liang Li, Liyan Zhou, Chao Yang, et al. A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus.Journal of the Franklin Institute, Online 14 August 2017.
- Jian Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Liang Li*, Hierarchical control strategy with battery aging consideration for hybrid electric vehicle regenerative braking control, Energy, Accept, 2017.12.
- Liang Li*, Zaobei Zhu, Yong Chen, Kai He, Xiangyu Wang. Engagement control of automated clutch for vehicle launching considering the instantaneous changes of driver’s intention, ASME Transation on Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, Vol. 139 / 021011-1-12.
- Liang Li*, Xiangyu Wang, et al. Downshifting Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Automated Manual Transmission during Regenerative Braking Process. Applied Energy, Accept, 2016.
- Zheng Chen, Liang Li*, Binjie Yan, et al. Temporal-Difference Learning Based Stochastic Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Accept, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Xujian Li, Xiangyu Wang, Jian Song, Kai He, Chenfeng Li. Analysis of downshift’s improvement to energy efficiency of an electric vehicle during regenerative braking, Applied Energy, Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.05.042, 2016
- Liang Li*, Xiangyu Wang, Xiaowei Qi, et al. Automatic Clutch Control Based on Estimation of Resistance Torque for AMT, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Doi: 10.1109/TMECH. 2016.2517088, 2016.
- Xun Zhao, Liang Li*, Jian Song, et al. Linear Control of Switching Valve in Vehicle Hydraulic Control Unit Based on Sensorless Solenoid Position Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Doi:10.1109/TIE.2016.2541080, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Sixiong You, et al. Multi-objective Stochastic MPC-based System Control Architecture for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Doi: 10.1109/ TIE.2016.2547359, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Xiangyu Wang, et al. A Modified PFC with Sliding Mode Observer for Automated Dry Clutch Control of Vehicle. 2016, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control.-ASME Transaction, Doi:10.1115/1.4032830, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Yuanbo Zhang, Chao Yang, Bingjie Yan, C. Marina Martinez. Model predictive control-based efficient energy recovery control strategy for regenerative braking system of hybrid electric bus, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.111, no.1, 2016: 299-314.
- Liang Li*, Xujian Li, Xiangyu Wang, Jian Song, et al. Transient switching control strategy from regenerative braking to anti-lock braking with a semi-brake-by-wire system, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol.54, no.2, 2016: 257-283.
- Liang Li*, Binjie Yan, et al. Two-step Optimal Energy Management Strategy for Single-shaft Series-parallel Powertrain. Mechatronics. Doi: 10.1016/j. Mechatronics.2016.03.006, 2016
- Chao Yang, Jian Song, Liang Li*, et al. Economical Launching and Accelerating Control Strategy for a Single-shaft Parallel Hybrid Powertrain of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.02.051, 2016.
- Xiangyu Wang,Liang Li*, et al. Hierarchical control of dry clutch for engine-start process in a parallel hybrid electric vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Doi: 10.1109/ TTE.2016.2535316, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Yishi Lu, et al. A 3-Dimentional Dynamics Control Framework of Vehicle Lateral Stability and Rollover Prevention with MPC, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2016.2583400, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Xiangyu Wang,Jian Song,Fuel consumption optimization for smart hybrid electric vehicle during a car-following process, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Doi: 10.1016/ j.ymssp.2016.03.002, 2016.
- Chen Jie, Jian Song,Liang Li*. A UKF-based Adaptive Variable Structural Observer for Vehicle Sideslip with Dynamic Correction,IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016, Volume: 10, Issue: 14
- Pages: 1641 - 1652,.
- Liang Li*, Binjie Yan, Chao Yang, et al. Application Oriented Stochastic Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus with AMT. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Doi: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2496975
- Liang Li*, Sixiong You, Chao Yang, Binjie Yan, et al. Driving-Behavior-Aware Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses, Applied Energy. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.152, 2015.
- Yong Sun, Liang Li*, Binjie Yan, et al. A hybrid algorithm combining EKF and RLS in synchronous estimation of road grade and vehicle׳ mass for a hybrid electric bus. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.08.015, 2015.
- Zheng Chen, Liang Li*, Binjie Yan, et al. Multi-Mode Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses Based on Driving Cycles Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.Doi:10.1109/TITS.2016.2527244, 2016.
- Jie Chen, Jian Song, Liang Li*, A Novel Pre-control Method of Vehicle Dynamics Stability Based on Critical Stable Velocity during Transient Steering Maneuvering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Doi: 10.3901/CJME.2016.0126.014, 2016.
- Liang Li*, Zaobei Zhu, Xiangyu Wang, et al. Identification of a driver’s starting intention based on an artificial neural network for vehicles equipped with an automated manual transmission. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Doi:2015 0954407015611294, 2015.
- Gang Jia,Liang Li*, D. Cao, et al. Model-Based Estimation for Vehicle Dynamics States at the Limit Handling, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control.- ASME Transaction. 2015, 137(10):104501-104501-8.
- Liang Li*, Chao Yang, Yahui Zhang, et al. Correctional DP-based Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus for City-Bus-Route, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2352357, 2014.9.
- Liang Li*, Xu Ran, Kaihui Wu, Jian Song & Zongqi Han. A novel fuzzy logic correction algorithm for traction control systems with uneven low-adhesion road conditions. Vehicle System Dynamics. Doi:10.1080/00423114.2015.1012212. 27. Liang Li*, Gang Jia, jie Chen, H-j Zhu, D. Cao, Jian Song. A novel vehicle dynamics stability control algorithm based on the hierarchical strategy with constrain of nonlinear tire forces, Vehicle System Dynamics. Doi:10.1080/00423114.2015. 1025082. 2015.4.
- Liang Li*, Ke Yang, Xu Ran, Jian Song, Zongqi Han. Comprehensive tire-road friction coefficient estimation based on signal fusion method under complex maneuvering operations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.56-57(2015): 259-276.
- Liang Li*, Yahui Zhang, Chao Yang, Xiaohong Jiao,Lipeng Zhanga, JianSong. Hybrid geneticalgorithm-basedoptimization of powertrain and control parameters of plug-in hybrid electric bus. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, Vol.352: 776-801.
- H.B. Wang, Liangxu Ma, Liang Li*, Bo Zhang*, Fabrication of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses from low-purity industrial raw materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.629(2015):1-4.
- Chao Yang, Xiaohong Jiao, Liang Li*, Yahui Zhang, Lipeng Zhang, Jian Song. Robust coordinated control for hybrid electric bus with single-shaft parallel hybrid powertrain, IET Control Theory Appl, 2015, Vol.9(2): 270-282. SCI期刊論文
- Liang Li*, Gang Jia, Xu Ran, Jian Song, Kaihui Wu. A Variable Structure Extended Kalman Filter for Vehicle Sideslip Angle Estimation on Low Friction Road, Vehicle System Dynamics, 2014, 52(2):280-308.
- Lipeng Zhang, Liang Li*, Yahui Zhang,et al. Parameters optimum matching of pure electric vehicle dual-mode coupling drive system, SCIENCE CHINA Technology Sciences, 2014, Vol.57(11):2265-2277.
- Chao YANG, Xiaohong Jiao, Liang Li*, et al. Electromechanical coupling driving control for single-shaft parallel hybrid powertrain. SCIENCE CHINA Technology Sciences. 2014, Vol. 57(3):541-549.
- Yahui Zhang, Xiaohong Jiao, Liang Li*, Chao Yang, Lipeng Zhang,Jian Song.A hybrid dynamic programming-rule based algorithm for real-time energy optimization of plug-in hybrid electric bus. SCIENCE CHINA Technology Sciences. 2014, Vol.57(12):2542-2550.
- Lipeng Zhang, Liang Li*, Cheng Lin, Chong Wang, Bingnan Qi, Jian Song. Coaxial Coupling TractionControl forFour-wheel-Independent-Drive Electric Vehicle on Complex Road. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part D:Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2014, Vol.228(12):1398-1414.
- Xiaolong Zhang, Liang Li*, Deng Pan,Chengmao Cao,Jian Song. Experimental model and analytic solution for real-time observation of vehicle’s additional steer angle, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, Vol.27(2):340-347.
- Hongjun Zhu, Liang Li*, Mao Jin, Hongzhi Li, Jian Song. Real-time yaw rate prediction based on nonlinear model and feedback compensation for vehicle dynamic control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2013, Vol.227(10):1431-1445.
- Lin He, Liang Li, Liangyao Yu, Jian Song. Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control of Switched Systems on Continuously Variable Transmission Shifting, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2013, Vol. 62(2-4): 289-311.
- Mingxin Kang, Liang Li*, Hongzhi Li, Jian Song, Zongqi Han, Coordinated vehicle traction control based on engine torque and brake pressure under complicated road conditions, Vehicle System Dynamics, 2012, 50(9):1473-1494.
- Hongzhi Li, Liang Li*, Lin He, M-x Kang, , Jian Song, et al, PID plus fuzzy logic method for torque control in traction control system, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2012, Vol.13(3):441-450.
- Hongzhi Li, Liang Li, Jian Song Jian, et al., Algorithm for calculating torque base in vehicle traction control system, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (english Edition), 2012, Vol.25(6):130-1137.
- Lin He, Liang Li*, Liangyao Yu, Enrong Mao, Jian Song. A torque-based nonlinear predictive control approach of automotive powertrain by iterative optimization. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol.226(8):1016-1025,2012.
- Liang Li*, Jian Song, Hongzhi Li, et al., A variable structure adaptive extended Kalman filter for vehicle slip angle estimation,International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2011, Vol.56(1-4):161-185.
- Liang Li*, Jian Song, Lin He, Mengjun Zhang, Hongzhi Li, Life prediction based on transient dynamics analysis of van semi-trailer with air suspension system, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2011, Vol. 24(3):372-379.
- Hongzhi Li, Liang Li*, Jian Song, et al. Comprehensive lateral driver model for critical maneuvering conditions. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2011, Vol.12(5):679-686.
- Liang Li*, Hongzhi Li, Xiaolong Zhang, Lin He, Song Jian. Real-time Tire Parameters Observer for Vehicle Dynamics Stability Control, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (english Edition), 2010, Vol.23(5): 620-626.
- Liang Li*, Jian Song, Lei Kong, Q. Huang, Vehicle velocity estimation for real-time dynamic stability control,International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2009, Vol. 10(6):675-685.
- Liang Li*, Jian Song, H-Z Li, D-S Shan, Cai Yang, Comprehensive prediction method of road friction for vehicle dynamics control, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part D:Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, Vol.223(8): 987-1002.
- Liang Li*, Jian Song, Kaihui Wang, Fast estimation and compensation of the tyre force in real time control for vehicle dynamic stability control system, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2008, Vol.48(3-4):208-229.
- 楊超,李亮*,焦曉紅,宋健. 同軸並聯混合動力系統模式切換控制研究, 中國科學 技術科學, 2015年10月錄用
- 李亮*,陳杰,宋健. 基於LTV-MPC的車輛穩定性控制研究, 汽車工程,2015.2 錄用.
- 楊超, 李亮*, 游思雄, 顏丙傑, 陳征, 馬茲林. 向公交客車套用的插電式混合動力實時最佳化策略研究, 機械工程學報, 2015.3錄用
- 楊超, 李亮*, 焦曉紅, 張淵博, 陳征, 宋健. 同軸並聯混合動力系統模式切換控制研究, 中國科學E. 錄用.
- 張利鵬,李亮*,祁炳楠,宋健. 雙電機分散式驅動汽車高速穩定性機電耦合控制, 機械工程學報, 2015. No.16.
- 楊超, 李亮*, 焦曉紅, 張淵博等,同軸並聯混合動力系統模式切換控制研究. 中國科學:技術科學,2016, Vol.46(1):91-100.
- 李亮*,朱宏軍,陳杰,宋健,冉旭.用於汽車穩定性控制的路面附著識別算法.機械工程學報, 2014, 50(1).
- 李亮*,賈鋼,宋健,冉旭. 汽車動力學穩定性控制研究進展. 機械工程學報, 2013. 49(24).
- 張利鵬,李亮*, 齊炳楠,宋健, 徐海港. 分散式驅動電動汽車轉矩自適應驅動防滑控制. 機械工程學報, 2013. 49(14):106-113.
- 黃碩,李亮*, 楊超, 李磊,宋健. 基於規則修正的同軸並聯混合動力客車瞬時最佳化能量分配策, 機械工程學報, 2014, 50(20): 113-120.
- 李亮*, 冉旭, 李紅志, 康明鑫, 宋健, 韓宗奇,用於汽車牽引力控制的複雜路面輪胎—道路附著狀態判斷,機械工程學報, 2012, 48(10):109-114.
- 李亮*, 康銘鑫, 宋健, 李紅志, 韓宗奇, 楊財. 汽車牽引力控制系統的變參數自適應PID控制, 機械工程學報, 2011, 47(12):92-98.
- 李亮*, 宋健, 於良耀, 黃全安. 低附路面汽車動力學穩定性控制系統控制策略. 機械工程學報, 2008, 44(11): 229-235.
- 李亮*, 宋健, 韓宗奇, 孔磊. 用於電子穩定程式(ESP)線上控制的液壓模型和反模型. 機械工程學報, 2008, 44(2): 139-144.
- 冉旭,李亮*,宋健. 基於汽車動力學與加速度感測信息的縱向坡度實時識別算法,機械工程學報,2015.
- Mengjun Zhang, Huiyi Wang, Liang Li*. FEM Study for Van Trailer Dynamic Performance with Air Suspension. SAE 2006 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 2006/10/31-2006/11/2, Rosemont, IL, 2006/10/31. SAE會議論文
- Liang li*, Jian song. Tire Force Fast Estimation Method for Vehicle Dynamics Stability Real Time Control. SAE 2007 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 2007/10/29-2007/11/1, Rosemont, IL, 2007/10/29. SAE會議論文
- Liang Li, Jian song. Predictive Control Algorithm Based on Dynamic Stability Matrix Method for DSC. SAE World Congress & Exhibition, 2007/4/16-2007/4/19, Detroit, MI,, 2007/4/16. SAE會議論文
- Liang Li., Jian, S., Xuele, Q. Study on Vehicle Braking Transient Thermal Field Based on Fast Finite Element Method Simulation. 23rd Annual Brake Colloquium and Exhibition, 2005/10/9-2005/10/12, Orlando, FL, 2005/10/9. SAE會議論文