


  • 中文名:朱渭寧
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:· 地理信息科學· 環境遙感· 空間大數據
  • 職務:浙江大學碩士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:浙江大學




· 地理信息科學· 環境遙感· 空間大數據








(1) Monitoring and modeling chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Neponset River and Boston Harbor using GIS and hyperspectral remote sensing, funded by USGS Water Resources Annual Institute Program ( sponsored by Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center), PI, 2010.
(2) 基於高精度遙感的城市複雜水體有色溶解有機物的時空變異與環境影響因子辨識,國家自然科學基金,面上項目,主持,2015-2018.
(3) 空間染色模型理論及其面向遙感圖像處理的套用,浙江省自然科學基金,面上項目,主持,2017-2019.
(4) 城市化近岸及多島海域黃色物質源匯過程的遙感探測與模式識別,國家自然科學基金,面上項目,主持,2020-2023.


English Publications
*Corresponding Author
(18) Chen, J., and W.N. Zhu*, 2020, Consistency evaluation of Landsat-7 and Landsat-8 for improved monitoring of colored dissolved organic matter in complex water, Geocarto International, Accepted, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2020.1734872.
(17) Chen, J., W.N. Zhu*, Y.Q. Tian and Q. Yu, 2020, Monitoring dissolved organic carbon by combining Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites: Case study in Saginaw River estuary, Lake Huron, Science of the Total Environment, Accepted, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137374.
(16) Chen, J., W.N. Zhu*, S.N. Pang, and Q. Cheng, 2020, Applicability Evaluation of Landsat-8 for Estimating Low Concentration Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Inland Water, Geocarto International, Accepted, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2019.1704071.
(15) Zhu, W.N.*, L.T. Huang, N. Sun, J. Chen, and S.N. Pang, 2020, Landsat 8-observed water quality and its coupled environmental factors for urban scenery lakes: A case study of West Lake, Water Environment Research, Vol. 92, No. 2, 255-265.
(14) Chen, J., W.N. Zhu*, Y.H. Zheng, Y.Q. Tian and Q. Yu, 2019, Monitoring seasonal variations of colored dissolved organic matter for the Saginaw River based on Landsat-8 data, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol.19, No.1, 274-281.
(13) Sun, N., W.N. Zhu*, and Q. Cheng, 2018, GF-1 and Landsat observed a 40-year wetland spatiotemporal variation and its coupled environmental factors in Yangtze River estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol.207, 30-39.(12) Chen, J., W.N. Zhu*, Y.Q. Tian, Q. Yu, Y.H. Zheng, and L.T. Huang, 2017, Remote estimation of colored dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll-a in Lake Huron using Sentinel-2 measurements, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol.11, No.3, 036007.
(11) Chen, J., W.N. Zhu*, Y.Q. Tian, and Q. Yu, 2017, Estimation of colored dissolved organic matter from Landsat-8 imagery for complex inland water: Case study of Lake Huron, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol.55, No.4, 2201-2212.
(10) Zhu, W.N., Q. Yu, Y.Q. Tian, B.L. Becker, and H.J. Carrick, 2015, Issues and potential improvement of multiband models for remotely estimating chlorophyll-a in complex inland waters, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol.8, No.2, 562-575.
(9) Zhu, W.N.*, 2015, Spatial chromatic model in high-dimensional spaces and the uniqueness of chromatic code: A new perspective of geographic entity-space relationship, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.29, No.1, 28-45.(8) Zhu, W.N., Q. Yu, Y.Q. Tian, B.L. Becker, T. Zheng, H.J. Carrick, D.G. Uzarski, 2014, An assessment of remote sensing algorithms for colored dissolved organic matter in complex freshwater environments, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 140,766-778.(7) Zhu, W.N.*, Q. Yu, and Y.Q. Tian, 2013, Uncertainty analysis of remote sensing of colored dissolved organic matter: evaluations and comparisons for three rivers in North America, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 84, 12-22.(6) Zhu, W.N., Y.Q. Tian, Q. Yu, and B.L. Becker, 2013, Using hyperion imagery to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of colored dissolved organic matter in estuarine and coastal regions, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 134, 342-354.(5) Zhu, W.N., and Q. Yu, 2013, Inversion of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) for turbid estuarine and coastal waters using hyperspectral remote sensing, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51, No. 6, 3286-3298.(4) Zhu, W.N., Q. Yu, Y.Q. Tian, R.F. Chen, and G.B. Gardner, 2011, Estimating of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River plume regions using above-surface hyperspectral remote sensing, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 116, C02011.(3) Zhu, W.N.*, and Q. Yu, Spatial chromatic tessellation: conception, interpretation, and implication, Annals of GIS, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4, 237-254.(2) Yu, Q., Y.Q. Tian, R.F. Chen, A. Liu, G.B. Gardner and W.N. Zhu, 2010, Functional linear analysis for estimating riverine CDOM in coastal environment using in situ hyperspectral data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 76, No. 10, 1147-1158.(1) Zhu, W.N.*, 2006, Competition metric, Physics Letters A, Vol. 353, No. 2-3, 166-170.Preprint publications
(1) Zhu, W.N., 2016, Entity-oriented spatial coding and discrete topological spatial relations, arXiv:1601.03817.Chinese publications
(10) 逄淑娜, 朱渭寧*, 陳江, 孫楠, 黃李童, 張昱森, 張澤亮, 基於Landsat-8的舟山近岸海域總懸浮物遙感反演與時空變異研究, 光譜學與光譜分析, 2019, Vol.39, No.12, 3826-3832. (SCI, EI)
(9) 黃慧, 張德鈞, 王超, 詹舒越, 宋宏, 王杭州, 朱謂寧, 陳江, 劉材材, 徐韌, 蔣曉山, 漂浮透明油品的紫外反射光譜特性研究, 光譜學與光譜分析, 2019, Vol.39, No.8, 2377-2381. (SCI, EI)
(8) 黃李童, 陳江, 朱渭寧*, 孫楠, 逄淑娜, 2018, 基於Landsat-8的城市湖泊水體總懸浮物吸收係數的遙感反演: 以杭州西湖為例, 環境科學學報, Vol.38, No.10, 4073-4082.
(7) 朱渭寧*, 孫璐, 2018, 空間染色鑲嵌模型理論與套用, 武漢大學學報(信息科學版), Vol.43, No.4, 14-21. (EI)
(6) 孫楠, 朱渭寧, 程乾, 2017, 基於多年遙感數據分析長江河口海岸帶濕地變化及其驅動因子, 環境科學學報, Vol.31, No.11, 4366-4373.
(5) 孫璐, 朱渭寧*, 蔣錦剛, 2017, 遙感模型評估中顧及樣本數量的統計指標:基於水色遙感的比較研究, 中國海洋大學學報, Vol. 47, No. 11, 9-14.
(4) 孫璐, 朱渭寧*, 蔣錦剛, 2017, 基於GOCI影像的長江口及其鄰近海域CDOM遙感反演及其日內變化研究, 海洋學報, Vol. 39, No. 9, 133-145.
(3) 朱渭寧, 馬勁松, 黃杏元, 徐壽成, 2004, 基於投影加權Voronoi圖的GIS空間競爭分析模型研究, 測繪學報, Vol. 33, 146-150. (EI)
(2) 朱渭寧, 馬勁松, 黃杏元, 徐壽成, 2004, GIS中投影加權Voronoi圖及競爭三角形生成算法研究, 圖形圖象學報, Vol. 9, 334-339.
(1) 朱渭寧, 黃杏元, 馬勁松, 2001, XML: WebGIS的解決之道, 江蘇測繪, Vol. 23, 3-6.


