1957年生。長期致力於半導體光電子材料和器件的研究和開發;曾赴德國聯邦郵政技術研究中心、香港中文大學作過多年訪問學者;在國家“八、五” 至“十二、五”計畫期間參與和承擔完成了多項國家重點項目和國家自然科學基金項目。分別在1996、1997和2006年獲中國科學院科技進步一等獎、國家科技進步二等獎(排名第三)和中國材料研究學會科學技術一等獎(排名第二),1999年獲國務院頒發的政府特殊津貼和證書。目前主要從事半導體光電子功能集成材料和光子集成器件、電吸收調製雷射器、新型光伏材料和太陽能電池的研究等。發表了100多篇研究論文,獲得了數十項國內外授權發明專利。
1. 半導體光電子功能材料和器件;
2. 高速電吸收調製雷射器(EML)陣列集成器件;
3. 新型光伏材料和太陽能電池研究.
1.40Gb/s DFB+EA 集成光源晶片的研究;
2.10X10 Gb/s單片光子集成晶片(PIC)研究;
3. 電吸收調製雷射器陣列集成晶片及套用開發;
1. Hongliang Zhu, Xiaodong Xu, Huan Wang, et al., “The Fabrication of Eight-Channel DFB Laser Array Using Sampled Gratings” IEEE.Photon.Technol.Lett.. Vol..5 PP.353-355 ( 2010).
2. Zhu H.L, Liang S, Zhao L.J, Kong D.H, and Wang W. “Research status of electro-absorption modulated lasers”, Asia communication and photonics conference and exhibition, Dec. 8-12,2010, shanghai。P. SuO2 (Invited).
3. H. L. Zhu and W. Wang, Method for manufacturing selective area grown stacked-layer electro-absorption modulated
laser structure. 美國專利號:US7,476,558 B2,授權日:2009/01/13.
4. Zhu HongLiang, Liang Song, Zhao LingJuan, Kong DuanHua, Zhu NingHua, Wang Wei, A selective area growth double stack active layer electroabsorption modulator integrated with a distributed feedback laser,Chinese Science,54,3627 (2009)
5. H Wang, H L Zhu, L H Jia, X F Chen and W Wang, Fabrication and Performance of Index-Coupled DFB Laser with Sampled Grating, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24,015001 (2009)
6. Duanhua Kong, Hongliang Zhu, Song Liang,et al,.A ridge width varied two-section index- coupled DFB self-pulsation laser with a wide continuously tunable frequency range, J Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 42. 125105 (2009 )
7. Huan Wang, HongLiang Zhu, XiangFei Chen, DuanHua Kong, LieSong Wang, Wei Zhang, Yang Liu, LingJuan Zhao and Wei Wang, Control of Lasing Wavelength by Sampled Grating in Complex-Coupled DFB Laser, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24, 015004 (2009)
8. S Liang, H L Zhu, X L Ye L J Zhao, J Q Pan, L. J. Zhao and W Wang, Anomalous coarsening of Self-assembled InAs quantum dots on vicinal GaAs(100) substrates, J Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 42,055310 (2009)