






2002-2006 上海大學環境與化工學院本科畢業,獲環境工程學士學位
2006-2008 法國里爾一大 (UniversitédeLille1SciencesetTechnologies) 水處理專業畢業,獲物理化學學科碩士學位;
2008-2012 法國雷恩一大 (UniversitédeRennes1) 化學工程專業畢業,獲材料科學博士學位。


2011-2012 就職於巴黎中央理工學院(EcoleCentraledeParis),擔任博士後及講師一職
2014 - 至今 借調至中國科學技術部國際交流與合作司歐洲處,擔任項目官員一職。


(1) 2014年度“創新行動計畫”上海市青年科技英才揚帆計畫:水分子的結構變化對納濾膜中電解質溶液分離性能的理論研究;項目編號:14YF1403200
(2) 上海電子廢棄物資源化產學研合作開發中心:利用廢鋰離子電池負極材料製備石墨烯的研究;項目編號:ZF1224-13
(3) 上海市科學技術委員會:電子廢棄物資源化利用專業技術服務平台建設;項目編號:12DZ2294000
(4) 上海市輕工業研究所有限公司:化學鍍鎳廢液中總磷、氨氮達標處理工藝研究(實驗室工藝)
(5) 同濟大學青年優秀人才培養行動計畫:介電常數對非均相固定電荷納濾膜中電解質溶液分離性能的理論研究


(1) Richard Renou, Minxia Ding, Haochen Zhu*, Anthony Szymczyk, Patrice Malfreyt, Aziz Ghoufi; Concentration Dependence of the Dielectric Permittivity, Structure, and Dynamics of Aqueous NaCl Solutions: Comparison between the Drude Oscillator and Electronic Continuum Models; Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2014,118,3931−3940.
(2) Linhui Zeng, Haochen Zhu, Yan Ma, Juwen Huang, Guangming Li; Greenhouse gases emissions from solid waste: an analysis of Expo 2010 Shanghai, China; J Mater Cycles Waste Manag; 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10163-014-0280-8.
(3) Ying An, Guangming Li, Wenqing Wu, Juwen Huang, Wenzhi He, Haochen Zhu; Generation, collection and transportation,disposal and recycling of kitchen waste: A case study in Shanghai;Waste Management & Research; 2014, 32(3) 245–248.
(4) Fei LI, Ying AN, Haochen ZHU, Juwen HUANG, Xiang SHI,Guangming LI; Characteristics of Food Residue in Accordance with Catering habits; Advanced Materials Research; 2014, 878, 459-465.
(5) Luling Yu, Wenzhi He, Guangming Li, Juwen Huang, Haochen Zhu; The development of WEEE management and effects of the fund policy for subsidizing WEEE treating in China; Waste Management; 2014, 34, 1705-1714.
(1) R. Renou, A. Ghoufi, A. Szymczyk, H. Zhu, J.-C. Neyt, P. Malfreyt; Nanoconfined Electrolyte Solutions in Porous Hydrophilic Silica Membranes; Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 2013, 117, 11017−11027.
(2) H. Zhu, A. Ghoufi, A, Szymczyk, B. Balannec, D. Morineau; Comment on “Anomalous Dielectric Behavior of Nanoconfined Electrolytic Solutions”Reply; Physical Review Letters; 2013, 111, 089802.
(1) Haochen Zhu, Aziz Ghoufi, Anthony Szymczyk, Beatrice Balannec, Denis Morineau; Computation of the hindrance factor for the diffusion for nanoconfined ions: molecular dynamics simulations versus continuum-based models; Molecular Physics; 2012, 110, 1107–1114.
(2) H. Zhu, A. Ghoufi, A, Szymczyk, B. Balannec, D. Morineau; Anomalous Dielectric Behavior of Nanoconfined Electrolytic Solutions; Physical Review Letters; 2012, 109, 107801.
(1) Haochen Zhu, Anthony Szymczyk, Béatrice Balannec; On the salt rejection properties of nanofiltration polyamide membranes formed by interfacial polymerization; Journal of Membrane Science; 2011, 379, 215–223.
(2) Aziz Ghoufi, Denis Morineau, Ronan Lefort, Ivanne Hureau, Leila Hennous, Haochen Zhu, Anthony Szymczyk, Patrice Malfreyt, Guillaume Maurin; Molecular simulations of confined liquids: An alternative to the grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations; Journal of Chemical Physics; 2011, 134, 074104.
(1) Haochen Zhu, Anthony Szymczyk, Béatrice Balannec; Influence of an inhomogeneous membrane charge density on the rejection of electrolytes by nanofiltration membranes; Desalination and Water Treatment; 2010, 18, 182-186.
(2) Haochen Zhu, Anthony Szymczyk, Béatrice Balannec; Ion Rejection Properties of Nanopores with Bipolar Fixed Charge Distributions; Journal of Physical Chemisty B; 2010, 114, 10143-10150.
(3) Haochen Zhu, Anthony Szymczyk, Béatrice Balannec; Pressure-Driven Ionic Transport through Nanochannels with Inhomogenous Charge Distributions; Langmuir; 2010, 26, 1214-1220.


(1) 榮獲2014年度ICOM青年學術獎
(2) 榮獲2011年度國家優秀自費留學生獎
(3) 參與編寫《化學工程原理》一書


