教育部高等學校大學物理課程教學指導委員會委員、西南地區工作委員會主任, 中國感光學會(CSIST)理事、中國感光學會立體影像技術專業委員會副主任委員,中國光學學會(COS)高級會員、中國光學學會全息與光信息處理專委會副主任委員,全國高等學校光學教學研究會副理事長兼秘書長。《物理與工程》、《四川大學學報(自然科學版)》期刊編委。
1988.9 — 1992.7 四川大學光電系光學專業,獲
理學學士學位1992.9 — 1995.7 四川大學光電系光學專業,獲理學碩士學位
1995.9 — 1998.6 四川大學物理系光學專業,獲理學博士學位
1995.7 — 1997.6 四川大學物理系,助教
1997.7 — 2000.6 四川大學物理系,講師
2000.5 — 2002.1
2000.7 — 2004.6 四川大學物理系,
副教授2004.7 — 四川大學物理系,教授
· 高解析度全色光致聚合物新材料及其套用研究,國家自然科學基金, 批准號 60678044 , 2007.1 - 2009.12,項目負責人
· 色分離光柵研製,國家 863 計畫基金,批准號 AA804925 , 2002-2006 ,主研
· 基於聲光可調濾波器的喇曼散射雷射雷達的系統設計及性能最佳化研究,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,批准號 200224716 , 2003.1 - 2004.12 ,項目負責人
· 高性能全色明膠全息記錄新材料及其套用研究,國家自然科學基金, 批准號 60007002 , 2001.1 - 2003.12,項目負責人
· 三維連續微結構實時光刻技術研究,國家自然科學基金,批准號 69978014,2000.1-2002.12 ,主研
· Acousto-optic Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy for Atmospheric Measurements,Hong Kong RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) project (9040396),1998.1 - 2001.12 , 主研
北京:高等教育出版社, 2005
· 光學相干斷層成像系統中縱向掃描方法及其裝置,中國發明專利,專利號 CN200310110838.8,發明人:高峰、朱建華、
高福華、郭永康,授權時間 2006.8
· 具有微光學波面整形器的共軸微脈衝
雷射雷達系統,中國發明專利,專利號 CN01121982.3 ,發明人:鄭玉臣、朱建華、郭永康,授權時間 2005.4
· 光學相干斷層成像系統中縱向掃描裝置,中國
實用新型專利,專利號 ZL 2003 2 0114410.6,發明人:高峰、朱建華、杜驚雷、高福華、郭永康,授權時間 2005.3
· Micropulse lidar system ,美國發明專利,專利號 US 6,717,655 ,發明人:Cheng Yuk Sun Andrew 、 Guo Yongkang 、 Zhu Jianhua ,授權時間 2004.4.6
已承擔各類科研項目20餘項(其中主持國家自然科學基金項目4項),在Optics Express、Optics Letters、Applied Optics、Applied Spectroscopy、Optics Communications、Chinese Optics Letters等國內外學術刊物上發表SCI、EI收錄論文60餘篇, 獲中國及美國專利授權6項。
1. Qian Zhou, Jianhua Zhu, Jinghe Yuan, Xiaohong Fang; Numerical Simulation of Surface-Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering on Gold Nanoparticle Substrate,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,17(3), 2152-2156, 2017
2. 張誠, 方龍傑, 朱建華, 左浩毅, 高福華, 龐霖; 四元裂解位相調製實現相干光通過散射介質聚焦, 物理學報, 66(11), 114202, 2017
3. 周前,於建強,趙立波,李德勝,吳魁,朱建華,袁景和,方曉紅; 基於散射信號的超分辨光學相減顯微鏡,物理化學學報, 32(5),1123-1128, 2016
4. Jie Peng, Jianhua Zhu, Tong Li; Numerical simulation and optimization of beam quality of 2.1 μm Cr, Tm, Ho: YAG laser with symmetric spherical resonator based on gradient-reflectivity mirror, Optics Communications, Vol.368, 20-26, 2016
5. Yu Zhao, Jie Zhong, Yan Ye, Zhenxiong Luo, Jun Li, Zeren Li, Jianhua Zhu; Sensitive polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide based photopolymer for single pulse holographic recording Materials Letters, 138, 284-286, 2015
6. Tao Wei, Zhiying Tan, Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu; Theoretical and experimental study of the pump pulse width optimization of the Yb-doped fiber amplifier, Optik, 124(16), 2459-2462, 2013
7. Xiaoqing Li, Xiaoling Ji, Tao Wang, Jianhua Zhu; Matrix formulation of higher-order moments of partially coherent beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence along a slanted path, Journal of Optics, 15 (12), 125720(1-8), 2013
8. Liu Qiao-Jun, S. K. Fong, Andrew Y. S. Cheng, Luo Shi-Rong, K. S. Tam, Zhu Jian-Hua, A. Viseu; High-sensitive automatic transient laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system with high temporal and spatial resolution, Chin. Phys. B, 21(8), 08740201-07, 2012
9. 劉巧君,鄭玉臣,朱建華,馮瑞權,曾秀樺,譚建成,冼保生;利用紫外Mie散射雷射雷達探測澳門地區沙塵暴事件,光譜學與光譜分析,32(3),625-629, 2012
10. Wu Jing, Yao Lieming, Zhu Jianhua, Han Xiaoyu, Li Wenzhu; Profile Measurement of Ion Temperature and Toroidal Rotation Velocity with Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy Diagnostics in the HL-2A Tokamak,Plasma Science & Technology, 14(11), 953-957, 2012
11. Tao Wei, Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu; Theoretical and experimental study of transient response of the Yb-doped fiber amplifier,Chinese Optics Letters, 10(4), 040605, 2012
12. Jianhua Zhu, Guixi Wang,Yi Hao, Bang Xie, Andrew Y S Cheng;Highly sensitive and spatially resolved polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide photopolymer for real-time holographic applications, Opt. Express, 18(17), 18106-18122, 2010
13. Jianhua Zhu, Chongwei Jin,Xiaoya Duan, Yongkang Guo, Jun Yao; One-step Fabrication of Achromatic Spherical Microlens Array on Enzyme Etched Gelatin Film, Microelectronic Eng, 86(4-6), 1096-1098, 2009
14. Jianfeng Li, Kailiang Duan, Yishan Wang, Wei Zhao, Jianhua Zhu, Yongkang Guo; High-power coherent beam combining of two photonic crystal fiber lasers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20(9-12), 888-890, 2008
15. Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu,Yongkang Guo, Xiangdi Li, Kailiang Duan, Yishan Wang, Qing Tang; Calibration of a portable laser 3-D scanner used by a robot and its use in measurement, Opt. Eng., 47(1),017202(1-8), 2008
16. Jianhua Zhu, Yixiao Zhang,GuangxingDong,YongkangGuo,LurongGuo; Single-layer panchromatic dichromated gelatin material for Lippmann color holography, Opt. Commun., 241(1-3), 17-21, 2004
17. Jianhua Zhu, Guangxing Dong,XiaoWei Guo, Li Chen, Jianfeng Li; Methylene-blue sensitized dichromated gelatin: wide-range color adjustment of reflection hologram, Pure Appl. Opt., 6(1), 132-136, 2004
18. Qinjun Peng, Yongkang Guo, Jianhua Zhu, Yangsu Zeng, Shijie Liu; A microcylindrical lens array made of silver-halide sensitized gelatin etched by an enzyme with a real-time mask, J. Modern Opt., 2003, 50(11), 1725-1734, 2003
19. Feng Gao, Jianhua Zhu,Qizhong Huang, Yixiao Zhang, Yangsu Zeng, Fuhua Gao, Yongkang Guo, Zheng Cui;Electron-beam lithography to improve quality of computer-generated hologram, Microelectronic Eng., 61-62, 363-369, 2002
20. Andrew Y. S. Cheng, Jianhua Zhu, Michael C. Pau; Characterization of a Non-collinear Acousto-optic Tunable Filter and its Resolution Enhancement as a Near-infrared Spectrometer, Appl. Spectroscopy, 55(3), 350-355, 2001
21. Jianhua Zhu, Ketai Wang, Lurong Guo, Yongkang Guo; Photoetching cellulose-film recording material and fabrication of double-faced micro-optical elements, Appl. Opt., 37(20), 4330-4336,1998