



  • 中文名:朱傑敏
  • 畢業院校:澳大利亞Newcastle大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:研究領域包括母乳餵養的促進和乳腺癌患者的護理
  • 就職院校:廈門大學護理系





1996~2001 中南大學湘雅護理學院護理專業醫學學士;
2004~2006 加拿大McGill大學護理學院護理專業 套用科學碩士;
2015~2018 澳大利亞Newcastle大學護理學院護理專業 哲學博士;


2001~2004暨南大學醫學院 助教;
2006~2009 加拿大猶太醫院 註冊護士;
2009~2010廈門大學醫學院 助教;
2010~2014廈門大學醫學院 講師;
2014~至今廈門大學醫學院 副教授;



  1. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Liu, XY., Wei, D., Xue, Chan, W.C*., (2018). A Mobile Application of Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 2): Results of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. In press. doi:10.2196/jmir.9438. IF:4.636
  2. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Guo, DM., Yang, SM., Han, QY., Chan, W.C*., (2018). A Mobile Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 1): Qualitative Study of Women’s Perceptions. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. In press. doi:10.2196/jmir.9311. IF:4.636
  3. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L.,Liu, XY., Chan, W.C., (2017). A mobile application of breast cancer e-support program versus routine Care in the treatment of Chinese women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.BMC Cancer.17(1): 291. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3276-7. IF:3.338
  4. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L.,Chan, W.C., (2017). Integrative review: the effectiveness of internet-based interactive programs for women with breast cancer undergoing treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(2):E42-E54. doi: 10.1188/17.ONF.E42-E54. IF: 2.67
  5. Zhu, JM., Ebert, L.,Xue, ZhM., Shen, Q., Chan, W.C*., (2017). Development of a Mobile Application of Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Women with Breast Cancer undergoing Chemotherapy. Technology and Health Care. 25(2):377-382. doi: 10.3233/THC-161292. IF: 0.657
  6. Liu, LY., Zhu, JM., Yang, JQ., Wu, M., Ye, BL*., (2016). The effect of perinatal breastfeeding support on breastfeeding outcomes in primiparous mothers. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 39(7):906-923. doi:10.1177/0193945916670645. IF: 1.208
  7. Zhu, JM., He, HG., Zhou, XZ., Wei, HX., Gao, YR., Ye, BL., Liu, ZG*., Chan, W.C., (2015). Pain relief effect of breast feeding and music therapy during heel lance for healthy-term neonates in China: A randomized controlled trial. Midwifery,31(3):365-72. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2014.11.001. IF:1.465
  8. Zhu, JM., Chan, W.C., Zhou, XZ, Ye, BL*., He, HG*., (2014). Predictors of breast feeding self-efficacy among Chinese mothers: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey.Midwifery, 30(6):705-11. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2013.12.008. IF:1.465


  1. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Liu, XY., Wei, D., Xue, Chan, W.C*., (2018). A Mobile Application of Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 2): Results of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. In press. doi:10.2196/jmir.9438. IF:4.636
  2. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Guo, DM., Yang, SM., Han, QY., Chan, W.C*., (2018). A Mobile Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 1): Qualitative Study of Women’s Perceptions. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. In press. doi:10.2196/jmir.9311. IF:4.636
  3. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L.,Liu, XY., Chan, W.C., (2017). A mobile application of breast cancer e-support program versus routine Care in the treatment of Chinese women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer.17(1): 291. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3276-7. IF:3.338
  4. Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L.,Chan, W.C., (2017). Integrative review: the effectiveness of internet-based interactive programs for women with breast cancer undergoing treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(2):E42-E54. doi: 10.1188/17.ONF.E42-E54. IF: 2.67
  5. Zhu, JM., Ebert, L.,Xue, ZhM., Shen, Q., Chan, W.C*., (2017). Development of a Mobile Application of Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Women with Breast Cancer undergoing Chemotherapy. Technology and Health Care. 25(2):377-382. doi: 10.3233/THC-161292. IF: 0.657
  6. Liu, LY., Zhu, JM., Yang, JQ., Wu, M., Ye, BL*., (2016). The effect of perinatal breastfeeding support on breastfeeding outcomes in primiparous mothers. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 39(7):906-923. doi:10.1177/0193945916670645. IF: 1.208
  7. Zhu, JM., He, HG., Zhou, XZ., Wei, HX., Gao, YR., Ye, BL., Liu, ZG*., Chan, W.C., (2015). Pain relief effect of breast feeding and music therapy during heel lance for healthy-term neonates in China: A randomized controlled trial. Midwifery,31(3):365-72. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2014.11.001. IF:1.465
  8. Zhu, JM., Chan, W.C., Zhou, XZ, Ye, BL*., He, HG*., (2014). Predictors of breast feeding self-efficacy among Chinese mothers: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey.Midwifery, 30(6):705-11. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2013.12.008. IF:1.465
  9. 朱傑敏,章慧燕,王靚妮,等. 產科護士母乳餵養知識水平及其影響因素的現狀調查,護理管理雜誌,2012,9(12):622-624.
  10. 朱傑敏,葉本蘭,陳美琴,鄭旭娟. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者穩定期自我管理水平及其影響因素的研究, 護理管理雜誌,2012,5 (12):308-310.
  11. 鄭旭娟, 葉本蘭,朱傑敏*. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者自我管理行為的研究進展, 中國實用護理雜誌,2012,9,318-320.
  12. 朱傑敏,葉本蘭,李娟,鄭旭娟*. 概念圖在培養護理本科生評判性思維能力中的套用,護理管理雜誌,2011, 11(11):800-802.
  13. 朱傑敏,李偉麗,沈曲*,楊金秋.孕婦對母乳餵養自信心及其影響因素的研究.護理管理雜誌,2010, 10(7):464-467.
  14. 朱傑敏,張錦輝,沈曲,葉本蘭.加拿大麥吉爾大學護理碩士教學及其啟示.護理學雜誌, 2010, 25(7):77-78.
  15. 朱傑敏,楊金秋,沈曲,陳美琴.角色扮演在《護理專業英語》教學中的套用. 中國護理管理,2010, 10(7):47-48.


