2002~2005 福建醫科大學老年醫學專業 醫學碩士;
2008~2015 廈門大學數量經濟學專業 經濟學博士。
2008~2018.7 廈門大學醫學院 助理教授;
2008.8~至今 廈門大學醫學院 副教授。
Yang J*, Hong Y, Ma S. Impact of the new health care reform on hospital expenditure in China: A case study from a pilot city. China Economic Review, 2016, 39: 1-14.
Wu M, Yang J*, Liu L, Ye B *. An Investigation of Factors Influencing Nurses’ Clinical Decision-Making Skills. Western journal of nursing research, 2016, 38(8): 974-991.
Yang J *, Zeng W. The trade-offs between efficiency and quality in the hospital production: Some evidence from Shenzhen, China. China Economic Review, 2014, 31: 166-184.
Yang J, Chen L*, Chitkara N, et al. A Markov model to compare the long-term effect of aspirin, clopidogrel and clopidogrel plus aspirin on prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke due to intracranial artery stenosis. Neurology India, 2014, 62(1): 48.
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4. 任清麗,連敏玲,羅連華,呂華麗,黃艷,沈曲,劉洋,楊金秋,葉本蘭. 基於行為轉變理論微信健康教育對維持性血液透析患者自我管理效果的研究.護理管理雜誌, 2017,17(7), 524-526.
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6. Yang J*, Hong Y, Ma S. Impact of the new health care reform on hospital expenditure in China: A case study from a pilot city. China Economic Review, 2016, 39: 1-14.
7. Wu M, Yang J*, Liu L, Ye B *. An Investigation of Factors Influencing Nurses’ Clinical Decision-Making Skills. Western journal of nursing research, 2016, 38(8): 974-991.
8. 沈曲,劉洋,彭健,楊金秋,葉本蘭.美國護理教師導師制對我國護理教師專業發展的啟示.護理學雜誌, 2016,31(18), 97-100.
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10. Yang J *, Zeng W. The trade-offs between efficiency and quality in the hospital production: Some evidence from Shenzhen, China. China Economic Review, 2014, 31: 166-184.
11. Yang J, Chen L*, Chitkara N, et al. A Markov model to compare the long-term effect of aspirin, clopidogrel and clopidogrel plus aspirin on prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke due to intracranial artery stenosis. Neurology India, 2014, 62(1): 48.
12. 劉洋, 楊金秋*,葉本蘭, 沈曲, 朱傑敏, 陳美琴.中文版家庭堅韌性量表的信度和效度研究.護理管理雜誌, 2014,(11), 770-772.
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