2005年畢業於中國石油大學(北京)地質工程專業,免試推薦為礦產普查與勘探專業研究生,2011年獲中國石油大學(北京)地質學專業理學博士學位,同年留校任教。主要從事油氣儲層地質學、沉積學、層序地層學的教學和研究工作。2018年8月至2019年8月,以Honorary staff (Academic Visitor)身份在英國The University of Manchester工作和學習。先後承擔或參加國家、部級及企業委託的科研攻關項目30餘項,其中主持國家級項目2項、省部級項目2項、橫向課題6項。獲省部級科研獎3項、教學獎2項。

以第一作者在《Applied Clay Science》、《AAPG Bulletin》、《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Sedimentary Geology》、《Mineralogy and Petrology》、《SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences》、《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》、《Acta Geologica Sinica》、《石油勘探與開發》、《石油學報》、《石油與天然氣地質》等刊物發表論文20餘篇,其中17篇論文被三大檢索收錄;合著論文40餘篇,Google學術引用共500餘次。主編“十二五”規劃教材1部,合著專著4部。擔任國際SCI期刊Arabian Journal of Geosciences副主編,《沉積學報》和《石油科學通報》期刊青年編委,GSA Bulletin、AAPG Bulletin、Marine and Petroleum Geology、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Applied Geophysics、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Arabian Journal of Geosciences、Energy Exploration & Exploitation、Petroleum Science、Frontiers of Earth Science、地學前緣、中國石油大學學報、石油與天然氣地質等20多箇中英文專業期刊審稿人,美國石油地質學家協會(AAPG)會員,中國石油學會會員。國家自然科學基金通訊評議專家、教育部學位中心優秀學位論文通訊評議專家。
28. Zhu Shifa, Xiaomin Zhu et al., Diagenetic alteration, pore-throat network, and reservoir quality of tight gas sandstone reservoirs: a case study of Upper Paleozoic sequence in north Tianhuan Depression in Ordos Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin. Accepted. 國外地學二區SCI.
27. Zhu Shifa, Hang Cui, Ye Jia et al., Occurrence, composition, and origin of analcime in sedimentary rocks of non-marine petroliferous basins in China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113C (2020) 104164. 國外地學二區SCI.
26. Zhu Shifa, Jia Ye, Cui Hang, et al., Alteration and burial dolomitization of fine-grained, intermediate volcaniclastic rocks under saline-alkaline conditions: Bayindulan Sag in the Er'Lian Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 110, pp. 621-637. 國外地學二區SCI.
25. Zhu Shifa, Kevin Taylor, Jiahao Chen, et al.,Controls on carbonate cementation in early syn-rift terrestrial siliciclastics: the Lower Cretaceous of the Bayindulan Sag in Er'lian Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 105, pp.64-80.國外地學二區SCI.
24. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin,Chen Jiahao, et al. Diagenetic differences in tight sandstone reservoirs in two delta fronts: an example from the Chang 4 and 5 members of the Yanchang Formation in the Longdong area, Ordos Basin, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018.11(22): 1-20.國外SCI.
23. Zhu Shifa, Wang Xiaoxu, Qin Yi, et al. Occurrence and origin of pore-lining chlorite and its effectiveness on preserving porosity in sandstone of the middle Yanchang Formation in the southwest Ordos Basin. Applied Clay Science , 2017 (148): 25–38. 國外地學二區SCI.
22. Zhu Shifa, Yue Hui, Zhu Xiaomin, et al. Dolomitization of felsic volcaniclastic rocks in continental strata: A study from the Lower Cretaceous of the A’nan Sag in Er’lian Basin, China. Sedimentary Geology. 2017, 353: 13-27. 國外地質學二區SCI.
21. Zhu Shifa, Qin Yi, Zhu Xiaomin, et al. Origin of dolomitic rocks in the Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation, Junggar Basin, China: Evidence from petrology and geochemistry. Mineralogy and Petrology. 2017, 112 (2): 267–282. 國外SCI.
20. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Liu Xin, et al. Authigenic minerals and diagenetic evolution in altered volcanic materials and their impacts on hydrocarbon reservoirs: Evidence from the Lower Permian in the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2016, 9(2): 1-19. 國外SCI.
19. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Wang Xulong, et al. Zeolite diagenesis and its control on petroleum reservoir quality of Permian in northwestern margin of Junggar Basin, China. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(3): 386-396. (SCI & EI). 朱世發,朱筱敏,王緒龍,等.準噶爾盆地西北緣二疊系沸石礦物成岩作用及對油氣的意義.中國科學(地球科學版),2011, 41(11): 1602-1612.中文核心
This study was briefly introduced and described by Richard Worden(國際著名儲層地質學家) et al. in the paper ‘Petroleum reservoir quality prediction: Overview and contrasting approaches from sandstone and carbonate communities’ published in Geological Society London Special Publications 435(1):SP435.21. DOI: 10.1144/SP435.21
18. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, NiuHuapeng, et al. Genetic mechanism of dolomitization in Fengcheng Formation in Wu-Xia area of Junggar Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2012, 86(2): 447-461. (SCI).
17. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Liu Jishan, et al. Genesis and hydrocarbon significance of vesicular welded tuffs in Fengcheng Formation in Wu-Xia area, Junggar Basin. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(2): 173-183. (一區SCI & EI). 朱世發,朱筱敏,劉繼山,等.富孔熔結凝灰岩成因及油氣意義——以準噶爾盆地烏—夏地區風城組為例.石油勘探與開發,2012,39(2):162-171.中文核心
This interesting study will be introduced and described in a new book ‘Volcanology: Processes, Deposits, Geology and Resources’ edited by Ray Cas, Guido Giordano, and John V. Wright(國際著名火山學家).This book is a substantially updated, revised and extended version of the book Volcanic Successions, published by Cas and Wright back in 1987. It will be published by Springer International Publishing on January 9, 2019.
16. Zhu Xiaomin(導師/Supervisor), Zhu Shifa, Xian Benzhong, et al., Reservoir differences and formation mechanisms in the Ke-Bai overthrust belt, northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin, China. Petroleum Science, 2010, 7:40-48. (SCI).
15. 朱世發,朱筱敏,劉學超,等.油氣儲層中火山物質蝕變產物及對儲集空間的影響——以準噶爾盆地克-夏地區下二疊統為例.石油學報,2014,35(2):276-285.(EI)
14. 朱世發,朱筱敏,吳冬,等.準噶爾盆地西北緣下二疊統油氣儲層中火山物質蝕變及控制因素.石油與天然氣地質,2014,35 (1): 77-85.(EI)
13. 秦禕,朱世發(導師),朱筱敏,等.東營凹陷南緩坡淺水三角洲沉積特徵與源-匯過程.地球科學, 2017 (41): 2081-2094.(EI)
12. 劉欣, 朱世發(導師), 杜建軍, 等. 柴北緣西段侏羅系沉積特徵. 古地理學報, 2017, 19(4): 595-608.
11. 韋成傑, 朱世發(導師), 杜建軍, 等. 蘇乾湖盆地及毗鄰柴北緣西段侏羅系殘留地層發育特徵. 地質力學學報, 2017, 23(3): 436-450.
10. 朱世發,劉欣,馬勛,等. 準噶爾盆地下二疊統風城組緻密碎屑岩儲層發育特徵. 高校地質學報,2015, 03 :461-470. 中文核心
9. 朱世發, 劉欣, 朱筱敏, 等. 準噶爾盆地克-百逆掩斷裂帶上下盤儲層差異性及其形成機理. 沉積學報, 2015 , 33(1): 194-201. 中文核心
8. 朱世發, 徐黎明, 朱筱敏, 等. 鄂爾多斯盆地隴東地區延長組長4+5緻密砂岩儲層成岩作用特徵. 岩性油氣藏,2014, 26(3):22-28.中文核心
7. 朱世發, 朱筱敏, 劉英輝, 等. 準噶爾盆地烏-夏地區風城組雲質岩岩石學和岩石地球化學特徵. 地質論評, 2014, 60(5):1113-1122. 中文核心
6. 朱世發,朱筱敏,陶文芳,等.準噶爾盆地烏-夏地區風城組雲質岩類成因機制研究.高校地質學報,2013, 19(1):38-45.中文核心
5. 朱世發,朱筱敏,王一博,等.準噶爾盆地西北緣克百地區三疊系儲層溶蝕作用特徵及孔隙演化.沉積學報.2010, 28(3):547-555.中文核心
4. 朱世發,朱筱敏,鮮本忠,等.準噶爾盆地西北緣克—百地區侏羅系儲集層特徵及主控因素分析.古地理學報,2009. 11(6):681-688.中文核心
3. 朱世發,朱筱敏,劉振宇,等.準噶爾盆地克-百地區侏羅系成岩作用及其對儲層質量的影響.高校地質學報,2008, 14(2):172-180.中文核心
2. Zhu, S.F, Zhu, X. M., Zhao, D.N., et al., 2012. Authigenic minerals and diagenetic evolution in altered volcanics and their impacts on hydrocarbon reservoirs: Evidence from Lower Permian in northwestern margin of Junggar Basin, China. 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology in Schladming (奧地利).
1. 朱世發,朱筱敏.《準噶爾盆地克-百地區二疊系沸石礦物成岩作用及其對儲層質量的影響》.第四屆全國沉積學大會.2009年10月,青島.會議論文
1.朱世發,朱筱敏,王曉旭,等.探討沉積岩教學薄片的常見問題[J].教育教學論壇, 2018(28).61-62.
2.朱世發,朱筱敏,董艷蕾.野外地質教學實習課程的考核方式改革探索[J].教育教學論壇, 2015, 35:107-108.
3.朱世發,朱筱敏,董艷蕾,等.提高“沉積岩與沉積相”教學質量的原則與措施——基於石油高校勘查技術與工程專業.中國石油大學學報(社會科學版).2014,S1, 60-62.
4.朱筱敏,朱世發,董艷蕾,等.《層序地層學》重點課程建設[J].教育教學論壇, 2018(22).57-58.
5.朱筱敏,朱世發,董艷蕾,謝慶賓,季漢成.地質創新班研討式教學改革實踐探討[J].中國地質教育, 2014, 02:46-48.
1.朱筱敏,張銳鋒,朱世發等.二連盆地白堊系特殊岩類儲層特徵與成因機制.科學出版社. 2018年6月.
2.朱世發主編.沉積岩與沉積相.中國石油大學出版社. 2015年9月.“十二五”規劃教材
3.張琴主編.朱世發參編.普通地質學實驗及課內實習指導書.中國石油大學出版社. 2015年11月.“十二五”規劃教材
4.朱筱敏譯著.朱世發參編.地震沉積學譯文集.石油工業出版社. 2011.譯著
5.徐可強主編.朱世發參編.濱裏海盆地東緣中區塊油氣成藏特徵和勘探實踐.石油工業出版社. 2011.專著
Wei, W., Zhu, X., Azmy, K.,Zhu, S., He, M., & Sun, S. (2020). Depositional and compositional controls on diagenesis of the mixed siliciclastic-volcaniclastic sandstones: A case study of the Lower Cretaceous in Erennaoer Sag, Erlian Basin, NE China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 188, 106855.SCI
Zhu X, Liu Q, Ge J, Dong Y,Zhu S, et al., (2019). Reconstruction of sediment-dispersal patterns using seismic sedimentology in the southeastern Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 182, 106335.SCI
Wei, W., Zhu, X., Chen, D.,Zhu, S., He, M., & Sun, S. (2019). Pore Fluid and Diagenetic Evolution of Carbonate Cements in Lacustrine Carbonate–siliciclastic Rocks: A Case from the Lower Cretaceous of the Erennaoer Sag, Erlian Basin, NE China. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 89(5), 459-477.SCI
Zhao, H., Zhu, X.,Zhu, S., Wang, X., Zhao, F., Shen, M. & Zhang, H. (2019). Seismic geomorphology and depositional evolution of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation, Central-North Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(2), 26.SCI
Peng, B., Li, Z., Li, G., Liu, C.,Zhu, S., Zhang, W. & Wei, X. (2018). Multiple dolomitization and fluid flow events in the precambrian Dengying formation of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition, 92(1), 311-332.SCI
Tan, M., Zhu, X., Geng, M.,Zhu, S., & Liu, W. (2017). The occurrence and transformation of lacustrine sediment gravity flow related to depositional variation and paleoclimate in the Lower Cretaceous Prosopis Formation of the Bongor Basin, Chad. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 134-148.SCI
Wu, D., Zhao, D., Zhu, X., Li, Y., Ma, Y., Dong, Y., &Zhu, S. (2017). Sedimentology and seismic geomorphology of a lacustrine depositional system from the deep zone of the Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin, eastern China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(2), 265-282.SCI
Zhu, X., Li, S., Wu, D.,Zhu, S., Dong, Y., Zhao, D. & Zhang, Q. (2017). Sedimentary characteristics of shallow-water braided delta of the Jurassic, Junggar basin, Western China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 591-602.SCI
Zhu, X., Zeng, H., Li, S., Dong, Y.,Zhu, S., Zhao, D., & Huang, W. (2017). Sedimentary characteristics and seismic geomorphologic responses of a shallow-water delta in the Qingshankou Formation from the Songliao Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 79, 131-148.SCI
Zhu, X., Li, S., Zeng, H., Dong, Y., &Zhu, S. (2016). Identification Marks of Cretaceous Shallow‐Water Delta in the Songliao Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), (6), 41.SCI
Zhu, X. , Zhong, D. , Yuan, X. , Zhang, H. ,Zhu, S., & Sun, H. , et al. (2016). Development of sedimentary geology of petroliferous basins in China. Petroleum Exploration & Development, 43(5), 890-901.SCI
Zhu, X. M., Zeng, H. L., Dong, Y. L., &ZHU, S. (2016). Stratal Slice Recognition of Thin Shallow-Water Delta Sandbodies in the Songliao Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 90(2), 763-764.SCI
基於熱力學與動力學方法預測碎屑岩的次生孔隙發育帶[J].中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2015, 10: 3822-3831.EI
準噶爾盆地西北緣下二疊統火山岩岩性,岩相及其與儲層的關係[J].高校地質學報. 2013,19(1), 46-55.
南華北盆地譚莊凹陷下白堊統成岩相分布及優質儲層預測[J].石油與天然氣地質,2010, 31(4):472-480.