《 朝鮮:被遺忘的戰爭 》之所以起這樣一個名字,是源於如下事實:韓戰發生在二戰和越戰這兩場規模更大的戰爭之間,因而也總是籠罩在它們的陰影中,容易被人遺忘。在遊戲產業中也是如此。當市場上充斥大量以二戰為背景的遊戲並越來越多地湧現出以越戰為背景的遊戲時,關於韓戰的作品卻少之又少。 Korea : Forgotten Conflict 就是少見的例外之一,它也是把《盟軍》遊戲系列移植到韓戰的一個嘗試。
《 朝鮮:被遺忘的戰爭 》的遊戲操作可以說直接借鑑了自《盟軍》系列遊戲,因為在遊戲中,你也將給一個五人特種兵小組下達指令,他們中的每一個人都有象好萊塢電影中所描述的個性和特長。你可以試著和 The Dirty Half-Dozen, Minus One 做一個比較。遊戲採用鳥瞰的視角,玩家將控制五個特種兵深入敵占區執行各種任務,從劫持蘇聯顧問到爆破水壩、拯救戰俘以及竊取敵計畫等不一而足。任務的成功取決於玩家操作中掌握時機的能力和精確度,當然啦,還要多一些運氣才行。
戴在他脖子上的圍巾,還有電線,收費和其他爆炸物,能炸毀任何東西,甚至是橋樑,隧道或鋼門口。用他的探雷器是能夠在雷區找到一條安全的路,打開關閉的倉庫,把炸藥隱藏在敵人車輛的發動機里,或在敵人有趣的情況下爆炸。工兵既是炸藥專家,也是一個強大的戰士。他能夠使用許多常規武器。麥格雷戈是澳大利亞人。He wears his bush hat and his sence of humour contrasts with dangerous situations in which he finds himself very often.
Ranger can not be every soldier. But if you meet him, you will immediately feel that it is him. He is a tall respecfull persona. He carries pistol, granades, great knife, able to kill enemy soldiers within a second.
Ranger′s favourite activity is using any weapon available and he is best in it.
Benjamin smiles often but his smile does not mean something nice. Before he joined the army he used to work in slaughtery and he behaves like working still there.
He was born in 1921 in New Yorku, Bronx. Because of poor living conditions in afroamerican ghetto, while his own joy was street boxing club, he desided to change his life and joined the army. He has got first army experience in the Second World War, fighting against Japanese enemy in Pacific, now he is in Korea to show thet he is still capable to support his comrades very well.
„B.J.“, as oftten called by his comrades is trustworthy a great commando support.
Especially when after one occasion her comrade Clint Westwood tried to have a date with her and woke up naked in the middle of the camp, tight to a column and his throusers were on top of the column.