



  • 書名:朗文當代英語教程5:練習冊
  • 作者:(英國)卡爾 (英國)伊爾斯
  • ISBN:9787560069654, 7560069657
  • 頁數:97頁
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2007年10月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




Module 1
Vocabulary:Phrasal verbs to talk about your life map
Grammar check-up: Verb forms
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Perfect
Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect
Future forms
Auxiliary verbs: Adding emphasis
Sounding interested
Tag questions
Avoiding repetition
Pronunciation: Weak forms
Improve your writing:
Linking phrases for a personal profile
Module 2
Vocabulary: Word building with abstract nouns,verbs and adjectives
Pronunciation: Nouns and verbs
Improve your writing: Spelling
Listen and read: What makes you anxious?
Abstract and general ideas: Gerunds (-ing forms)
Grammar snack: be I get used to + noun or gerund
Responding sympathetically in writing
Module 3
Vocabulary: Verb and adverb combinations
Reading: A short break in Copenhagen
Grammar check-up: Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect in narratives
The Present Participle
Verb forms in narrative: Past Simple / Continuous, Past Perfect Simple / Continuous, Present Participle
Continuous aspect in other tenses
Pronunciation: Contractions and weak forms
Grammar snack: so I such
Improve your writing: Avoiding repetition
Module 4
Vocabulary: Qualities of mind
Pronunciation: Stress patterns with suffixes
Grammar check-up: Passives quiz
Choosing active or passive
Improve your writing: Describing a traditional dish
Listen and read: How to do magic tricks
Grammar snack: to hove / get something done
Module 5
Jazz chant: Verb noun word combinations
Dictionary work: Verb noun combinations
Future Perfect or Future Simple
Perfect tenses in the past, present and future
Pronunciation: Contractions and weak forms
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous
Grammar snack: just, still, by, so far and perfect tenses
Reading: Books
Improve your writing: Describing a book you have enjoyed
Module 6
Use and non-use of articles
Reading: Self-help books
Improve your writing: Taking notes: abbreviations
Writing notes
Different ways of emphasising things
Emphatic constructions with what and it (cleft sentences)
Pronunciation: Cleft sentences
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Answer key


