- 第一章 假如你只能再活一個月
- 第二章 從現在開始,把已經做了一半的工作統統完成
- 值得看的4本歷史書
- 值得看的4本地理書
- 第三章 從現在開始,運動起來
- 最減肥的4種運動
- 最讓心情愉快的5種運動
- 三種最受歡迎的泡沫浴
- 第四章 每個禮拜拿一天只吃素
- 六種瘦身的素食蔬菜
- 我的夢境日記
- 馬桶邊的笑話書摘選
- 第五章 策劃一個讀書會
- 你的朋友會喜歡的七道美食
- 古人關於飲酒的詩句
- 第六章 帶個帳篷,露營去
- 第七章 取下手錶,關掉手機
- 第八章 多看幾部紀錄片
- 第九章 聽一聽老歌
- 自從有了你 Since you entered my heart
- 觸碰 Touch
- 他會喜歡這樣的你 He likes you so
- 她會喜歡這樣的你 She likes you so
- 如果他不知道怎么做,那你就直接提要求 If he doesn't know how to do, you make a demand directly
- 兩個人分享童年往事 Lovers share childhood memories
- 互相監督改掉壞習慣 Mutual supervision, get rid of the bad habit
- 自省 Self-examination
- 兩個人,寧靜飲茶 Lovers have tea quietly
- 尊重彼此的選擇 Respect mutual choice
- 當我們老了 As we get old
- 莉香,別來無恙? ——兩個人的《東京愛情故事》 Lixiang, how have you been? ——Tokyo Love Story of lovers
- 回他的家鄉 Go to his hometown
- 給她洗頭 Wash her hair
- 簡單的溫暖—— 一起逛宜家 Simple warm——let's go to IKEA together
- 給他剪髮 Cut his hair
- 兩個人的幾米繪本 Lovers' picture book of Jimmy
- 採擷鮮花 Gather flowers
- 陽台燒烤 Barbecue in baloney
- 女人天生會收納 Women are born to clear away
- 監督對方多喝水 Supervise each other to drink more
- 在他的包里,放一包紙巾 Put tissues in his bag
- 為他寫一首歌 Write a song for him
- 不要試圖去探尋他過去的感情 Don’t try to seek his past love
- 關心它們 Care for them
- 給他剪指甲 Help to cut the nails
- 一起站在鏡子前刷牙 Brushing the teeth standing together in front of mirror
- 蒐集搞笑微博給他(她)看 Show him (her) you collected funny microblog
- 列出另一半的10個優點, 把這個清單給他看 List 10 advantages of the other
- 記下他的夢話 Write dowm his somniloquy
- 有了對方,不再暴飲暴食 Not to overeating for each other
- 辭職去旅行 Quit job to travel
- 巴普洛夫起床法 Pavlovian of getting up
- 愛你就像愛生命 I love you as I love my life
- 兩個人下棋 Lovers play chess
- 給她做一份水果拼盤 Make a fruite platter for her
- 晚上8點到10點,你們在乾什麼? From 8 to 10 on night, what are you doing?
- 一起去健身房 Let’s work out at the gym
- 為對方小小的進步慶祝一下! Let’s celebrate for each other’s advancement!
- 兩個人養一盆植物 Lovers raise a pot of plant
- 每個月有那么幾天,她需要你的照顧 A few days every month, she needs you to take care of her
- 每個月,他也有那幾天 He also always has “such several days” every month
- 監督對方,把用過的東西放回原處 Supervise each other, having used goods put back primary place
- 給他熨燙衣服 Help him iron clothes
- 給他(她)揉揉肚子 Help him (her) rub belly
- 小女友的可樂雞翅 Girlfriend’s Cola chicken wings
- 戒指 Finger ring
- 兩個人搬去小城市 Lovers move to a small town
- 再忙也要幫她分擔一點家務 Not too busy to help her to share a bit of housework
- 去夜店瘋一次 Go to nightclub, crazy one time
- 8個美好的小眾網站 8 pieces of nice minority network station
- 小動作,大愛意 Little tricks, passionate love
- 兩個人,要少計較 Lovers care less
- 她也許只需要一個擁抱 She may need a hug
- 給他做面膜 Help him to do skin-care mask
- 給她想要的,卻沒說的 Give her everything she wants, but said nothing
- 像動物一樣 Like an animal
- 不要總是問:你到底愛不愛我? Don’t always ask : do you love me exactly?
- 兩個人的電影 Lovers' movie
- 一起去泡溫泉 Let’s go to spa
- 敢進鬼屋嗎? Dare you come to haunted house?
- 兩個人看海綿寶寶 Lovers watch SpongeBob Squarepants
- 我愛逛超市 I enjoy visiting markets
- 沒有他,也能安然入睡 Without him, fell into sleep
- 有些話、有些畫,很治癒 Some words, some painting, healing
- 以兩人的名義捐款捐物 Donated money of two people
- 在他忙的時候,幫他的手機充電 When he is busy, you help to charge his cell phone battery
- 藏在冰塊里的愛 Love hidden in ice
- 去公園靜靜地待一會兒 Go to a park and stay quietly for a while
- 兩個人,出去快走15分鐘 Lovers go for a 15 minutes’ brisk walk
- 如果有一天,你們的寵物會開口說話了 If your pet can open his mouth to speak one day
- 兩個人的雙皮奶 Lovers' milk custard
- 兩個人的書房 Lovers' study
- 兩個人看《生活大爆炸》 Lovers watch The Big Bang Theory
- 隨便翻開一本書,對方說翻到哪一頁,就讀那一頁給他聽 You randomly open any book,and read the page which he wants you turn to
- 一起做普魯斯特問卷 Let’s do Proust Questionnaire together
- 20歲到30歲, 這10年,你們怎么做? What are you doing between 20s' and 30s' ?
- 有了他(她),健康是你的責任 You have him (her), health is your responsibility
- 8個夜晚——兩個人最難忘記的sex時刻 8 nights——the most difficult to forget the sex moment of lovers
- 心情煩躁時,陪她(他)做什麼? What are you doing when her or his mood is agitated ?
- 兩個人的蜂蜜柚子茶 Lovers' honey citron tea
- 葉子映畫 Painting in leaves
- 愛,就是兩個人一起吃成大胖子 Love is two people to eat it all in one big bite
- 去這裡找好吃的吧 Come to this for good eats
- 北京美食 Beijing Gourmet Snacks
- 上海美食 Shanghai Gourmet Snacks
- 成都美食 Chengdu Gourmet Snacks
- 武漢美食 Wuhan Gourmet Snacks
- 兩個人,一張紙,隨便畫 Lovers just draw for fun on a paper
- 陪他看球賽 Watch a ball game with him
- 收起你的奪命連環call Stop your serial call
- 愛情不能大過天 Love is no greater than days
- 學習他(她)的家鄉話 Learn his (her) native dialect
- 對他的朋友好 Very kind to his friends
- 一起去參加朋友的婚禮 Attend friends' wedding ceremony together
- 兩個人的夢想基金 Lovers' dream fund
- 制定時間表,監督執行 Make schedule, and supervise to execute
- 能說到一起,才能過到一起 Say the same topic, so live together
- 寫信告訴他,你感恩的心 Write to tell him your grateful heart
- Love Handles Love Handles
- 送上你們的禮物 On his parents wedding anniversary, send your gifts
- 遇到好人就嫁了吧! Marry if you meet the good man!