



  • 中文名:最優選擇與一般均衡(英文版)
  • 作者:田國強
  • 類別:金融投資
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2000年10月
  • 頁數:354 頁
  • 定價:48 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787301045664




PartⅠ Characterizations of Preference Maximization,the Weierstrass Theorem and Maximum Theorem
1.Necessary and Sufficient conditions for Maximization of class of Preference Relations ,Review of Economic Studies,60:949-958,1993
2.Transfer Method for characterizing the Existence of Maximal Elements of binary Relation on Compact or Noncompact Sets ,SIAM J.Optimization,2(3):360-375 ,1992
3.Transfer continuities,Generalizations of the Weierstrass and Maximum Theorems:A Full Characterization ,Journal of Mathematical Economics,24:281-303,1995
Part Ⅱ The Existence of Games and General Equilibria and Their charcterizations
4.Characterizations of the Existence of Equilibria in Games with Discontinuous and Non-Quasiconcave Payoffss,Review of Economic Studies,60:935-948,1993
5.On the Existence of Equilibria in Generalized Games,International Journal of Game Theory ,20:247-254,1992
6.Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with a Non-Compact Infiite Dimensional Strategy Space,an Infinite Number of Agents and without Ordered Preferceces,Economics Letters,33:203-206,1990
7.Existence of Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with Discontinous Payoffs and No--Compact Choice Spaces,Journal of Mathematical Economics,21:379-388,1992
Part Ⅲ General Equilibrium Models for Open Economy and Various Ownership Ecomnomies
8.A Genral-Equilibrium Intertemporal Model of an Open Economy ,Economic Theory,2:215-246,1992
9.Ratio-Lindahl and Ratio Equilibrium Intemporal Model of an Open Economy ,Economic Theory ,2:215-246,1992
10.On the Constrained Walrasian and Lindahl Correspondences,Economics Letters ,26:299-303,1988
Part Ⅳ Genralizaions of Maximum Theorem,KKM Theorem and Minimax Inequalities with Applications to Economics
Part Ⅴ Generalizations and Characterizations of Fixed-Points Theorems,Variational Inequalities,Quasi-Variational Inequalities,and Minimax Inequalities
Part Ⅵ Optimal Ownership Arrangements
Part VII Dynamic Consumption Maximization and Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System


