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曾自強,四川大學商學院副研究員,碩士生導師,吳玉章學院駐院導師,四川大學-佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)聯合培養博士,華盛頓大學(University of Washington)博士後,四川大學博士後。《PLOS ONE》(SCI期刊)學術編委(Academic Editor),美國運籌學與管理科學研究協會(INFORMS)Member,美國電氣和電子工程師協會(IEEE)Member,美國土木工程師學會(ASCE)Associate Member,中國系統工程學會會員。曾獲國際管理科學與工程管理進展獎銀獎、國際運籌學進展獎提名獎、教育部科技進步一等獎、四川省社會科學優秀成果一等獎、中國石油和化工自動化行業科技進步一等獎、教育部“博士學術新人獎”,入選中國博士後科學基金會博士後國際交流計畫派出項目。多次擔任國際會議分會主席及論文集領域主編(Area Editor)。


  • 中文名:曾自強
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地重慶市
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校四川大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向管理科學與工程
  • 職務:副研究員
  • 主要成就:教育部科技進步一等獎、四川省社會科學優秀成果一等獎、中國石油和化工自動化行業科技進步一等獎
  • 學術代表作:《Fuzzy-Like Multiple Objective Multistage Decision Making》 




2009/09—2014/06 四川大學 管理科學與工程專業 博士
2012/09—2013/09 佛羅里達大學 建設管理專業 聯合培養博士
2005/09—2009/06 四川大學 數學與套用數學專業 學士


2019/01— 四川大學 商學院 副研究員
2016/01—2019/01 華盛頓大學 土木與環境工程系 博士後
2015/01—2016/01 四川大學 商學院 博士後


主持美國交通部研究項目、國家自然科學基金中國博士後科學基金、四川省社會科學項目、四川省科技廳軟科學項目、四川大學(哲學社會科學)“學科前沿與交叉創新研究項目”等10餘項。在IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、Applied Energy, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering、Renewable Energy、Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, International Journal of Project Management, Accident Analysis & Prevention等國內外學術期刊及國際會議論文集發表論文40餘篇,其中SCI/SSCI檢索30餘篇,ESI熱點論文1篇(被引次數列Engineering學術領域前0.1%)。在Elsevier、Springer等出版社合作出版英文和中文學術專著3部,獲國家授權發明專利4項。


  1. Xinxin Xu, Sheng Ma, Ziqiang Zeng*. Complex network analysis of bilateral international investment under de-globalization: Structural properties and evolution [J]. PLOS ONE, 2019, 14(4): e0216130. (SCI) Impact Factor: 2.766
  2. Xiaofei Wang*, Huaqiao Pu, Jiangbei Yao, Ying Yan, Xinwei Li, Ziqiang Zeng. A novel speed model for safety evaluation of freeway alignment in Euclidean 3D space [J]. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019, 20(4): 392-399. (SSCI) Impact Factor: 1.465
  3. Zhibin Wu, Ning Ma, Ziqiang Zeng, Jiuping Xu*. Integer programming models to manage consensus for uncertain MCGDM based on PSO algorithms [J]. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 27(5): 888-902. Impact Factor: 8.415
  4. Feng Sun, Li Sun, Dongfan Ma, Yinhai Wang*, Ronghan Yao, Ziqiang Zeng. Optimal location of the U-turn at a signalised intersection with double left-turn lanes [J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019,13(3): 531-540. Impact Factor: 1.387
  5. Weibin Zhang, Haifeng Guo, Ziqiang Zeng, Yong Qi*, Yinhai Wang. Transportation cloud service composition based on fuzzy programming and genetic algorithm [J]. Transportation Research Record, 2018, 1-12. (SCI) Impact Factor: 0.695
  6. Ruimin Ke, Ziqiang Zeng, Ziyuan Pu, Yinhai Wang*. New Framework for Automatic Identification and Quantification of Freeway Bottlenecks Based on Wavelet Analysis [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 2018, 144(9): 04018044. (SCI) Impact Factor: 0.983
  7. Xiaoling Song*, Zhe Zhang, Jiuping Xu, Ziqiang Zeng, Charles Shen, Feniosky Pea-Mora. Bi-stakeholder conflict resolution-based layout of construction temporary facilities in large-scale construction projects [J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 16(8A): 941-964. (SCI) Impact Factor: 0.624
  8. Yunjie Li, Dongfang Ma, Mengtao Zhu, Ziqiang Zeng, Yinhai Wang*. Identification of significant factors in fatal-injury highway crashes using genetic algorithm and neural network [J]. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 111: 354-363. (SSCI) Impact Factor: 2.584
  9. Rui Qiu, Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng. Carbon emission allowance allocation with a mixed mechanism in air passenger transport [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 200: 204-216. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 4.005
  10. Xinxin Xu, Ziqiang Zeng*, Jiuping Xu*, Mengxiang Zhang. Fuzzy dynamical system scenario simulation-based cross-border financial contagion analysis: A perspective from international capital flows [J]. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2017, 25(2): 439-459. Impact Factor: 8.415
  11. Xiaoling Song, Jiuping Xu*, Charles Shen, Feniosky Peña-Mora, Ziqiang Zeng. A decision making system for construction temporary facilities layout planning in large-scale construction projects [J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 15(2A): 333-353. (SCI) Impact Factor: 0.624
  12. Ziqiang Zeng, Wenbo Zhu, Ruimin Ke, John Ash, Yinhai Wang*, Jiuping Xu, Xinxin Xu. A Generalized Nonlinear Model-based Mixed Multinomial Logit Approach for Crash Data Analysis [J]. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017, 99: 51-65. (SSCI) Impact Factor: 2.584
  13. Yajie Zou, Xinzhi Zhong, John Ash, Ziqiang Zeng, Yinhai Wang, Yanxi Hao*, Yichuan Peng*. Developing a clustering-based Empirical Bayes analysis method for hotspot identification [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017, UNSP 5230248.(SCI、EI)Impact Factor: 1.102
  14. Chengwei Lv, Jiuping Xu*, Heping Xie*, Ziqiang Zeng, Yimin Wu. Equilibrium strategy based coal blending method for combined carbon and PM10 emissions reductions [J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 183: 1035-1052. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 7.9
  15. Cuiying Feng, Jiuping Xu*, Xin Yang, Ziqiang Zeng. Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium for integrated gravelly soil excavation-transportation-distribution system in a large scale hydropower construction project [J]. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2016, 30(6): 04016024. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 1.798
  16. Jiuping Xu*, Siwei Zhao, Zongmin Li, Ziqiang Zeng. Bi-level construction site layout optimization based on hazardous-material transportation [J]. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2016, 22(3): 04016014. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 1.356
  17. Zhineng Hu, Changting Wei, Liming Yao*, Chaozhi Li, Ziqiang Zeng. Integrating equality and stability to resolve water allocation issues with a multiobjective bilevel programming model [J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2016, 142(7): 04016013 Impact Factor: 3.197
  18. Jiuping Xu*, Mengxiang Zhang, Ziqiang Zeng. Hybrid nested particle swarm optimization for a waste load allocation problem in river system [J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2016, 142(7): 04016014. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 3.197
  19. Jiuping Xu*, Chengwei Lv, Jinzhong Zuo, Mengxiang Zhang, Ziqiang Zeng. A seasonal changes-based equilibrium strategy for coal-water conflict: a case study at the Yanzhou coal field [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(8): 637. (SCI) Impact Factor: 1.435
  20. Qiurui Liu, Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng, Shiyong Wu, Manbin Shen. Optimal materials purchasing for ready-mixed concrete in construction projects with Environmental effects [J]. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2016, 9(1): 70-99. (EI)
  21. Adnan Sarwar, Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng. An integrated fuzzy AHP and Entropy method to supplier selection in supply chain under fuzzy environment [J]. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 2016, 3(11): 2005- 2012.
  22. Jiuping Xu*, Xiaoling Song, Yimin Wu, Ziqiang Zeng. GIS-modelling based coal-fired power plant site identification and selection [J]. Applied Energy, 2015, 159: 520-539. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 7.9
  23. Jiuping Xu*, Chengwei Lv, Mengxiang Zhang, Liming Yao, Ziqiang Zeng. Equilibrium strategy-based optimization method for the coal-water conflict: A perspective from China [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 160: 312-323. (SCI) Impact Factor: 4.005
  24. Ziqiang Zeng, Ehsan Nasri, Abdol Chini, Robert Ries, Jiuping Xu*. A multiple objective decision making model for energy generation portfolio under fuzzy uncertainty: Case study of large scale investor-owned utilities in Florida [J] Renewable Energy, 2015, 75: 224-242. (SCI、SSCI、EI) Impact Factor: 4.9
  25. 許欣欣, 曾自強*, 馬勝. 國際油價上升對巨觀經濟影響的SVAR模型分析——基於石油對外依存度視角的中美比較研究[J]. 亞太經濟, 2015, 04: 83-89. (CSSCI) Impact Factor:0.955
  26. Ziqiang Zeng, Jiuping Xu*, Shiyong Wu, Manbin Shen. Antithetic method-based particle swarm optimization for a queuing network problem with fuzzy data in concrete transportation systems [J]. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014, 29(10):771-800. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 5.475
  27. Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng, Bernard Han, Xiao Lei. A dynamic programming-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for an inventory management problem under uncertainty [J]. Engineering Optimization, 2013, 45(7): 851-880. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 1.622
  28. Jiuping Xu*, Yan Tu, Ziqiang Zeng. Bilevel optimization of regional water resources allocation problem under fuzzy random environment [J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2013, 139(3): 246-264. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 3.197
  29. Jiuping Xu*, Jun Meng, Ziqiang Zeng, Shiyong Wu, Manbin Shen. Resource sharing-based multiobjective multistage construction equipment allocation under fuzzy environment [J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013, 139(2): 161-173. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 2.201
  30. Jiuping Xu*, Huan Zheng, Ziqiang Zeng, Shiyong Wu, Manbin Shen. Discrete time-cost-environment trade-off problem for large-scale construction systems with multiple modes under fuzzy uncertainty and its application to Jinping-II Hydroelectric Project [J]. International Journal of Project Management, 2012, 30(8): 950-966. (SSCI、EI) Impact Factor: 4.328
  31. Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng. A discrete time optimal control model with uncertainty for dynamic machine allocation problem and its application to manufacturing and construction industries [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(8): 3513-3544. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 2.617
  32. Jiuping Xu*, Yan Tu, Ziqiang Zeng. A nonlinear multiobjective bilevel model for minimum cost network flow problem in a large-scale construction project [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 463976, 40 pages, DOI:10.1155/2012/463976. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 1.145
  33. Jiuping Xu*, Ziqiang Zeng. Applying optimal control model to dynamic equipment allocation problem: Case study of concrete-faced rockfill dam construction project [J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011, 137(7): 536-550. (SCI、EI) Impact Factor: 2.201


  1. Yinhai Wang, Ziqiang Zeng. Data-Driven Solutions to Transportation Problems [M]. Elsevier: New York, 2018
  2. Jiuping Xu, Ziqiang Zeng.Fuzzy-Like Multiple Objective Multistage Decision Making [M]. Springer: Heidelberg, 2014.
  3. Jiuping Xu, Ziqiang Zeng. “Multi-Criteria Multi-Modal Fuzzy Project Scheduling in Construction Industry” (Chapter 59) in “Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling” Vol. 2, International Handbooks on Information Systems, C. Schwindt and J. Zimmermann (eds.), Springer International Publishing: Switzerland, 2014.




“博文約禮,謙謙有儀”商務禮儀知識競賽在我校舉辦. 共青團四川大學委員會,2019-10-31.
玉章書院“駐院導師制”順利啟動.四川大學吳玉章學院, 2019-10-12.
Taking steps to keep pedestrians safe.華盛頓大學新聞網, 2018-11-08.


