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  • 中文名:曾罡 
  • 畢業院校南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:礦物學、岩石學、礦床學
  • 任職院校:南京大學


2015年7月至今 南京大學地球科學與工程學院,副教授
2011年7月–2015年6月 南京大學地球科學與工程學院,專職科研隊伍
2006年9月–2011年6月 南京大學地球科學與工程學院,博士,礦物學、岩石學、礦床學
2002年9月–2006年6月 南京大學地球科學系,學士,地球化學






2017–2020 國家自然科學基金面上基金(主持) “中國東南部新生代小規模溢流玄武岩成因研究”
2013–2015 國家自然科學基金青年基金(主持) “中國東部新生代玄武岩的成因 — 以蘇皖地區玄武岩典型剖析”
2015–2019 國家自然科學基金重點基金(骨幹) “華夏地塊古生代-早中生代花崗岩及相關岩石成因與陸殼再造”
2014–2017 國家自然科學基金面上基金(骨幹) “南太平洋Louisville海山玄武岩的成因與源區特徵”
2012–2016 “973”計畫課題(骨幹) “華夏地塊中生代再造的過程和背景”






24. Xun Yu, Zeng, G.*, Li-Hui Chen, Xiao-Jun Wang, Jian-Qiang Liu, Lie-Wen Xie, Tao Yang (2019), Evidence for rutile-bearing eclogite in the mantle source of the Cenozoic Zhejiang basalts, eastern China, Lithos, 324-325, 152-164,
23. Xun Yu,Zeng G.*, Li-Hui Chen, Sen-Lin Hu & Zhi-Qiang Yu (2019): Magma–magma interaction in the mantle recorded by megacrysts from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China, International Geology Review, 61, 675-691,
22. Wang, Z.-Z., Liu, S.-A., Chen, L.-H., Li, S.-G.& Zeng, G. (2018), Compositional transition in natural alkaline lavas through silica-undersaturated melt–lithosphere interaction. Geology, 46, 771-774,
21. 曾罡*, 鄭麗波, 陳立輝, 劉建強, 張歡, 張甬江, 施金華 (2017), 南海洋脊抽吸作用對其周邊新生代玄武質岩漿活動的影響, 高校地質學報, 23, 373-382.20. Xu, W., X. Xu*, and Zeng G. (2017), Crustal contamination versus an enriched mantle source for intracontinental mafic rocks: Insights from early Paleozoic mafic rocks of the South China Block, Lithos, 286, 388-395,
19. Zeng G., L.-H. Chen*, X. Yu, J.-Q. Liu, X.-S. Xu, and S. Erdmann (2017), Magma-magma interaction in the mantle beneath eastern China, J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 122,
18. Yu, X., Chen L.-H.*, and Zeng G. (2017), Magmatic recharge buffers the isotopic compositions against crustal contamination in formation of continental flood basalts, Lithos, 284-285, 1-10,
17. Zhong, Y., L.-H. Chen*, X.-J. Wang, G.-L. Zhang, L.-W. Xie, and Zeng, G. (2017), Magnesium isotopic variation of oceanic island basalts generated by partial melting and crustal recycling, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 463, 127-135.
16. Liu, J.-Q., Chen L.-H.*, Wang X.-J., Zhong Y., Yu X., and Zeng G.(2017), The role of melt-rock interaction in the formation of Quaternary high-MgO potassic basalt from the Greater Khingan Range, Northeast China. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122,
15. Chu, Z.*, Y. Yan, Zeng G., W. Tian, C. Li, Y. Yang, and J. Guo (2017), Petrogenesis of Cenozoic basalts in central-eastern China: Constraints from Re-Os and PGE geochemistry, Lithos,
14. 林蔚涵, 劉建強, 陳立輝*, 劉建強, 王小均, 鐘源, 曾罡 (2017), 大興安嶺新生代高鎂安山岩的確認. 高校地質學報, 23, 16-25.
13. Zeng G.*, Z.-Y. He, Z. Li, X.-S. Xu, and L.-H. Chen (2016), Geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction constrained by the source lithologies of Late Mesozoic basalts in southeastern China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 10189-10197,
12. Zeng G.*, Huang X.-W., Zhou M.-F., Chen L.-H., Xu X.-S. (2016), Using chalcophile elements to constrain crustal contamination and xenolith-magma interaction in Cenozoic basalts of eastern China, Lithos 258-259: 163-172.
11. Liu, J.-Q., Chen L.-H.*, Zeng G., Wang X.-J., Zhong Y., and Yu X. (2016), Lithospheric thickness controlled compositional variations in potassic basalts of Northeast China by melt-rock interactions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43,
10. Yu, X., L.-H. Chen*, and Zeng G.(2015), Growing magma chambers control the distribution of small-scale flood basalts, Scientific Reports, 5, .
9. 冒福根, 陳立輝*, 楊懷仁, 劉建強, 曾罡 (2015), 五大連池鉀質火山岩中輝石斑晶的反環帶結構研究及其對岩漿演化的約束. 高校地質學報, 21, 507-522.
8. Yu, X.*, C.-T. A. Lee, L.-H. Chen, and Zeng G. (2015), Magmatic recharge in continental flood basalts: Insights from the Chifeng igneous province in Inner Mongolia, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 16, 2082-2096.
7. 陳霞玉, 陳立輝*, 陳暘, 曾罡, 劉建強 (2014), 中國中—東部地區新生代玄武岩的分布規律與面積匯總. 高校地質學報, 20, 507-519.
6. Zeng G.*, L.-H. Chen, S.-L. Hu, X.-S. Xu, and L.-F. Yang (2013), Genesis of Cenozoic low-Ca alkaline basalts in the Nanjing basaltic field, eastern China: The case for mantle xenolith-magma interaction, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14, 1660-1677,
5. 陳立輝*, 曾罡, 胡森林, 俞恂, 陳霞玉 (2012), 地殼再循環與大陸鹼性玄武岩的成因:以山東新生代鹼性玄武岩為例. 高校地質學報 18, 16-27.
4.Zeng G., L. H. Chen*, A. W. Hofmann, S. Y. Jiang, and X. S. Xu (2011), Crust recycling in the sources of two parallel volcanic chains in Shandong, North China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 302, 359-368.
3. Zeng G., L. H. Chen*, X. S. Xu, S. Y. Jiang, and A. W. Hofmann (2010), Carbonated mantle sources for Cenozoic intra-plate alkaline basalts in Shandong, North China, Chem. Geol., 273, 35-45.
2. Chen, L. H.*, Zeng G., S. Y. Jiang, A. W. Hofmann, and X. S. Xu (2009), Sources of Anfengshan basalts: Subducted lower crust in the Sulu UHP belt, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 286, 426-435.
1. 羅丹, 陳立輝*, 曾罡 (2009), 陸內強鹼性火山岩的成因:以山東無棣大山霞石岩為例. 岩石學報 25, 311-319.


