1、Kumaravel SomasundramHongbing ZhangYi-Xin Zenget alArrest of the cell cycle by the tumor-suppressor BRCA requires the CDK-inhibitor pWAF/CIP Nature
2、Yi-Xin Zeng Kumaravel Somasundram and Wafik S El-DeiryAP- inhibits cancer cell growth and activates pWAF/CIP expression Nature Genetics ;:-
3、Yi-Xin Zeng Kumaravel Somasundram and Wafik SEl-Deiry Regulation of pWAF/CIP expression by p-independent pathways Oncogene ;: -
4、Yi-Xin ZengKumaravel SomasundramNita SPradbuRavi Krishnadasan and Wafik SEl-Deiry Detection and analysis of living growth inhibited mammalian cells following transfection Bio-Techniques ;:-
5、Yi-Xin Zeng and Wafik SEl-Deiry Adenovirus-mediated p gene therapy for nasopharygeal cancerInternational Journal of Oncology ;:-
6、Yi-Xin ZengHiroshi Takahashi Masao Shibata and Katsuiku HirokawaJAK Janus kinase is involved in interleukin signal pathway FEBS Letters ;:-
7、Yi-Xin Zeng JWuST YeeHNariuchi and KHirokawa Abnormality in the early signal transduction pathway is responsible for the impaired proliferative response and low K+ current in a T-cell clone by stimulation with anti-CDantibody Cellular Signaling ; :-
8、 Yi-Xin Zeng and KHirokawa Age change in signal transduction of T cell Aging: Immunology and Infectious Disease ;:-