



  • 中文名:曾夢瀾
  • 籍貫:湖南漢壽
  • 出生地:湖南漢壽
  • 性別:男
  • 民族:漢
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生年月:1954年1月
  • 職業:教育 教授
  • 畢業院校:合肥工業大學
  • 政黨:中國共產黨


1997, Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba (Canada)。
2001-2002, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University ofWyoming(USA)
1998-2001, (Postdoctoral) Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)
1992-1998, Research Assistant/Associate, Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, University ofManitoba (Canada)
2010-present, 湖南大學,學術委員會委員 。
2008-present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Testing and Evaluation: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International。
1998-present, Active Member, Association of AsphaltpavingTechnologists (USA)。
1995-present, General Member, Canadian Technical Asphalt Association。


瀝青與瀝青混合料(Asphalt Binders and Asphalt Mixtures,大學本科三年級,中英雙語授課);
瀝青混合料設計原理(Principles of Asphalt Mixture Design,碩士研究生,英語授課);




吳超凡, 曾夢瀾, 王茂文, 夏漾. 添加Sasobit溫拌瀝青混合料的拌和與壓實溫度確定. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2010, 37(8): 1-5. (EI)
曾夢瀾,彭珊,黃海龍. 纖維瀝青混凝土動力性能試驗研究. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2010, 37(7): 1-6. (EI)
曾夢瀾, 張華. 溫度對半剛性瀝青路面極限軸載的影響. 湘潭大學自然科學學報, 2009, 31(4): 69-7
吳超凡, 曾夢瀾, 趙明華, 鐘夢武. 乳化瀝青冷再生混合料路用性能試驗研究. 公路交通科技, 2009, 26(7): 27-32, 37.
Menglanzeng, Chaofan Wu, and Kaiyu Huang. Significance Evaluation of Material and Additive Factors Influencing Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, 2009, 37(5): 410-416. (SCI, EI)
徐發瓊, 曾夢瀾. 環境溫度變化對瀝青路面軸載換算的影響. 公路工程, 2009, 34(2): 76-79.
夏漾, 曾夢瀾, 朱沅峰, 吳超凡. 摻Sasobit的溫拌瀝青混合料路用性能試驗研究. 公路工程, 2009, 34(2): 22-26.
Likui Huang, Keming Cao, and Menglan Zeng. Evaluation of Semicircular Bending Test for Determining Tensile Strength and Stiffness Modulus of Asphalt Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, 2009, 37(2): 122-128. (SCI, EI)
Menglan Zeng, and Chaofan Wu. Effects of Type and Content of Mineralfilleron Viscosity of Asphaltmasticand Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of Asphalt Mixture. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2008, (2051): 31-40. (SCI, EI)
田華, 曾夢瀾, 吳超凡, 夏漾, 朱沅峰. 玻璃纖維和木質素纖維對瀝青膠漿老化前後的高溫流變性能影響. 公路工程, 2008, 33(4): 37-41.
吳超凡, 曾夢瀾, 鐘夢武, 肖傑. 乳化瀝青冷再生混合料設計方法試驗研究. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2008, 35(8): 19-23. (EI)
曾夢瀾, 尹萬輝, 吳超凡, 鐘夢武. 冷再生瀝青路面結構設計方法. 合肥工業大學學報 (自然科學版), 2008, 31(7): 1097-1100.
曾夢瀾,孫麗萍, 徐發瓊. 結構內部排水條件對瀝青路面使用性能的影響. 湘潭大學自然科學學報, 2008, 30(2): 62-66.
曾夢瀾, 於永生, 吳超凡,黃開宇. 水泥對乳化瀝青冷再生瀝青混合料使用性能的影響. 公路交通科技 (套用技術版), 2008, (4): 59-62.
吳超凡, 趙明華, 曾夢瀾, 鐘夢武, 黃開宇. Domix瀝青混合料路用性能試驗研究. 公路交通科技 (套用技術版), 2008, (3): 93-96.
Shin-Che Huang, and Menglan Zeng. Characterization of Aging Effect on Rheological Properties of Asphalt-filler Systems. International Journal ofPavementEngineering, 2007, 8(3): 213-223. (EI)
尹萬輝, 曾夢瀾, 田華, 劉濤. 無機添加劑對瀝青混合料馬歇爾試驗結果的影響. 公路, 2007, (4): 154-157.
王冀蓉, 曾夢瀾, 孫麗萍. 重載道路長壽瀝青路面設計軸載研究. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2007, 34(6增刊): 55-58.
曾夢瀾, 肖傑, 吳超凡, 黃開宇. 冷再生瀝青混合料RAP含量對使用性能的影響. 中南公路工程, 2007, 32(2): 27-31.
Menglan Zeng, and Shin-Che Huang. Characterizing the Asphalt-aggregate Mixtures Using Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binders. Journal of Testing and Evaluation: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, 2006, 34(6): 471-476. (SCI, EI)
劉濤, 曾夢瀾, 胡和平, 陳偉明. 玄武岩瀝青混合料水穩定性及其改善措施. 中國道路瀝青, 2006, (1): 37-40.
易昕, 曾夢瀾, 王冀蓉, 肖傑. 瀝青路面表面裂縫應力強度因子的三維分析. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2006, 33(3增刊): 41-45.
Aaron D. Mwanza, Menglan Zeng, Tao Liu, and Jirong Wang. Effects of Type and Content of Mineral Fillers on Penetration and Penetration Index of Asphalt Mastic. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2006, 33(3 Supplementary): 132-136.
曾夢瀾,羅立武, 劉濤. 不同添加劑改善花崗岩瀝青混合料水穩定性. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2005, 32(6增刊): 119-122. (EI)
曾夢瀾, 馬正軍, 易昕. 廣義Paris公式預測瀝青路面的疲勞壽命. 湖南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2005, 32(6): 20-23. (EI)
曾夢瀾, 易昕. 改進的水泥混凝土路面溫度應力係數經驗公式表達. 中南公路工程, 2005, 30(4): 36-38.
曾夢瀾, 馬正軍,龔平, 李潔. 面-基層間接觸條件對半剛性瀝青混凝土路面極限軸載的影響. 公路, 2005, (6): 79-83.
曾夢瀾, 劉濤, Aaron D. Mwanza. 瀝青路面JTJ014與AASHTO設計方法比較. 中南公路工程, 2004, 29(4): 14-19.
曾夢瀾, 李潔, 黃冰, 李群. 基於常規試驗數據的瀝青勁度模量一般公式表達. 中南公路工程, 2004, 29(1): 45-50.
曾夢瀾, 黃欣哲, 李潔, 李群.瀝青結合料與混合料動力性質的關係. 中南公路工程, 2003, 28(4): 11-15.
Khaled Ksaibati, Menglan Zeng, Fane R. Sellers, and Charles W. Dolan. Air Change in Hydraulic Concrete Due to Pumping. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2003, (1834): 85-92. (SCI, EI)
Menglan Zeng, and Khaled Ksaibati. Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Bottom Ash. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2003, (1832): 25-33. (SCI, EI)
Khaled Ksaibati, Fane R. Sellers, Menglan Zeng, and Charles W. Dolan. Evaluating the Air Content Changes in Hydraulic Concrete Due to Pumping. Final Report, prepared for the Wyoming Department of Transportation, Wyoming, December 2001. (EI)
Khaled Ksaibati, Melinda M. Bowen, and Menglan Zeng. Utilization of Bottom Ash in Pavement Bases”, presented at International Conference, Beneficial Use of Recycled Materials in Transportation Applications, November 13-15, 2001, Arlington, Virginia.
Menglan Zeng, Hussain U. Bahia, Huachun Zhai, Michael R. Anderson, and Pamela Turner. Rheological Modeling of Modified Asphalt Binders and Mixtures. Asphalt Paving Technology: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 2001, 70: 403-441. (SCI, EI)
Hussain U. Bahia, Huachun Zhai, Menglan Zeng, Yu Hu, and Pamela Turner. Development of Binder Specification Parameters Based on Characterization of Damage Behavior. Asphalt Paving Technology: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 2001, 70: 442-470. (SCI, EI)
H. U. Bahia, D. I.HANSON, M. Zeng, H. Zhai, M. A. Khatri, and R. M. Anderson. Characterization of Modified Asphalt Binders insuperpaveMix Design. NCHRP Report 459, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 2001. (EI)
H. U. Bahia, D. I. Hanson, M. Zeng, H. Zhai, M.A. Khatri, and R. M. Anderson. Superpave Protocols for Modified Asphalt Binders. Final Report, Project NCHRP 9-10, Prepared for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, December 2000.
Hussain U. Bahia, Menglan Zeng, and Kitae Nam. Consideration of Strain at Failure and Strength in Prediction of Pavement Thermal Cracking. Asphalt Paving Technology: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 2000, 69: 497-539.
Menglan Zeng, and Donald H. Shields. Nonlinear Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Asphalt Concrete. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 1999, 26(1): 26-34. (SCI, EI)
Donald H. Shields, Menglan Zeng, and Robert Kwok. Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behaviour of Asphalt Concrete in Stress Relaxation. Asphalt Paving Technology: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 1998, 67: 358-400. (SCI)
周神根, 曾夢瀾, 楊春環. 既有線基床質量調查與評估方法. 鐵道建築, 1991, 增刊: 53-58.
周神根, 曾夢瀾, 楊春環. 關於準高速鐵路路基若干設計標準的討論. 鐵道建築, 1991, 增刊: 50-52.


