2005年擔任第十二屆亞洲大專辯論賽預賽評審 (由馬來西亞的馬來亞大學承辦)
- 1.Cao, J. and A. C. Fang. 2009. Investigating Variations in Adjective Use across Different Text Categories. Journal of Research in Computing Science,Vol. 41. pp. 207-216.
2.Fang, A. C., J. Cao and N. Ide. 2009. A Corpus-Based Study of Latinate Words in Contemporary English. Texte et Corpus, No. 4: 43-54.
3.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2010. Enhanced Genre Classification through Linguistically Fine-Grained POS Tags. In Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation(PACLIC24), pp. 85-94. Sendai, Japan, 4-7 November 2010.
4.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2010. A Corpus-Based Quantitative Survey of the Etymological Composition of Contemporary British English: The Case of Latin, Greek and French. Glottotheory, 3(1), pp. 49-64.
5.Fang, A.C., W.-Y. Li, and J. Cao. 2011. In Search of Poetic Discourse of Classical Chinese Poetry: An imagery-based stylistic analysis of Liu Yong and Su Shi. Chinese Language and Discourse, pp. 232-249. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
6.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2011. A Corpus-based Investigation of the Lexical Characteristics of Dialogue Acts. Presented at the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) 2011. Atlanta, U.S.A. 7-9 October 2011.
7.Fang, A.C., F. Le and J. Cao. 2012. A Comparative Corpus of China and British Englishes. In Studies of Language and Linguistics, No 2, Vol 32. pp 113-127.
8.Fang, A. C., J. Cao, X.-Y. Liu and H. Bunt. 2012. Lexical characteristics of dialogue acts in the Switchboard Corpus of telephone conversations. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 44 (3): 346-358.
9.Fang, A.C., H. Bunt, J. Cao and X. Liu. 2012. Collaborative Annotation of Dialogue Acts: Application of a New ISO Standard to the Switchboard Corpus. In Proceedings of EACL 2012 Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data, 23 April 2012, Avignon, France.
10.Fang, A.C., J. Cao, H. Bunt and X. Liu. 2012. The Annotation of the Switchboard Corpus with the New ISO Standard for Dialogue Analysis. In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, 3-5 October 2012, Pisa.
《語料庫語言學入門教程》 主編 北京:北京理工大學出版社, 2011年12月