- 中文名:曹夏平
- 畢業院校:麥基爾大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:經濟學
- 任職院校:中山大學
中山大學嶺南學院金融系副教授博導 2016-至今
麻省理工學院REAP廣東中心主任 2018-2020
南方金融科技研究院院長 2018-2020
新加坡管理大學金融助理教授 2008-2016
澳門大學訪問客座教授 2014.9- 2015.1
亞洲私募股權學院院長(新加坡政府投資公司) 2011-2015
新加坡管理大學公司治理中心研究員 2011-2015
金融博士,波士頓學院(Boston College, Boston, USA), 2003-2008
博士論文:兩篇公司金融和私募的專題研究(Two Essays in Corporate Finance and Private Equity)
經濟學博士學生,麥基爾大學(McGill University, Montreal, Canada), 2001-2003
經濟學碩士(MA in Economics),西安大略大學 (University of Western Ontario), 2000-2001
經濟學學士,華中理工大學, 1995-1999
公司金融,新加坡管理大學(Singapore Management University) 2008-2015
金融基礎,波士頓學院(Boston College) 2008
公司金融,MBA 2004-2005
管理金融學,金融碩士 2007
南洋理工大學創新創業中心碩士 2010- 2015
新加坡國立大學EDP 2013, 2014
美國金融協會(American Finance Association),美國西部金融協會(Western Finance Association),美國金融管理協會(Financial Management Association ),全美華人金融協會(The Chinese Finance Association )
銀行與金融期刊(Journal of Banking and Finance), 金融經濟學期刊(Journal of Financial Economics), Journal of Corporate Finance, Review of Finance, Journal of Finance, etc.
Mergers and Acquisition
教育部規劃課題基金 2018-2019
新加坡管理大學學術研究獎(SMU Research Grant)2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
新加坡李氏基金fellowship 2013
亞洲私募股權學院最佳論文獎 2014
新加坡管理大學資產管理中心研究基金 2012
新加坡管理大學公司治理中心研究基金 2012
凱雷集團學術研究獎(Carlyle Group Research Grant, 3萬美元) 2005
The best paper award, FMA Asian Conference, Singapore, 2010
The best paper award, Taiwan NTU International Conference of Economics2009
波士頓學院研究生校友(Graduate Student Fellowship, Boston College)2003-2004
麥基爾大學研究校友生(Graduate Student Fellowship, McGill University)2001-2003
西安大略大學學術研究獎(Research Grant) 2001
華中理工大學光華獎學金 1998-1999
Private Equity and Public Corporations, The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity, Edited by Douglas Cumming, Oxford University Press INC., 2011
The role of Private Equity in IPOs, The research handbook on IPO, 2013
組織委員會, 亞洲金融年會(Asia Finance Association), 2009-2016
組織委員會,歐洲金融管理協會亞洲研討會(EFM Asia Conference),北京,2010 -2016
組織委員會,全美華人金融協會波士頓年會(TCFA annual Boston Conference),2008
中國金融國際年會, 2009,2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015年
美國金融管理年會, 2012, 2014年
美國西部金融協會(Western Finance Association),2009, 2007年
美國金融協會(The American Finance Association),2016, 2011, 2007年,2006年
美國中西部金融協會(Mid West Finance Association),2007年
歐洲金融協會(European Finance Association),2009年
歐洲金融管理協會(European Financial Management Association),2008年-2014年
哈佛私募基金與風險投資會議(Harvard Private Equity and Venture Capital Conference),2007年
新加坡金融管理局和證券投資者保護協會公共講座主講嘉賓2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
“My Money Talk”- 由新加坡銀行協會(Association of Banks in Singapore)及證券投資者協會(Singapore Investor’s Securities Association)共同舉辦
“Gluttons at the Gate”,商業周刊(Business Week),2006年10月30日,封面報導
“Private-Equity Deals Alter the Market”,華爾街日報(Wall Street Journal),2006年11月26日
“Flipping is a Flop for Investors”,金融時報(Financial Times),美國版,2006年9月20日
“Alternative Investment: Doing Well by Doing Good”經濟學人(Economist),2006年9月28日
“IPOs of reverse LBOs not so bad after all”,養老金與投資(Pension and Investments),2006年10月30
“Should You Buy When Private Equity Sells?”,紐約時報(New York Times),2007年2月11日
哈佛商業評論(Harvard Business Review)
新加坡亞洲新聞台(Channel News Asia, Singapore)電視採訪,2009年
新加坡中華工商總會,keynote speaker, 2014
- Jerry Cao, IPO Timing, Buyout Sponsors’Exit Strategies and Firm Performance of RLBOs, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis46, 2011, Pages 1001-1024
- Jerry Cao, Josh Lerner, The Performance of Reverse Leveraged Buyouts, Journal of Financial Economics, 91, 2009, Pages 139-157
- Jerry Cao, Gary Tian and Xiaofei Pan, State owned vs. privately owned firms: Whose CEOs are better compensated? Journal of Corporate Finance 17, 2011, pages 541-554.
- Jerry Cao, Ding Yuan and Hua Zhang,Social Capital, Informal Governance, and Post-IPO Firm Performance: A Study of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms, Journal of Business Ethics, 16, 2014, pages 1-20
- Jerry Cao, Gary Tian, Xiaofei Pan,Do venture capitalists play a monitoring role in an emerging market? Evidence from the pay-performance relationship of Chinese entrepreneurial firms, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 26, 2014, pages 121-145
- Jerry Cao, Douglas Cumming, Meijun Qian and Xiaoming Wang, Investor protections and cross-country LBOs, Journal of Banking and Finance, 50, 2015, pages 69-80.
- Jerry Cao, Douglas Cumming, Xiaoming Wang,One Child Policy and Family Business in China,Journal of Corporate Finance, 33, 2015, Pages 317-329
- Xiaoming Wang, Jerry Cao, Qigui Liu,Jinghua Tang, Gary Tian, Disproportionate ownership structure and IPO long-run performance of non-SOEs in China, China Economic Review, 32, 2015, pages 27-42.
- Xiaping Cao, Meijun Qian, Mike Lemmon, Gary Tian,Political Connection and CEO Turnovers,Journal of Corporate Finance (Lead article), 42, 2017, pages 1-14.
- Bo Liu, Xiaping Cao,Tiecheng Leng, Sofia Johan,Venture Capital Investment in China and Liquidity Provision. Forthcoming, European Journal of Finance.
- Xiaping Cao, Alex Zhou, Yuchen Wang,CCDI and Negative News Suppression in CHINA , Journal of Corporate Finance 49, 2018. Pages 186-203
- Xiaping Cao, Mike Lemmon, Meijun Qian, Gary Tian, Xiaofei Pan.Political Promotion, CEO Compensation,
- And Their Effect on Firm Performance.Management Science,2018.
- Xiaping Cao, Konan Chan, Kathleen Khale.Risk and performance of bonds sponsored by private equity
- firms.Journal of Banking and Finance 93, 2018, Pages 41-53.
錢雪松,康 瑾,唐英倫,曹夏平,《中國工業經濟》產業政策、資本配置效率與企業全要素生產率——基於中國2009年十大產業振興規劃自然實驗的經驗研究
創新創業金融, 企業融資, 金融制度, 併購, IPO
- Dual class and corporate innovation (with Jeremy Goh and Paul Malatesta)
- Political Promotion, CEO Compensation, and Their Effect on Firm Performance (Jerry Cao, Mike Lemmon, Gary Tian, Xiaofei Pan), present at AFA 2011, under review and resubmission at Management Science
- Innovation and Long Run Performance of Venture Capital Backed IPOs (with Fuwei Jiang, Jay Ritter)
- Information Content of Institutional Bidding in IPO Allocation (with Liu Bo, William Megginson, and Tiecheng Leng), submitted to JFE
- Government ownership and venture performance: Evidence from China (with Mark Humphrey-Jenter and Jo-Ann Suchard)
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Housing Purchase Restriction Policy in China: A Difference in Difference Approach (with Bihong Huang and Rose Lai)
- Political turnovers and corporate investment in China (with Brandon Julio, Tiecheng Leng, Sili Zhou), submitted
- The performance of bonds sponsored by private equity firms (with Konan Chan and Kathleen Khal)
- Investor Protection and LBOs (with Jeremy Goh, Douglas Cumming, Meijun Qian, Xiaoming Wang)
- Governance Matter: Morningstar Stewardship Grades and Mutual Fund Performance (with Aurobindo Ghosh Jeremy Goh)
- Internal Debt Market and Business Groups in China (with Qian Xuesong)
- Political uncertainty and corporate value (with Tiecheng Leng, Alex Zhou and Elvis Yu)
- SOX and its impact on corporate innovation (with Jeremy Goh, Aurobindo Ghosh, Elvis Yu, Ted Tschang)