



  • 軟體名稱:書遊戲時間
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:18.10MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
本書從WiseCats遊戲:孩子們協助飆升 開始使用此lite版本。 書遊戲時間為孩子們提供了機會體驗簡單的故事在兩種不同的方式。他們可以觀看動畫故事為他們效力,或者他們可以進入裡面的故事和玩。 他們甚至不會意識到他們正在學習閱讀,因為它是如此有趣。 孩子們可以選擇從書架上的書。 如果他們選擇“表”選項,那么這本書將“讀”,在音樂的聲音,伴隨著音樂。每本書包含4頁。這本書是讀三遍,每一次在一個更快的速度。 每個單詞是強調它是說。 每一頁書的後面是一個插曲,一個詞的頁面是重複的,而被呈現在螢幕上handsigns然後作為動畫信件。 選擇“遊戲”選項滴成一本書的第一頁。 觸摸一個對象在頁面上執行一個動作,伴隨著的詞,一個聲音說。 他們可以來回移動通過頁的這本書,打在每一頁。 孩子也可以練習寫字母的高亮的文字在每個頁面。 Book PlayTime from WiseCats: Children Assisted To Soar Get started with this lite version. Book Playtime provides children with the opportunity to experience simple stories in two different ways. They can either watch the animated story play for them, or they can enter into the story and play inside it. They won’t even realise they’re learning to read as it is so much fun. Children can choose books from a bookshelf. If they choose the "Watch" option, then the book will be "read" to them in a musical voice, accompanied by music. Each book consists of 4 pages. The book is read through three times; each time at a faster speed. Each word is highlighted as it is said. Each page of the book is followed by an interlude in which one word from the page is repeated, whilst being presented on screen in handsigns and then as animated letters. Choosing the "Playtime" option drops them into the first page of a book. Touching an object in the page performs an action, accompanied by the word being said and a sound. They can move back and forth through the pages of the book, playing in each page. The child can also practice writing the letters of a highlighted word on each page.


