




2002/9 - 2006/7,山東交通學院,機械設計製造及其自動化,學士。
2006/9 - 2008/7,北京交通大學,機械設計及理論,碩士研究生。
2010/9 - 2012/9,法國國家信息與自動化研究所(INRIA Sophia Antipolis),COPRIN,聯合培養博士生。
2008/9 - 2013/7,北京交通大學,機械設計及理論,博士研究生。
2013/7 - 2015/8 北京交通大學,博士後。
2015/9 - 2016/12 北京交通大學,機械與電子控制工程學院,講師。
2016/12 - 至今 北京交通大學,機械與電子控制工程學院,副教授。


本科 <機器人技術>、<機械原理>。
研究生 <柔性機構動力學> 。


  • 機器人學
  • 機械設計及理論
  • 機械工程(專業學位)


  1. 國家自然科學基金(面上):可折展多操作模式並在線上構設計理論研究,參加。
  2. 基本科研業務費:面向任務的結構冗餘並在線上構奇異規避分析和變剛度特性研究,主持。
  3. 北京市自然科學基金:自適應柔順仿生助力外骨骼裝置設計與研究,參加。
  4. 橫向合作項目:智慧型物流機器人,主持。
  5. 基本科研業務費:剛柔耦合併在線上器人的新型自運動特性分析及規避研究,主持。
  6. 國家自然科學基金(面上青年):基於冗餘結構的自適應容錯並在線上器人設計理論研究,主持。
  7. 北京交通大學人才基金:冗餘並在線上器人容錯性能研究,主持。
  8. 基本科研業務費:機器人智慧型研究平台,主持。
  9. 中國博士後科學基金:基於驅動冗餘的飛行模擬器構型綜合方法及基礎理論研究,主持。
  10. 北京交通大學博士生創新研究基金項目:驅動冗餘並在線上構的構型綜合與運動控制研究,主持。
  11. 國家自然科學基金(面上): 面向任務的全姿態飛行模擬器機構設計及控制方法研究,2參加。
  12. 國家自然科學基金(面上):高性能冗餘並在線上構的設計理論和方法研究,參加。
  13. 國家自然科學基金(面上):基於數理邏輯的空間多環機構型綜合方法研究,參加。
  14. Haibo Qu*, Chuanliang Zhang, Sheng Guo. Structural synthesis of a class of kinematically redundant parallel manipulators based on modified G-K criterion and RDOF criterion. Mechanism and Machine Theory,
  15. 鄒琦, 曲海波*, 郭盛. 一種三自由度可重構並在線上構最佳化設計及性能分析. 中國機械工程,
  16. Haibo Qu*, Sheng Guo, Ying Zhang. A novel relative degree-of-freedom criterion for a class of parallel manipulators with kinematic redundancy and its applications. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
  17. Haibo Qu*, Sheng Guo, Ying Zhang. Kinematics analysis of a redundantly actuated 4-RUU translational parallel manipulator and its non-redundant 3-RUU counterpart.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
  18. Haibo Qu*, Sheng Guo. Kinematics analysis of a novel planar parallel manipulator with kinematic redundancy. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,
  19. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Structural synthesis of a class of wrist mechanisms with redundantly-actuated closed-loop units. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
  20. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Theory of Degrees of Freedom for Parallel Mechanisms with Three Spherical Joints and Its Applications. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English),
  21. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo and Wei Ye. A Novel 4-UPU Translational Parallel Mechanism with Fault-tolerant Configurations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
  22. 曲海波,梁藝瀚,方躍法,周益林. 4-RRS冗餘球面並在線上構的靜力學與剛度分析.機械工程學報,
  23. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Bennett Motion Analysis Based on Specific Regulus. International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems.
  24. 曲海波,方躍法,郭盛.新型3-UPU平移並在線上構的設計與奇異分析.高技術通訊,
  25. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Parasitic Rotation Evaluation and Avoidance of 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering,
  26. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. A new method for isotropic analysis of limited DOF parallel manipulators with terminal constraints. Robotica,
  27. 曲海波,方躍法,郭盛.一種少自由度並在線上器人雅克比分析的新方法.北京交通大學學報,
  28. 郭盛,孫振瑤,曲海波*.基於支鏈構造法的新型6-DOF並在線上構構型設計.機械工程學報。
  29. Sheng Guo, Wei Ye,Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang. A Serial of Novel Four Degrees of Freedom Parallel Mechanisms With Large Rotational Workspace. Robotica,
  30. Wei Ye, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo, andHaibo Qu. Type Synthesis of 2R2T Parallel Mechanisms Based on Motion Equivalent Chain Method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
  31. 劉建, 郭盛,曲海波. 基於系統綜合性能的懸浮式物料輸送系統最優設計參數研究. 中國機械工程,
  32. 郭盛, 劉燁磊,曲海波, 張曉飛. 飛行模擬器洗出算法的改進及實現,北京交通大學學報,
  33. Sheng Guo, Congzhe Wang,Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang. A novel 4-RRCR parallel mechanism based on screw theory and its kinematics analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
  34. Sheng Guo,Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Congzhe Wang. The DOF Degeneration Characteristics of Closed Loop Over-Constrained Mechanisms. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering,
  35. Sheng Guo, Yuefa Fang,Haibo Qu*. Type Synthesis of 4-DOF Non-overconstrained Parallel Mechanisms Based on Screw Theory. Robotica,
  36. Haibo Qu, Sheng Guo. Topology and Mobility Variations of a Novel Redundant Reconfigurable Parallel Mechanism. The 3rd IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2015,Beijing.
  37. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. A Theory of Degrees of Freedom for Parallel Mechanisms with Three Spherical Bonds. The 3rd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, July Tianjin.
  38. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Bennett motion analysis based on specific regulus. The 2nd IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, October Beijing.
  39. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Motion Analysis of an Oriented Parallel Mechanism. Proceedings of the 2012 Third International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, July 27th-29th, Inner Mongolia, China, pp.
  40. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo. Parasitic Rotation Evaluation of 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism. The 2nd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics,
  41. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Naiyue Wang. Singularity Evaluation and Avoidance in Motion Control Process of Parallel Robots. Proceedings of the 3rd ICMEM International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,
  42. 郭盛, 曲海波. 冗餘並在線上器人構型綜合與套用. 北京:科學出版社。
  43. 曲海波, 張程煜, 張傳亮, 郭盛. 一種相對自由度為四的結構冗餘並在線上器人機構, 發明專利,
  44. 曲海波, 張傳亮, 郭盛. 一種具有兩轉動一移動的結構冗餘並在線上構, 發明專利,
  45. 曲海波, 張傳亮, 於智遠, 郭盛. 一種驅動冗餘的並在線上床本體, 發明專利,
  46. 曲海波, 於智遠, 張傳亮, 郭盛. 一種具有並聯腿部結構的雙足步行機器人機構, 發明專利,
  47. 曲海波, 於智遠, 郭盛, 方躍法. 一種具有全周運動的快速抓取機器人, 發明專利,
  48. 曲海波, 方躍法, 郭盛, 葉偉. 一種冗餘驅動的三自由度平移型並在線上器人機構, 發明專利,
  49. 曲海波, 陳歡, 方躍法, 郭盛. 一種冗餘驅動的運動模擬器, 發明專利,
  50. 郭盛, 曲海波, 方躍法. 內置並在線上構型電廠落煤斗防堵裝置, 發明專利,


