



  • 軟體名稱:智慧型費用
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:440.33KB


在智慧型費用嚴重的bug已被修復。新版本已經在檢討中。 添加您的費用從來都更加容易和快速! 簡單直觀的界面。沒有無用的只是你需要的功能。超快速增加你的開支,使用快速標籤。只有一次點擊需要添加輸入的金額與六所選擇的標籤之一。 一個理想的開支跟蹤的旅客。該方案有一個概念的主要貨幣。當你進入費用的外幣,你會經常看到多少,這是你的主要貨幣。 一個簡單的,簡單的使用統計數據(總量,每周,每月)也顯示在您的主要貨幣。 載入貨幣匯率來自網際網路或手動的。 經常性開支的新方法。經常性開支,不會自動添加,但出現在掛起的部分。您可以隨時修改或取消掛起的費用。這樣的方法,讓您完全控制的所有費用。 費用的資料庫備份。此功能可設定自動或手動。您也可以從備份中恢復費用的歷史。所有的備份檔案,可以使用iTunes訪問。 Critical bug in SmartExpense has been fixed. New version is already in review. Adding your expenses have never been more easy and quick! Simple and intuitive interface. Nothing useless just the functions you need. Super quick adding of your expenses using quick tags. Only one click is needed to add the entered sum with one of six chosen tags. An ideal expense tracker for travelers. The program has a notion of primary currency. When you enter expenses in a foreign currency you will always see how much that is in your primary currency. An easy and simple in use statistics (in total,weekly, monthly) which is also shown in your primary currency. Loading currency rates from internet or manually. A new approach for recurring expenses. Recurring expenses are not added automatically but appear in a pending section. You can always edit or dismiss a pending expense. Such approach gives you total control of all expenses. Expenses database backup. This function can be set up automatically or manually. You can also restore expenses history from your backups. All the backup files can be accessed using iTunes.




