

晉智斌,教授,博士研究生導師。2007年於西南交通大學獲得博士學位,2013-2014年美國科羅拉多礦業大學(Colorado School of Mines)訪問學者。長期致力於列車-軌道-橋樑耦合動力學基礎理論、數值算法和工程套用方面的研究。

主持國家自然科學基金項目2項,作為第一主研承擔國家自然科學基金4項。參編專著3部,獲專利27項。在橋樑工程、結構工程和結構動力學權威期刊《Journal of structural engineering》、《Journalof bridge engineering》、《Journal of sound and vibration》等發表學術論文34篇(SCI/EI收錄28篇),論文被引用390餘次(google scholar統計)。



  • 中文名:晉智斌
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:橋樑工程
  • 任職院校:西南交通大學




部分代表性論文 (至2022年7月)
[1] Zhibin Jin, Weizhan Liu and ShilingPei. A code-type Method to Assess the Running Safety of Railway Vehicleson Bridges Shaken by Earthquakes including Girder's Torsional Motion. International Journal of StructuralStability and Dynamics, 2022, 2350001:1-30. (SCI,Q2區, IF=2.015)
[2] Zhibin Jin, Weizhan Liu, Shiling Pei. ProbabilisticEvaluation of Railway Vehicle’s Safety on Bridges under Random Earthquake andTrack Irregularity Excitations. EngineeringStructures, 2022, 266(114527). (SCI,Q1區, IF=5.582)
[3] Zhibin Jin, Ke Chen andShiling Pei. Cyclic Response of Precast, Hollow Bridge Columns with PostpourSection and Socket Connection. Journalof Structural Engineering, 2022, 148(1): 06021005.(SCI,Q2區, IF=3.858)
[4] Zhibin Jin, Bo Huang,Shiling Pei, Yujie Zhang. Energy-based Additional Damping on Bridges to Accountfor Vehicle-bridge Interaction. EngineeringStructures, 2021, 229(111637); 01410296.(SCI,Q1區, IF=5.582)
[5] Zhibin Jin, Weizhan Liu,Shiling Pei and Jinzhe He. Probabilistic Assessment of Vehicle Derailment basedon Optimal Ground Motion Intensity Measure. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 11(59),1781-1802; 0042-3114, 1744-5159. (SCI,Q2區, IF=3.749)
[6] Zhibin Jin, S. Pei,Hans-Erik Blomgren, J. Powers. Simplified Mechanistic Model for SeismicResponse Prediction of Coupled Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls. Journal of Structural Engineering,2019, 145(2): 04018253,1-11. (SCI,Q2區, IF=3.858)
[7] Zhibin Jin, Shiling Pei, Xiaozhen Li ,Hongyan Liu, and Shizhong Qiang. Effect of Vertical Ground Motion onEarthquake-induced Derailment of Railway Vehicles over Simply-supportedBridges. Journal of Soundand Vibration, 2016, 383: 277-294. (SCI,Q1區, IF=4.761)
[8] Zhibin Jin, Shiling Pei,Xiaozhen Li , and Shizhong Qiang. Probabilistic Evaluation Approach forNonlinear Vehicle-bridge Dynamic Performances. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 339:143-156. (SCI,Q1區, IF=4.761)
[9] Zhibin Jin, Shiling Pei,Xiaozhen Li , and Shizhong Qiang. Vehicle-Induced Lateral Vibration of RailwayBridges: An Analytical Solution Approach. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2016,21(2): 04015038.1-9. (SCI,Q2區, IF=3.385)
[10] Zhibin Jin, Shiling Pei,Xing Wei , Hongyan Liu, and Shizhong Qiang. Partially Earth-Anchored CableBridge: Ultra-long Span System Suitable for Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced PlasticCables. Journal of BridgeEngineering, 2016, 21(6): 06016003.1-14. (SCI,Q2區, IF=3.385)


