


  • 中文名:時聖波
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:航空宇航科學-飛行器設計
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


工作經歷 Work Experience
2013 10-2016 04 西北工業大學 航天學院 飛行器設計專業 講師
2016 05-至今 西北工業大學 航天學院 飛行器設計專業 副教授(破格)
2018 11-2019 11 英國布里斯托大學 航空航天工程系 先進複合材料創新與科學實驗室 榮譽研究學者(訪問學者) 合作host:Dr Alberto Pirrera
教育經歷 Education Experience
2004 09-2008 07 哈爾濱工程大學 航天與建築工程學院 工程力學專業 本科(工學學士)
2008 09-2013 07 哈爾濱工業大學 航天學院 工程力學專業 本科直攻博(工學博士)
2008 09-2013 07在哈爾濱工業大學複合材料與結構研究所(特種環境複合材料技術國防科技重點實驗室)攻讀博士學位,導師為梁軍教授,主要研究方向為樹脂基防熱複合材料的燒蝕機理及熱 力學行為。
社會兼職 Social Appointments
擔任Journal of Spacecraft and Rocket (2014-)、Composites Science & Technology (2015-)、Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (2015-)、Engineering Science and Technology (2015-)、International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines (2015-)、Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials (2016-)、Surface Review and Letters (2016-)、Advanced Engineering Materials (2017-)、Applied Thermal Engineering (2017-)、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2017-)、實驗流體力學(2018-)、航空學報(2018-)、複合材料學報(2018-)、哈爾濱工程大學學報(2018-)、空氣動力學學報(2018-)、宇航學報(2018-)等十餘種國際國內學術期刊審稿人。






1 高效防隔熱 承載一體化熱防護結構設計及性能表征
2 新一代空天飛行器關鍵熱端部位熱防護系統設計
3 超輕質耐燒蝕 防隔熱一體化複合材料的燒蝕機理及性能
4 新型輕質多功能一體化複合材料結構設計及性能表征
5 高超聲速飛行器變構型部件熱防護結構設計及變形控制


國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,聚合物基防熱複合材料的熱變形及高溫剛度和強度性能衰減分析,2015 01-2017 12 (No 11402202) (主持,結題)
航天支撐技術基金,新型波紋夾芯防隔熱 承載一體化熱防護結構在xxx上的套用研究,2014 01-2015 12 (No 2014KC020141) (主持,結題)
裝備預研領域基金一般項目,全複合材料防熱 承載一體化熱防護結構設計及性能分析,2016 10-2018 12 (主持,結題)
中央高校基本科研業務費自由探索類項目,新型波紋夾芯防隔熱 承載一體化熱防護結構設計及力學性能研究,2014 05-2016 05 (No 3102014JCQ01001) (主持,結題)
裝備預研領域基金重點項目,輕質耐燒蝕塗層材料基礎研究,2018 01-2020 12 (主持,在研)
中央高校基本科研業務費自由探索類項目,複合材料一體化熱防護結構的變複雜度模型,2016 12-2018 12 (主持,在研)
上海航天創新基金項目,輕質耐燒蝕複合材料及其在運載火箭上的套用研究,2016 10-2018 10 (主持,在研)
裝備預研領域基金一般項目,輕質有機無機雙網路結構防隔熱一體化複合材料研究,2019 01-2020 12 (主持,在研)
科研院所合作課題,空間熱環境分析及液體推進系統熱控設計,2016 10-2017 12 (主持,結題)
西北工業大學引進人才科研啟動項目,耐高溫複合材料的高溫強度性能預報模型,2013 12-2015 12 (主持,結題)
國防863項目,xxx實驗樣機研製與驗證技術,2015 07-2016 06 (No 2015KC080081) (參加,排名2,在研)
軍委科技委創新特區重點項目,XXX熱防護系統設計,2017 12-2018 12 (參加,子課題負責人,結題)
火箭軍預研項目,XXX局部熱防護材料研究,2017 06-2019 06 (參加,子課題負責人,在研)
近5年,以第一作者、通訊作者在Composite Science and Technology、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Polymer Composites、Journal of Composite Materials、Materials and Design等國際國內學術期刊上發表學術論文30餘篇,SCI、EI收錄20餘篇。
Selected Key Publications of Dr Shengbo Shi (Most cited)
Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Guochang Lin and Fajun Yi High temperature thermomechanical behavior of silica-phenolic composite exposed to heat flux environments Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 87: 204-209
(雜誌為複合材料領域唯一的一個一區期刊,影響因子為5 16)
Highlights: The thermomechanical behavior of plolymer matrix thermoprotective material during chemical decomposition can be recognized as the coupled temperature-diffusion-deformation problem of porous elastomers under high temperatures A coupled solution model for the problem was developed to analyze the thermal and mechanical responses of a silica-phenilic composite exposed to heat flux environments A ?two-demensional digital image correlation (DIC) method was applied to measure the high-temperature deformation and strain
Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Rujie He Thermal decomposition behavior of silica-phenolic composite exposed to one-sides radiant heating Polymer composites, 2015, 36(8):1557-1564
(文章被高溫固體力學領域著名學者,莫斯科鮑曼理工大學的Dimitrienko教授在論著 “Thermomechanics of Composite Structures under High Temperatures”中,對該部分內容進行了兩次引用,給出了肯定評價)
Highlights: The thermal decomposition behavior of silica-phenolic (SiFRP) composite was investigated using solar radiant heating experiment with one-sided heat flux Thermogravimetric studies and combined thermal analysis techniques were performed to characterize the thermal decomposition kinetics of phenolic resin On the basis of the density profile, the transition from char layer to pyrolysis zone to virgin material was estimated
Shengbo Shi, L Gu, J Liang, G Fang, C Gong, C Dai A mesomechanical model for predicting the degradation in stiffness of FRP composites subjected to combined thermal and mechanical loading Materials & Design, 2016, 89(5): 1079-1085
Highlights: A mesomechanical model was presented to predict the degraded behavior of FRP composites supporting a static compressive loading under high temperatures The thermal softening, thermal decomposition of the matrix material and phase transition of the reinforced fibers were considered in the developed model, which adversely affect the stiffness properties of the composite material High temperature compression experiments were conducted to measure the temperature-dependent elastic modulus
雜誌期刊(Peer Reviewed Journal Publications)
[17] Chunlin Gong, Yifan Wang*, Liangxian Gu, Shengbo Shi* An approach for stress analysis of corrugated-core integrated thermal protection system under thermal and mechanical environment Composite Structures, Volume 185, 1 February 2018, Pages 1-26
[16] Liangxian Gu, Yifan Wang, Shengbo Shi*, Cunxi Dai An approach for bending and transient dynamic analysis of integrated thermal protection system with temperature-dependent material properties Composite Structures 159 (2017) 128–143
[15] Liangxian Gu, Yifan Wang, Shengbo Shi, Cunxi Dai An approximate analytical method for nonlinear transient heat transfer through a metallic thermal protection system International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 103 (2016) 582–593
[14] Shengbo Shi*, Linjie Li, Jun Liang, Shuo Tang Surface and volumetric ablation behaviors of SiFRP composites at high heating rates for thermal protection applications International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 1190-1198
[13] Shengbo Shi*, Fajun Yi, Shuo Tang, Chunlin Gong, Yifan Wang A solar radiant heating apparatus for measuring the thermal behavior of silica fiber phenolic composite for thermal protection applications Applied Thermal Engineering, 106 (2016) 236–243
[12] Shengbo Shi*, Chunlin Gong, Jun Liang, Guodong Fang, Lihua Wen, Liangxian Gu Ablation mechanism and properties of silica fiber-reinforced composite upon oxyacetylene torch exposure Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, Vol 50(27) 3853–3862
[11] Shengbo Shi*, Linjie Li, Guodong Fang, Jun Liang, Fajun Yi, Guochang Lin Three-dimensional modeling and experimental validation of thermomechanical response of FRP composites exposed to one-sided heat flux Materials & Design, 2016, 99:565-573
[10] Shengbo Shi*, Jun Liang, Liangxian Gu, Chunlin Gong, Lihua Wen and Yifan Wang Degradation in comressive strength of silica phenolic composites subjected to thermal and mechanical loading Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2016, 35(7):579-588
[9] Shengbo Shi*, Liangxian Gu, Jun Liang, Guodong Fang, Chunlin Gong, Cunxi Dai A mesomechanical model for predicting the degradation in stiffness of FRP composites subjected to combined thermal and mechanical loading Materials & Design, 2016, 89(5): 1079-1085
[8] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Rujie He Thermal decomposition behavior of silica-phenolic composite exposed to one-sided radiant heating Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(8):1557-1564
[7] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang* Modeling of coupled temperature-displacement-diffusion problem for silica-phenolic composite under high temperature Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2014, 22(2): 85-90
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[6] 陳海龍,方國東*,李林傑,時聖波,梁軍 高矽氧 酚醛複合材料熱-力-化學多物理場耦合計算 複合材料學報,2014,31(3):533-540
[5] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Guochang Lin and Fajun Yi High temperature thermomechanical behavior of silica-phenolic composite exposed to heat flux environments Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 87: 204-209
[4] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Fajun Yi and Guodong Fang Modeling of one-dimensional thermal response of silica-phenolic composites with volume ablation Journal of Composite Material, 2013, 47(18): 2219-2235
[3] 時聖波*,梁軍,劉志剛,丁小恆,方國東 高矽氧 酚醛複合材料燒蝕環境下的吸熱機理研究 固體火箭技術,2013,36(1): 113-118
[2] 王廣飛,時聖波,梁軍* 金屬熱防護系統的結構設計及承載能力研究 飛航飛彈,2012,(10): 91-96
[1] 時聖波*,梁軍,方國東 熱物理性能對高矽氧 酚醛複合材料燒蝕性能的影響 固體火箭技術,2011,34(3): 354-359
會議論文(Conference Publications Presentations)
[12] 時聖波,唐碩,梁軍 高超聲速飛行器輕質耐燒蝕高溫結構材料的燒蝕機理及性能 第九屆全國高超聲速科技學術大會 西安,2016 10 (分會場口頭報告)
[11] 時聖波 全複合材料一體化熱防護結構的熱回響預報模型 第二十屆全國複合材料學術會議 中國大連,2018 8 24-26 (分會場特邀報告)
[10] 時聖波 複合材料防熱 承載一體化熱結構設計及結構回響 中國航天第八專業信息網(航天八網)2018年度學術交流會 中國西安,2018 9 14-15 (分會場口頭報告)
[9] 邱少傑,雷寶,時聖波 複合材料防熱 承載一體化熱防護結構的熱力耦合回響模型 2018年全國固體力學學術會議,黑龍江哈爾濱,2018 11 (分會場口頭報告)
[8] 時聖波*,王一凡,戴存喜,苗 升 防熱 承載一體化熱結構熱回響的半解析預報方法 第三屆中國國際複合材料科技大會,中國杭州,2017 10 20-23 (口頭報告)
[7] Shengbo Shi*, Liangxian Gu, Cunxi Dai, Yifan Wang Design and optimization of an integrated thermal protection system for space vehicles 20th AIAA International Space Planes, Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference Glasgow, Scotland, 6 - 9 July 2015 (EI收錄)(English Oral Speaking)
[6] 時聖波*,谷良賢,龔春林,戴存喜,梁軍 新型防隔熱 承載一體化結構的屈曲特性及最佳化設計 2014年全國固體力學會議 成都,四川,2014 (口頭報告,Chinese Oral Speaking)
[5] 時聖波, 梁軍*, 李林傑, 方國東 高矽氧 酚醛複合材料高溫環境下的強度性能衰減分析 中國力學大會—2013論文摘要集 西安, 2013-08-19 MS5405, CSTAM2013-A31-1818 (口頭報告,Chinese Oral Speaking)
[4] Jun Liang*, Shengbo Shi, Linjie Li Degradation in strength of silica fiber-reinforced phenolic resin composite under heat flux environment 13th International Conference on Fracture Beijing, 2013 (English Oral Speaking)
[3] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang* Calculation of Temperature Field of High Silica Phenolic Composite with Surface Ablation Considering Boundary Recession 18th International Conference on composite materials (ICCM-18), 2011, Jeju, Korea (Poster)
[2] 時聖波, 梁軍*, 靳麗瑩, 王時玉 球錐體外形高矽氧 酚醛燒蝕體的燒蝕性能研究 中國力學學會學術大會 哈爾濱, 2011, CSTAM2011-E03-0866 (口頭報告,Chinese Oral Speaking)
[1] Shengbo Shi, Jun Liang*, Guodong Fang, et, al Evaluation of the effective properties of high silica phenolic composite under volumetric ablation condition Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 2011: 687-690 (EI收錄)(English Oral Speaking)


