那么,“微訪”是什麼意思? Like real-life Twitter, this is a quick meeting with someone, usually a friend, which takes 140 seconds or less. Often there isonly timeto greet the other person and to pass the time of day. 就像現實生活中的微博一樣,微訪通常是指和朋友短暫地碰面,時間不超過140秒。 例如: Nick came over the other day but sadly he only had time for a microvisit, leaving almost as soon as he'd arrived. 上句中,“microvisit”就是“微訪”的意思。 那我們在前文提到的“微服私訪”,該怎么說呢? 這個為清宮劇做出了卓越貢獻的“微服私訪”就是“incognitovisit”。“incognito”表示“改名的,匿名的”。 例如:The prince travelled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies. 王子微服旅行以避開人群及避免歡迎儀式。,
崇尚飲食的中國人,習慣於將內心的感情在飯桌上化解或宣洩,離愁當然也不例外。於是乎,“散夥飯”就成了每個學子臨畢業前的最後一堂必修課。 首先來看例句: ActressEmma Watsonhosted a farewell dinner party at her home for her 'Harry Potter' co-stars as the cast filmed their last scenes for the final movie in London. 上句farewell dinner party就是“散夥飯”,大意是Emma在家為拍攝完結的電影哈利波特的其他主演舉辦了告別宴會。 那么,為什麼散夥飯要用“farewell”而不是“goodbye”呢? 其實兩者都可以表示“再見”,但是相較之下“goodbye”用得很頻繁,意思也很單純——再見,待會兒見。而“farewell”則更正式,並且含有訣別或者不容易再次見面的意思。比如說: They waved farewell to their friends on the train. 他們向火車上的朋友揮手告別。,