



  • 中文名:旅遊職業英語聽說實務1
  • 作者:《旅遊職業英語》編寫組
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040457780




Chapter One Tour Guide Services
Unit 1 Tour Guide
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Tour Guide
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Customs for Greeting People in China
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Seeing-off Service
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Traditional Chinese Festival Customs
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Dui Lion
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Unit 2 Museum Guide
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Museum Guide
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Beijing Museums
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Museums in Beijing
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Museum Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Stone Carving
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Chapter Two Tavel Agency Services
Unit 3 Travel Consultation
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Tour Consultant
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Regular City Tour
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Arrangement for Sightseeing
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Telephone Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Crosstalk
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Unit 4 Travel Marketing
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Travel Marketing Personnel
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Channels for Tourism Promoting
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Selling Points
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Business Negotiation Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Unit 5 Travel Documents
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Document Operator
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Types of Travel Documents
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Preparation of Travel Documents
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Office Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: The Four Treasures of Study
Section ⅤI Useful Words & Expressions
Chapter Three Hotel Services
Unit 6 Hotel Concierge
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Hotel Concierge
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Hotel Facilities & Concierge Service
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Arranging, a Tour
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Hotel Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Chinese Papercutting
Section Ⅰ71 Useful Words & Expressions
Unit 7 Hotel Reception
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Hotel Receptionist
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Hotel Rooms & Reception
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Front Desk Staff
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Tipping Etiquette
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Traditional Chinese Painting
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Unit 8 Hotel Marketing
Section Ⅰ Introduction: Hotel Salesperson
Section Ⅱ Imitation & Dictation: Marketing Terms & Promotion
Section Ⅲ Conversation & Presentation: Advertising & Problem Solving
Section Ⅳ Career Salon: Customs of Chinese Eating Habits
Section Ⅴ Culture Salon: Jiaozi
Section Ⅵ Useful Words & Expressions
Useful Words & Expressions


