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| 美國The Scripps Research Institute | |
| 美國Barrow Neurological Institute | 助理教授, 副教授 (with tenure, 永久);神經免疫專科醫師培訓 |
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| 北京天壇醫院,國家神經疾病臨床研究中心,京津神經免疫中心 | |
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獲得國內外專利20餘項,作為共同創始人創立了天海新域(NEW TERRAIN)和泰臻(AKRIVA)生物醫學技術公司,推動了中國神經免疫疾病診斷產品的自主化,提高了疾病診斷水準,豐富了監測疾病進展和藥物療效的生物標記物。
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FPR1拮抗劑在製備用於治療動脈粥樣硬化症藥物中的套用 | | | |
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Nicotine attenuates the central nervous system inflammation and autoimmunity | | | |
Original articles共258篇
1. Jiang S, Li X, Li Y, Chang Z, Yuan M, Zhang Y, Zhu H, Xiu Y, Cong H, Yin L, Yu ZW, Fan J, He W, Shi K, Tian DC, Zhang J, Verkhratsky A, Jin WN, Shi FD. APOE from patient-derived astrocytic extracellular vesicles alleviates neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in a mouse model. Science Translational Medicine, 2024 Feb 28;16(736):eadg5116.
2. Li Z, Zhang C, Chang T, Zhang X, Yang H, Gao F, Feng J, Liu H, Chen S, Wang L, Yang C, Li H, Pan Y, Palace J, Shi FD. A multicentre, prospective, double-blind study comparing the accuracy of autoantibody diagnostic assays in myasthenia gravis: the SCREAM study. Lancet RHWP. 2023, 38:1-9.
3. Shi K, Li H, Chang T, He W, Kong Y, Qi C, Li R, Huang H, Zhu Z, Zheng P, Ruan Z, Zhou J, Shi FD, Liu Q. Bone marrow hematopoiesis drives multiple sclerosis progression. Cell. 2022;185: 1-14;
4. Li Z, Li Y, Han J, Zhu Z, Li M, Liu Q, Wang Y, Shi FD. Formyl peptide receptor 1 signaling potentiates inflammatory brain injury. Sci Transl Med. 2021;13(605):eabe9890.
5. Jin WN, Shi K, He W, Sun JH, Van Kaer L, Shi FD, Liu Q. Neuroblast senescence in the aged brain augments natural killer cell cytotoxicity leading to impaired neurogenesis and cognition. Nat Neurosci. 2021;24(1):61-73.
6. Shi K, Liu Q, Jia D, Yang, X, Shi S, Zou M, Ma H, Sheth KN, Ducruet AF, Wang X, Shi FD. Tissue plasminogen activator mobilizes neutrophils and T cells that exacerbate hemorrhagic transformation after thrombolysis. Circulation Research. 2021;128(1):62-75.
7. Zheng P, Tian DC, Xiu YW, Wang YJ, Shi FD. Incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in China: A national population-based study. Lancet RHWP. 2021;18:100302
8. Zhang C, Zhang M, Qiu W, Zhang X, Ma H, Zhu Z, Yang CS, Jia D, Zhang TX, Yuan M, Feng Y, Yang L, Lu W, Yu C, Bennett J, Shi FD. Tocilizumab versus azathioprine in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (TANGO). Lancet Neurol. 2020;19: 391-401;
9. Tian DC, Zhang C, Yuan M, Yang X, Gu H, Li Z, Wang Y, Shi FD. Incidence of multiple sclerosis in China: A nationwide hospital-based study. Lancet RHWP. 2020;1:100010.
10. Tian DC, Li Z, Yuan M, Zhang C, Gu H, Wang Y, Shi FD. Incidence of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) in China: A national population-based study. Lancet RHWP. 2020;2:100021.
11. Chen J, Tian DC, Zhang C, Li Z, Zhai Y, Xiu Y, Gu H, Li H, Wang Y, Shi FD. Incidence and mortality of myasthenia gravis in China: a nationwide population-based study. Lancet RHWP. 2020;5:100063.
12. Tian DC, Shi K, Zhu Z, Yao J, Yang X, Su L, Zhang S, Zhang M, Gonzales RJ, Liu Q, Huang D, Waters MF, Sheth KN, Ducruet AF, Fu Y, Lou M, Shi FD. Fingolimod enhances the efficacy of delayed alteplase administration in acute ischemic stroke by promoting anterograde reperfusion and retrograde collateral flow. Ann Neurol. 2018;84:717-728.
13. Zhang C, Tian D, Yang CS, Han B, Wang J, Yang L, Shi FD. Safety and efficacy of bortezomib for highly relapsing NMOSD patients. JAMA Neurol. 2017;74:1010-1012.
14. Liu Q, Jin WN, Liu Y, Shi K, Sun H, Zhang F, Zhang C, Gonzales R, Sheth KN, La Cava A, Shi FD. Brain ischemia suppresses immunity in the periphery and brain via different neurogenic innervations. Immunity. 2017;46:474-487.
15. Li M, Li Z, Yao Y, Jin WN, Wood K, Liu Q, Shi FD, Hao J. Astrocyte-derived interleukin-15 exacerbates ischemic brain injury via propagation of cellular immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114: E396-E405.
16. Jiang W, Li D, Han R, Zhang C, Jin WN, Wood K, Liu Q, Shi FD, Hao J. Acetylcholine-producing NK cells attenuate CNS inflammation via modulation of infiltrating monocytes/macrophages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114:E6202-E6211.
17. Liu Q, Sanai N, Jin WN, La Cava A, Van Kaer L, Shi FD. Neural stem cells sustain natural killer cells that dictate recovery from brain inflammation. Nat Neurosci. 2016; 19:243-52.
18. Zhu Z, Fu Y, Tian D, Sun N, Han W, Chang G, Dong Y, Xu X, Liu Q, Huang D, Shi FD. Combination of an immune modulator fingolimod with alteplase in acute ischemic stroke. Circulation. 2015;132:1104-12.
19. Fu Y, Hao J, Zhang N, Ren L, Sun N, Li YJ, Yan Y, Yu C, Shi FD. Fingolimod for treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage: a two-arm proof-of-concept study. JAMA Neurol. 2014;71:1092-101.
20. Fu Y, Zhang N, Ren L, Yan Y, Sun N, Li YJ, Han W, Xue R, Hao J, Yan Y, Yu C, Shi FD. The impact of an immune modulator fingolimod on ischemic stroke. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014;111:18315-20.
21. Gan Y, Liu Q, Wu W, Yin J, Tang Z, Turner G, Chen J, Wang Y, Lanrent J, Yokayama W, Shi FD. Ischemic neurons recruit NK cells that accelerate brain infarction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014;111:2704-9.
22. Hao J, Liu R, Piao W, Zhou Q, Vollmer TL, Xiang R, La Cava A, Campagnolo D, Van Kaer L, and Shi FD. CNS-resident NK cells suppress Th17 responses and CNS autoimmune pathology. J Exp Med. 2010; 207: 1907-1921.
23. Shi FD, Flodstrom M, Balasa B, Kim SH, Van Gunst K, Strominger JL, Wilson SB, and Sarvetnick N. Germ line deletion of the CD1 locus exacerbates diabetes in the NOD mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001;58: 6777- 6782.
24. Shi FD, Wang H, Li H, Hong S, Tanihuchi M, Link H, Van Kaer L, and Ljunggren HG. Natural killer cells determine the outcome of B cell-mediated autoimmunity. Nat Immunol. 2000;1:245-251.
Review Articles:
1. Shi KB, Tian DC, Li ZG, Ducruet AF, Lawton MT and Shi FD. Global brain inflammation in stroke. Lancet Neurol. 2019;18:1058-66.
2. Fu Y, Liu Q, Anrather J, Shi FD. Immune interventions in stroke. Nat Rev Neurol. 2015;11:524-35.
3. Shi FD, Ljunggren HG, La Cava A, Van Kaer, L. Organ-specific features of NK cells. Nat Rev Immunol. 2011;11;658-671.
5. La Cava A, Van Kaer L, and Shi FD. CD4CD25 regulatory T cells and NKT cells: regulators regulating regulators. Trends Immunol. 2006;27: 322-327.
6. Shi FD and Van Kaer L. Reciprocal regulation between NK cells and autoreactive T cells. Nat Rev Immunol. 2006;6:751-760.
7. Shi FD, Ljunggren .G, and Sarvetnick N. Innate immunity and autoimmunity: from self-protection to self-aggression. Trends Immunol. 2001;22:97-101.
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