



  • 中文名:於豐彬_國小英語_ItwillsnowinHarbin.
  • 提供學校:興安街道紅軍國小
  • 主講教師:於豐彬
  • 類別:微課


本單元教學話題為談論“將來的天氣狀況”以及用一般將來時態來描述未來的天氣狀況。主要複習:snow,rain,sunny,hot,cold,warm,windy等天氣單詞以及學習未來天氣的表達方法。學生學習句型:It will be/It will句型描述某地的天氣和談論自己的打算、計畫。


Module 2Unit 2 It’s going to snow in Harbin. 一、教學目標:知識與技能:單詞:snow/sunny/rain/hot/warm/cold/windy句型:It’s going to snow in Harbin.語法:What are you going to do today?過程與方法:講授、遊戲 情感、態度和價值觀:讓學生樹立一個定計畫的好習慣德育目標:用 be going to 句型安排好一天的行程,形成一個好的作息時間 二、重點:單詞:snow/sunny/rain/hot/warm/cold/windy句型:It’s going to snow in Harbin. 三、難點:語法:What are you going to do today? 四、教具:單詞卡片、錄音機 五、教學過程: (一)導入:Warming –up: Greeting. Free talk. (二)探究新知 New teaching:Activity 1: Look and talk.Look at the picture of the weather.Say the name of the weather.Look at the example, then say.Practice in pairs.Have one group come to the front.Activity 2: Where am I?Put the map of China on the board. Say some famous cities of China.Put the symbols of the weather on each city.Point and say.Ask and answer.Activity 3. Listen and say, then chant.Look at the pictures and guess the meaning.Try to read by themselves.Listen the tape and follow it.Let’s chant in their groups.Chant together. (三)鞏固新知 Game: Look and say.Say seven days of a week.Say the weather of each day. 中國現代教育網 www.30edu.com 全國最大教師交流平台Ask and answer. (四)作業布置:用關於天氣的詞語造句 (五)小結:掌握和運用關於天氣的辭彙、用 be going to 說出一天的打算 六、板書設計 Designs: Unit 2 It’s going to snow in Harbin. It’s going to snow/rain /windy/cold/ sunny/warm in Harbin.


