

於祿鵬,1985年5月生於山東榮成,中共黨員,教授,博士生導師。中國科學院大學博士、博士後,英國阿伯里斯特威斯大學博士後。山東省優青(臨沂大學首位),“山東省高等學校青創團隊引育計畫”學術帶頭人,臨沂大學首位國家自然科學基金國際合作項目獲得者。臨沂大學釋光年代學實驗室負責人,青年地學論壇理事,《Frontiers in Earth Science》客座副主編、《中國沙漠》青年編委、《鹽湖研究》青年編委

主要研究方向:釋光年代學方法和套用、青藏高原第四紀地貌演化(風沙地貌、河流地貌、湖泊地貌)與環境變化。主持完成國家自然科學基金(國際合作項目、面上項目、地區科學基金)、山東省自然科學基金(山東省優青)、中國博士後科學基金(特別資助、面上項目)等縱向項目10項,主持四川省地震局、中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所、青島海洋地質所、北京師範大學等單位的橫向課題20餘項。發表SCI論文50篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表在GSA Bulletin、Geoderma、CATENA、Palaeo-3、Quaternary Geochronology、Quaternary Research等期刊發表SCI論文20篇。


  • 中文名:於祿鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東榮成
  • 出生日期:1985年5月
  • 畢業院校中國科學院大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:自然地理學
  • 學術代表作:LuPeng Yu*, Yong Sun, Ping An, Noam Greenbaum, Joel Roskin, 2022. Dunefield Expansion and Paleoclimate during MIS 3 in the Qaidam Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from Aeolian-Fluvial Processes and Revised Luminescence Chronologies. CATENA 215, 206354.
    Chang Huang, Lupeng Yu**, Zhongping Lai*, 2023. Holocene millennial lake-level fluctuations of lake Nam Co in Tibet using OSL dating of shorelines. Journal of Hydrology 618, 128643.
    Lotem Robins*, Joel Roskin, Lupeng Yu*, Revital Bookman, Noam Greenbaum, 2022. Aeolian-fluvial processes control landscape evolution along dunefield margins of the northwestern Negev (Israel) since the late Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 285, 107520.
    LuPeng Yu, ZhongPing Lai, 2012. OSL chronology and palaeoclimatic implications of aeolian sedimens in the eastern Qaidam Basin of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 120-129.
    LuPeng Yu*, ZhiBao Dong, ZhongPing Lai**, GuangQiang Qian, Tong Pan, 2015. Origin and lateral migration of linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin of NW China revealed by dune sediments, internal structures, and optically stimulated luminescence ages, with implications for linear dunes on Titan: Comment and Discussion. GSA Bulletin 127, 316-320.
  • 主要成就:系統建立柴達木盆地風成沉積的年代學,研究柴達木盆地環境變化與風沙地貌演化
  • 職稱:教授 


2003.09-2007.06 青海師範大學資源環境與城鄉規劃管理專業,理學學士;
2004.09-2007.06 青海師範大學英語專業,文學學士;
2005.09-2006.03 中山大學經濟地理專業,訪問學生;
2007.09-2012.06 中國科學院大學地球化學專業,理學博士(碩博連讀);
2012.07-2014.10 中國科學院西北生態環境資源研究院、青海省地質調查院,博士後;
2013.12-2014.10 青海省地質調查院,副研究員;
2014.08-2015.12 臨沂大學 資源環境學院,副教授;
2015.12-2017.12 臨沂大學 資源環境學院,特聘教授,碩士生導師;
2016.04-2017.04 Aberystwyth University, UK,博士後;
2017.12-2018.12 臨沂大學 資源環境學院,特聘教授,博士生導師;
2019.01-至今 臨沂大學 資源環境學院,教授,博士生導師,山東省優青(2015.8),“山東省高等學校青創團隊引育計畫”學術帶頭人(2021.12)




  1. 山東省高等學校“青創人才引育計畫”建設團隊:全球變化與地表過程創新團隊,200萬,2022.1-2024.12;
  2. 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目:末次冰期以來中國和以色列沙漠-河流相互作用過程及其對沙漠演化的控制作用(41761144073),236.4萬,2017.10-2020.9
  3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:柴達木盆地東緣山區古風影沙丘的釋光年代學、演化過程與控制因素(42371020),66.3萬,2024.1-2027.12;
  4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:利用光釋光測年研究柴達木盆地拋物線形沙丘的形成演化(41672167),92.4萬,2017.1-2020.12;
  5. 國家自然科學基金地區科學基金:基於光釋光測年的柴達木盆地風成沉積演化與環境變化研究(41462006),53萬,2015.1-2018.12;
  6. 山東省自然科學基金重點項目——省屬高校優秀青年人才聯合基金:柴達木盆地線形沙丘的釋光年代學與成因研究(ZR2015JL015),30萬,2015.7-2017.7
  7. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助:基於光釋光測年的柴達木盆地沙漠化歷史與沉積過程研究(2013T60902),15萬,2013.6-2014.7;
  8. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目:柴達木盆地風成沉積釋光年代學與環境變化(2012M521822),5萬,2012.11-2014.7;
  9. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(西崑侖山崇測冰帽末次間冰期以來冰芯記錄及冰川變化對氣候的回響,41330528)子課題:冰芯年代學,12萬,2014.4-2017.4;
  10. 青海省自然科學基金青年項目:柴達木盆地沙漠化歷史與氣候變化研究(2013-Z-928Q),8萬,2013.3-2015.12。


  1. Joel Roskin, Lupeng Yu, 2023. Editorial:Aeolian-fluvial surficial processes and paleoenvironmental archives:characteristics, mechanisms, and method. Frontiers in Earth Science 11,1290955.
  2. JianGang Liu, HaiYan Fan,Ping An, Huan Wen, LuPeng Yu*. Mega-lake formation in the eastern HetaoBasin, China, during marine isotope stages 7 and 5: A comparison of quartz andfeldspar luminescence dating. Front. Earth Sci. 11, 1177629.
  3. Qingbin Fan, Jie Liao, Yan li, Wei Ye, Tao Wang, Lupeng Yu, Xiao Feng, Weixiao Han, 2022. The Formation ofYardangs Surrounding the Suoyang City Ruins in the Hexi Corridor ofNorthwestern China and Its Climatic–Environmental Significance. RemoteSensing 14(21), 5628.
  4. Hao Li*, Yiyuan Li**, Lupeng Yu***, Hua Tu, Yuzhu Zhang, Alexandra Sumner,KathleenKuman, 2022.12.15. Continuous technological and behavioral development of latePleistocene hominins in central South China: Multidisciplinary analysis atSandinggai. Quaternary Science Reviews 298, 107850.
  5. Lotem Robins,Joel Roskin,Ofer Marder,Lotan Edeltin,LuPeng Yu,Noam Greenbaum,2023. Geomorphic,environmental, and archeological significance of Last Glacial Maximum to middleHolocene dune damming, northwestern Negev dunefield margin, Israel. QuaternaryScience Reviews 308, 108098.
  6. Guangyin Hu*, Jingjing Hu, Lupeng Yu**, Linhai Yang, Xiangjun Liu, Fengjun Xiao, Zhibao Dong,2023. Holocene aeolian activity triggered by climate change andendorheic-exorheic drainage transition in the Headwater Region of the YellowRiver, Tibetan Plateau. Geomorphology 441, 108890.
  7. Chang Huang,Yun Guo, Lupeng Yu, Min Cao, Hua Tu, Zhongping Lai,2023. Holocene hydrological history of a Tibetan glacier-fed lake Taro Co in responseto climate change. CATENA 220, 106686.
  8. Guoqiang Li, Xiaoyan Zhang,Zhongfeng Yan, Yuanlu Liu, He Yang, Yixuan Wang, Tara N. Jonell, Jikun Qian,Siyi Guo, Lupeng Yu, ZhongWang, Jianhui Chen, 2022. Westerlies-Monsoon interaction drives out-of-phase precipitation andasynchronous lake level changes between Central and East Asia over the lastmillennium. CATENA 218, 106568.
  9. Lotem Robins*, Joel Roskin,Lupeng Yu*, Revital Bookman, Noam Greenbaum, 2022. Aeolian-fluvial processescontrol landscape evolution along dunefield margins of the northwestern Negev(Israel) since the late Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 285, 107520.
  10. Xiaoyun Yang, Lupeng Yu*, Qiufang Chang, Zhongping Lai, 2022. Floodactivity revealed millennial-scale climatic changes during the late Holocene inthe Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International637, 32-43.
  11. ChangHuang, Lupeng Yu**, Zhongping Lai*, 2023. Holocene millennial lake-levelfluctuations of lake Nam Co in Tibet using OSL dating of shorelines. Journal ofHydrology 618, 128643.
  12. LuPeng Yu*, Yong Sun, PingAn, Noam Greenbaum, Joel Roskin, 2022. Dunefield Expansion and Paleoclimateduring MIS 3 in the Qaidam Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence fromAeolian-Fluvial Processes and Revised Luminescence Chronologies. CATENA 215,206354.
  13. Chuanyi Wei*, Gongming Yin, Chunru Liu,N’dji dit JacquesDembele, Lupeng Yu,Huajun Jiang,Yawei Li,Rujun Guo,Li Cheng,Wenpeng Li,2022. Gamma radiation effects on quartz Al and Ti center electron spinresonance signal intensity: Implications for quartz provenance discrimination. AmericanMineralogist 107(4), 584-691.
  14. Jianping Zhang*, Ying Lv, Lupeng Yu*, Miao Tang, MingHuang, Konglan Shao, Xiujia Huan, Changhui Wen, Yajie Dong, Ming Jiang, KunyuHe, Xue Yan, Maolin Ye, Naiqin Wu, Houyuan Lu, 30 Nov 2021, Neolithic RiceCultivation and Consequent Landscape Changes at the Baodun Site, SouthwesternChina. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 807626.
  15. Tao Zhang, Wenxia Han,Yongxiang Han*, Shuang Lv, David Madsen, LupengYu**, Shengli Yang, Yixuan Wang, 15.9.2021. What drove late Holocenedust activity in central Asia, natural processes or human activity? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 578, 110585.
  16. Lan Luo, Zhongping Lai,Wenhao Zheng, Yantian Xu, Lupeng Yu,Chang Huang, Hua Tu, 20.9.2021. OSL Chronology of the Siling Co PaleolithicSite in Central Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Earth Science 9,699693.
  17. ZhiYong Ding, RuiJie Lu*, LinDong Wang, LuPeng Yu**, XiaoKang Liu, YingNa Liu, LiYun Liu, Min Bai, ShuZhi Wang, 2021. Early-Mid Holocene climatic changes inferred from eolian deposits in the Mu Us Desert. Geoderma 401, 114172. (IF: 4.848)
  18. An Ping, Yu Lupeng*, Wang Yixuan, Miao Xiaodong, Wang Changsheng, Lai Zhongping, Shen Hongyuan, 2020. Holocene incisions and flood activities of the Keriya River, NW margin of the Tibetan plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 191, 104224. DOI:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104224. (IF: 3.059)
  19. ZhaoJing Ding, LuPeng Yu*, ZhongPing Lai**, Ping An, XiaoDong Miao, RuRu Xu, ZengQi Liu, 2020. Post-IR IRSL chronology of paleo-lacustrine sediments from Yardangs in Qaidam Basin, NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geochronometria, in press, DOI:10.2478/geochr-2020-0016. (IF: 0.902)
  20. Lotem Robins*, Noam Greenbaum, LuPeng Yu, Revital Book man, Joel Roskin, 2021. High-resolution portable-OSL analysis of Vegetated Linear Dune construction in the margins of the northwestern Negev dunefield (Israel) during the late Quaternary. Aeolian Research 50, 100680. (IF: 2.763)
  21. XiaoHua Guo**, JiuChuan Wei, ZhaoJun Song, ZhongPing Lai, LuPeng Yu*, 2020. Optically stimulated luminescence chronology and geomorphic imprint of Xiazangtan landslide upon the upper Yellow River valley on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geological Journal 55 (7): 5498-5507, DOI: 10.1002/gj.3754 (IF: 1.394)
  22. GuoQiang Li*, HaiXia Zhang, XiangJun Liu, He Yang, XiaoYun Wang, XiaoJian Zhang, TaraN, Jonell, YuNian Zhang, Xin Huang, Zhong Wang, XiXuan Wang, LuPeng Yu, DunSehang Xia, 2020. Paleoclimatic changes and modulation of East Asian summer monsoonby high-latitude forcing over the last 130,000 years as revealed byindependently dated loess-paleosol sequences on the NE TibetanPlateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 237, 106283. (IF: 3.803)
  23. WenXia Han*, Shuang Lv, Erwin Appel, Andre Berger, David Madsen, Jef Vandenberghe, LuPeng Yu, YongXiang Han, Yibo Yang, Tao Zhang, XiaoHua Teng, XiaoMin Fang**, 2019. Dust Storm Outbreak in Central Asia After ~3.5 Kyr BP. Geophysical Research Letters 46, doi:10.1029/2018GL081795. (IF: 4.34)
  24. TianYuan Chen, ZhongPing Lai*, SiWen Liu, YiXuan Wang, ZhenTing Wang, XiaoDong Miao, FuYuan An, LuPeng Yu, FengQing Han, 2019. Luminescence chronology and paleoenvironmental significance of limnic relics from the Badain Jaran Desert, north China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, 240-249. (IF: 3.059)
  25. GuangYin Hu*, LuPeng Yu**, ZhiBao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Jiyan Li, YiXuan Wang, ZhongPing Lai, 2018. Holocene aeolian activity in the Zoige Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Catena 160, 321-328. (IF: 4.333)
  26. FuYuan An, XiangJun Liu, QiXing Zhang, YiXuan Wang, TianYuan Chen, LuPeng Yu, BaoLiang Lu, QiuFang Chang, 2018. Drainage geomorphic evolution in response to paleoclimatic changes since 12.8 ka in the eastern Kunlun Mountains, NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geomorphology 319, 117-132. (IF: 3.819)
  27. GuangYin Hu*, LuPeng Yu**, ZhiBao Dong, Huijun Jin, DongLiang Luo, YiXuan Wang, ZhongPing Lai, 2017. Holocene aeolian activity in the Headwater Region of the Yellow River, Northeast Tibet Plateau, China: A first approach by using OSL-dating. Catena 149, 150-157. (IF: 4.333)
  28. XiangJun Liu*, GuoQiao Xiao, ChongYi E, XiangZhong Li, ZhongPing Lai, LuPeng Yu, Zhong Wang, 2017. Accumulation and erosion of aeolian sediments in thr northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and implications for provenance to the Chinese Loess Plateau, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 135,166-174. (IF: 3.059)
  29. LuPeng Yu*, Ping An, ZhongPing Lai, 2016. Different Implications of OSL and radiocarbon ages in archaeological sites in the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Geochronometria 43, 188-200. (IF: 0.902)
  30. LuPeng Yu*, ZhiBao Dong, ZhongPing Lai**, GuangQiang Qian, Tong Pan, 2015. Origin and lateral migration of linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin of NW China revealed by dune sediments, internal structures, and optically stimulated luminescence ages, with implications for linear dunes on Titan: Comment and Discussion.GSA Bulletin 127, 316-320. (IF: 3.558)
  31. LuPeng Yu*, ZhongPing Lai*, Ping An, Tong Pan, QiuFang Chang, 2015. Aeolian sediments evolution controlled by fluvial processes, climate change and human activities since LGM in the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International 372, 23-32.(IF:2.003)
  32. HongYuan Shen,LuPeng Yu*, HongMei Zhang, Min Zhao, ZhongPing Lai*, 2015. OSL and radiocarbon dating of flood deposits and its palaeoclimatic and archaeological implications in the Yihe River Basin, East China. Quaternary Geochronology 30, 398-404. (IF: 3.079)
  33. ShuJian Xu*, XinChao Ding, LuPeng Yu, ZhiChao Ni, 2015. Palaeoclimatic implications of aeolian sediments on the Miaodao Islands, Bohai Sea, East China, based on OSL dating and proxies. Aeolian Research 19, 259-266. (IF: 2.763)
  34. LuPeng Yu, ZhongPing Lai*, 2014. Holocene Climate change inferred from stratigraphy and OSL chronology of aeolian sediments in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Quaternary Research 81, 488-499. (IF: 2.31)
  35. LuPeng Yu, ZhongPing Lai*, Ping An, 2013. OSL chronology and paleoclimatic implications of paleodunes in the middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions5 (2), 211-219.
  36. WenXia Han, LuPeng Yu*, ZhongPing Lai*, David Madsen, Shengli Yang, 2014. The earliest well-dated archeological site in the hyper-arid Tarim Basin and its implications for prehistoric human migration and climatic change.Quaternary Research 82, 66-72. (IF: 2.31)
  37. Wenxia Han, Zhibang Ma, Zhongping Lai, Erwin Appel, Xiaomin Fang*, Lupeng Yu, 2014. Wind erosion on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau: constraints from OSL and U-Th dating of playa salt crust in the Qaidam Basin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, 779-789. (IF: 3.694)
  38. LuPeng Yu, ZhongPing Lai*, 2012. OSL chronology and palaeoclimatic implications of aeolian sedimens in the eastern Qaidam Basin of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 120-129. (IF: 2.833)
  39. XiangJun Liu, ZhongPing Lai*, LuPeng Yu, YongJuan Sun, David Madsen, 2012. Luminescence chronology of aeolian deposits from the Qinghai Lake area in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 37-43. (IF: 3.079)
  40. XiangJun Liu, ZhongPing Lai*, David Madsen, LuPeng Yu, Kai Liu, JingRan Zhang, 2011. Lake level variations of Qinghai Lake in notthern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since 3.7 ka based on OSL dating. Quaternary International 236, 57-64. (IF: 2.003)
  41. XiangJun Liu, ZhongPing Lai, Yuwei Ma, LuPeng Yu, Land Cover Changes In Qaidam Areas from 2000 to 2008. The International Conference on Multimedia Technology. 2010 (EI).
  42. Chongyi E*, Zhongping Lai, Yongjuan Sun, Guangliang Hou, Lupeng Yu, Chengyong Wu, 2012. A luminescence dating study of loess deposits from the Yili River basin in western China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 50-55. (IF: 3.079)
  43. 於祿鵬*,賴忠平,安萍,2013. 柴達木盆地中部與西南部古沙丘的光釋光年代學研究. 中國沙漠 33(2),453-462.
  44. 趙啟,安萍,於祿鵬*,徐樹建, 2017. 山東黃土年代學研究進展:問題與方向, 海洋地質與第四紀地質37 (2),139-148.
  45. 趙啟,安萍*,於祿鵬,安慶,2016. 有機質去除程度對粒度測量結果的影響及其意義, 聊城大學學報(自然科學版)29 (4),39-45.
  46. 安慶,安萍*,徐汝汝,於祿鵬,2017. 青藏高原不同地區沉積物的粒度特徵與沉積環境判別公式適用性對比研究, 聊城大學學報(自然科學版)30 (4),37-46.
  47. 徐汝汝,安慶,趙啟,陳天源,於祿鵬,安萍*,柴達木盆地東緣風蝕坑不同位置風成沉積物粒度特徵分析,成都師範學院學報,35(9),91-97.
  48. 劉增琦,於祿鵬*,安萍,曹敏,申洪源,姜永見,2019. 柴達木盆地夏日哈河中游古洪水沉積物的粒度特徵,臨沂大學學報41 (6),76-86.
  49. 曹敏,於祿鵬*,安萍,董治寶,趙俊香,賴忠平,王昌盛,2021. 察爾汗鹽湖區線形沙丘下伏湖相地層的釋光年代及其環境意義,中國沙漠,41(1),101-110.
  50. 劉劍剛, 文歡, 於祿鵬*, 安萍, 王昌盛, 李浩, 2023. 江西上湖遺址的石英光釋光年代及其信號曬退研究. 鹽湖研究, 31.


