
教師姓名: 於洪年

所在部門: 機械電子工程系

性 別: 男

現有職稱: 教授

出生年月: 1960-10-31

民 族: 漢

畢業院校: 英國倫敦大學

現任職務: 燕山大學機械工程國家一級重點學科,教授


  • 中文名:於洪年
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男





1.講師(Lecturer),1985.12-1990.7,中國,燕山大學(Yanshan University)。
2.研究學者(Research Fellow),1994.4-1996.3,英國,薩塞克斯大學(Sussex University)。
3.講師(Lecturer),1996.4-1999.3,英國,利物浦約翰摩爾大學(Liverpool John Moore University)。
4.講師(Lecturer),1999.4-2002.3,英國,埃克斯特大學 (Exeter University)。
5.高級講師(Senior Lecturer),2002.4-2004.9,英國,布拉德福德大學(Bradford University)。
6.教授(Professor),2004.10-現在,英國,斯塔福德郡大學(Staffordshire University)。


1. Guest editor of Special Issue on Human Adaptive Mechatronics, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control.
2. Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Automation and Computing.
3. Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management.
4. Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems.



1)主持英日自適應人機電一體化(Human Adaptive Mechatronics)研究聯合網路(英國工程和自然科學基金項目),課題組中有多名來自英國和日本的教授(Owens,Parkins,Furuta, Fukuda 等)。
2)首次提出了組合非線性魯棒自適應 控制方法並套用到機器人的控制上(nonlinear combined adaptive/robust control with applications to robotics) 並獲得IEE最佳論文獎(FC Williams Prize)。


Modelling and Remote Control of an Excavator, International Journal of Automation and Computing,2010 Hasan, Mohammad Shahidul, Yu, Hong-Nian*
Road edge recognition for mobile robot using laser range finder International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems (IJAMECHS),2010 Hongbo Wang, Zhengwei Hu, Hongnian Yu*
Independent cycle time assignment for min-max systems International Journal of Automation and Computing,v7,May 2010 Chen,Wen-De;Tao,Yue-Gang;Yu,Hong-Nian*
Mobile robot localisation using ZigBee wireless sensor networks and a vision sensor International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, August 2010 Wang Hongbo, Yu Ke, Yu Hongnian*
Co-simulation of wireless networked control systems over mobile ad hoc network using SIMULINK and OPNET IET Commuications,AUG 2009 Hasan M.S., Yu H.*, Carrington A., Yang T.C.
Variable structure control of a capsule robot system Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2009 Liu Yang, Yu Hongnian*
Cart propulsion using a revolving pendulum Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2009 Wane Sam, Yu Hongnian*
Model predictive control applied into time delay capsubot system 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2009, Chen Wei; Fang Min; Yu Hongnian*
Closed-loop tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2008 Yu H, Liu Y, Yang T
Decentralized PD control for non-uniform motion of a Hamiltonian hybrid system Inoue, Akira Source: International Journal of Automation and Computing, April 2008 Deng Mingcong,Yu Hongnian*, Inoue Akira
An overview of simulation in Supply Chains Advanced Design and Manufacture to Gain a Competitive Edge: New Manufacturing Techniques and their Role in Improving Enterprise Performance, January 14,2008 Zheng Xin, Yu Hongnian*, Atkins Anthony
Comparative performance of intelligent algorithms for system identification and control,Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2008 Hossain M.A., Madkour A.A.M.,Dahal K.P., Yu H.*
On tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,2008 Yu Hongnian, Liu Yang,Yang Tai
Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of oil aeration on the load-carrying capacity of a hydrodynamic journal bearing,Journal of Engineering Tribology, November 2007,Goodwin MJ, Dong D,Yu H*, Nikolajsen JL
Intelligent learning algorithms for active vibration control,Applications and Reviews, September 2007,Madkour A, Hossain MA, Dahal KP,Yu H*
Tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system,Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007 Yu Hongnian, Liu Yang, Yang Tai
Optimization and control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole system,2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2007 Liu Yang, Yu Hongnian*, Burrows Brian
Ceiling light landmarks based localization and motion control for a mobile robot,2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control,2007 Wang Hongbo, Yu Hongnian*, Kong Lingfu
Inventory management simulation using a novel replenishment algorithm,2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2007 Zheng Xin, Yu Hongnian*, Atkins Anthony
Minimal realization in linear system of max-algebra Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision,May 2006 Sun Zhi-Min, Chen Wen-De, Yu Hong-Nian*


1998年,首次提出組合非線性魯棒自適應控制方法,並套用到機器人的控制上,因此榮獲IEE 最佳論文獎(FC Williams Prize)。


