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2022-至今 中國人民大學招生就業處 副處長
2022-至今 中國人民大學勞動人事學院職業開發與管理系 系主任
2021-2022 中國人民大學招生就業處 副處長(掛職)
2019-至今 中國人民大學勞動人事學院 副教授
2015-2019 中國人民大學勞動人事學院 講師




1. 於坤. (2024). 先立後破,消除“學歷歧視”. 光明日報,2024年1月22日第4版
2. 於坤. (2023). 以人文和科技之翼助力學生成長.人民日報,2023年11月12日第5版
3. Jin, Q., Yu, K.* (2023). Adaptation and validation of the university-to-work success scale among Chinese university graduates. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1258746. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1258746
4. Liu, X., & Yu, K.* (2023). Can’t work and family be compatible? The moderating effect of trait self-control. Current Psychology, online first publication. doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04922-5
5. Peng, X., Yu, K.*, Kang, Y., Zhang, K., Chen, Q. (2023). Perceived overqualification leads to being ostracized: the mediating role of psychological entitlement and moderating role of task interdependence. Career Development International, 28, 554-571. doi: 10.1108/CDI-06-2022-0143
6. Peng, X., Yu, K.*, Peng, J., Zhang, K., Xue, H. (2023). Perceived overqualification and proactive behavior: The role of anger and job complexity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 141, 103847. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103847
7. 高燕燕,於坤.(2023).數位化轉型促大學生更充分更高質量就業. 中國教育報, 2023年05月22日 5版
8. 高燕燕,於坤,任瑾 (2023). 數位化平台賦能學生就業的國際經驗. 光明日報,2023年05月11日 14版
9. 高燕燕,於坤.(2023).以職業發展課程體系助力大學生高質量就業. 光明日報, 2023年02月21日 14版
10. 胡百精, 於坤. (2023). 以職業發展力培育體系促進大學生高質量充分就業——以中國人民大學為例. 中國大學生就業, 511(1),56-61.
11. Peng, X., Yu, K.*, Peng, J., Zhang, K., Xue, H. (2023). Perceived overqualification and proactive behavior: The role of anger and job complexity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 141, 103847. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103847
12. Xi, R., Yu, K.*, Ge, Y., Cao, P. (2022). Ethical leadership and followers’ career satisfaction, mobility, and promotability: A P-E fit perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 927146. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.927146
13. 周文霞,潘真,魏仕龍,於坤,高雪原 & 馮悅.(2022).常懷感恩,持續發展:感恩對人力資源從業者可持續職業生涯的積極作用. 中國人力資源開發(10),64-75. doi:10.16471/j.cnki.11-2822/c.2022.10.005.
14. Bai, C., Chen, X., Liu, H., & Yu, K.* (2022). Parental Expectation and Mobile Phone Addiction in Adolescents from Chinese Low-Income Families: The Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety. Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, 25(9), 589–596. doi:10.1089/cyber.2022.0069
15. Zhao, Z., Yu, K.*, Liu, C., Yan, Y. (2022). High-performance human resource practices and employee well-being: The role of networking and proactive personality. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 60, 721-738. doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12339
16. 於坤*, 王哲源, 彭雄良, 王佩, 趙澤珺, 嚴一丹, 曹培悅. (2022). 組織中利他行為的可持續性及其前因機制:基於主動性動機視角. 心理科學進展, 30, 1-13. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2022.001
17. Peng, X., Yu, K.*, Zhang, K., Xue, H., Peng, J. (2022) Perceived Overqualification and Intensive Smartphone Use: A Moderated Mediation Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:794913. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.794913
18. 於坤. (2022). 以社會支持體系提升高校畢業生就業力,有效把握髮展機遇、應對就業挑戰. 中國大學生就業, 23, 15-16+21.
19. 徐前, 宋小燕, 於坤, 王曉莊, 陶愛華. (2022). 人力資本、社會資本、心理資本與員工幸福感的關係:基於潛在剖面分析. 中國健康心理學雜誌, 30(4), 551-556. doi: 10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2022.04.015
20. Hsueh, F., Yu, K., Wang, L.* (2021). Congruency of academic and interpersonal subjective social status in relation to adolescent psychological health: the moderating role of Core self-evaluations. Current Psychology, 42, 6818-6833. doi:10.1007/s12144-021-01857-7
21. 徐前, 郭存,於坤*, 王奧,劉君儀, 梅玲. (2021). 心理資本、社會資本及人力資本對員工幸福感的影響:任務不確定性的調節效應. 中國健康心理學雜誌, 1, 71-76.
22. Liu, X., & Yu, K.* (2021). When pursuing more career, success hits home and job: Examining the cost of vocational delay of gratification.Career Development International, 26, 806-823. doi: 10/gm3cgg
23. 周宓,於坤 & 王芙蓉.(2021).認知靈活性與個體適應能力:一個交叉滯後的雙向中介模型. 中國臨床心理學雜誌,01,182-186+190. doi:10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2021.01.037.
24. 於坤, 劉曉燕*. (2021). 壓力源如何影響工作倦怠變化?職業延遲滿足的調節作用. 管理評論,33, 217-226. doi: 10.14120/j.cnki.cn11-5057/f.2021.02.019
25. Wang, Z., Yu, K.*, Xi, R., Zhang, X. (2019). Servant Leadership and Career Success: The Effects of Career Skills and Proactive Personality. Career Development International, 24, 717-730. doi:10.1108/CDI-03-2019-0088
26. Liu, C., Yu, K.*(2019). Career adaptability and citizenship fatigue: A moderated mediation model. Career Development International, 24, 658-671. doi:10.1108/CDI-12-2018-0312
27. Yu, K., Liu, C., Li, Y.* (2019). Beyond social exchange: Career adaptability linking work stressors and counterproductive work behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1079. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01079
28. Xu, X., Yu, K.* (2019). Core self-evaluation and citizenship behavior: The role of career adaptability and ethical leadership. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 153, 463-477. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2018.1564724
29. Liu, X., Yu, K.* (2019). Emotional stability and citizenship fatigue: The role of emotional exhaustion and job stressors. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 254–262. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.11.033
30. Li, H., Yu, K.*, Huang, Y., Jin, X. (2019). Not all leaving is created equal: Differentiating the antecedents of changing organizations versus switching occupations. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 18, 10-22. doi: 10.1027/1866-5888/a000216.
31. Yu, K., Wang, Z.,* Huang, Y. (2018). Work-family conflict and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of job satisfaction and decision authority. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 12, 17. doi: 10.1186/s11782-018-0039-5
32. Yu, K., & Li, Y.* (2018). Childhood economic status predicting later income: the role of networking ability and encouragement of participation. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 12, 3. doi: 10.1186/s1178
33. Liu, X., Yu, K.* (2017). Delay of gratification in predicting job performance in new employees: A time-varying process and the moderating role of perceived informational justice. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 11, e4, 1-8. doi: 10.1017/prp.2017.4
34. Yu, K. (2017). Schedule control, work interference with family and emotional exhaustion: A reciprocal moderated mediation model. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 11, e3, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/prp.2017.3
35. 於坤, 劉曉燕. (2017). 越多安全感,越少加班?工作安全感與核心自我評價對加班行為的影響.中國人力資源開發, 367(1), 59-65. (人大複印報刊資料轉載於《勞動經濟與勞動關係》2017年04期).
36. 於坤, 劉曉燕,黃又黃. (2017). 願景型領導對員工建言行為影響的研究:組織支持感和挑戰型壓力評估的作用. 現代管理科學, 290, 106-108.
37. Yu, K. (2016). Better and worse: A dual-process model of the relationship between core self-evaluation and work-family conflict. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1579. doi: fpsyg.2016.01579
38. Wei, W., Lu, J. G., Galinsky, A. D..., Yu, K., Bai, Q., Shang, Z., Han, Y. & Wang, L.* (2017). Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 890–895. Doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0240-0
39. Yu, K., Lin, W., Wang, L.,* Ma, J. Wei, W., Wang, H. Guo, W., Shi, J. (2016). The role of affective commitment and future work self salience in the abusive supervision–job performance relationship. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89, 28-45. doi: 10.1111/joop.12101
40. 於坤. (2015). 人力資本契約模式案例分析——以MRU計畫和晨星成長計畫為例.中國人力資源開發, 338 (20), 80-86.
1. Lin, W., Yu, K.* (2019). The enriching and depleting effects of workplace proactivity on work-family conflict. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2019.16689abstract
2. Zhang, Q., SU, R.,* Ryu, S., Li, C., Yu, K. (2019). Can Work Teams Prosper with Membership Flux? The Role of Team Receptivity to Newcomers. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2019.316
3. Liu, X., Yu, K.* (2018). How Stressors Influence Change of Burnout? The Moderating Role of Vocational Delay of Gratification. Paper accepted by the 2018 Academy of Management Meeting. Chicago, IL.
4. Yu, K., Bamberger,* P., Wang, L.* (2017). The Impact of Leader and Peers on Newcomers’ Coworker Helping
Trends. Paper accepted by the 2017 Academy of Management Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
5. Yu, K., Bamberger, P.,* Wang, L.* (2017). Impact of Leadership and Norms on Newcomers’ Coworker Helping Trajectories. Paper accepted by the 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL.
6. Yu, K., Lin, W., Wang, L.,* Ma, J. (2015). The role of affective commitment and future work self salience in the abusive supervision-job performance relationship. Paper accepted by the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
7. Yu, K., & Wang, L.* (2014). Ethical Leadership and Employee Performance: A Cross-Level Moderated Mediation Model. (Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of Applied Psychology. Paris, France).
8. Yu, K., & Wang, L.* (2012). Virtual Choice Enhances Resistance Towards Illusory Stress. (Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa).
9. Yu, K., & Wang, L. (2010). Leader's Color Preference and Subordinate's Perception of Leadership Style: The moderating role of gender difference. (Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of Applied Psychology. Sydney, Australia).
10. Zhang, Q., Wang, L.,* Lin, W., Ma, J., & Yu, K. (2015). Communication frequency, quality and relationship satisfaction: A P-E fit approach. Paper accepted by the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
11. Lin, W., Zhang, Q., Wang, L.,* Yu, K., Ma, J., & Wei, W. (2014). Leader coaching and employee performance: A multilevel moderated mediation model. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
1. 於坤. 組織中的可持續利他:回顧與展望,智慧財產權出版社,2023年5月。
2. 周文霞, 王楨, 高燕燕,於坤, 金秋萍, 董春發. 中國人力資源職業發展狀況調查報告2022, 中國人民大學出版社, 2022年12月
3. 於坤, 趙澤珺. 社會認知職業理論. 周文霞, 謝寶國 主編. 職業生涯研究與實踐必備的41個理論, 北京大學出版社, 2022年6月, 253-266頁
4. 李原, 於坤, 孫健敏(譯), (美)帕梅拉·欣德勒(著).管理研究方法(第13版) .中國人民大學出版社,2021年10月
5. 周文霞, 王楨, 於坤, 金秋萍, 董春發. 中國人力資源職業發展狀況調查報告2020, 中國人民大學出版社, 2020年12月
6. 於坤. 個體心理與行為的研究脈絡與特徵. 周文霞 主編. 中國人力資源管理研究40年 (1978-2018), 中國社會科學出版社, 2018年12月, 258-301頁
7. 於坤. 工作家庭衝突的前因機制研究:社會認知的視角, 智慧財產權出版社, 2018年5月
8. 周文霞, 王楨, 於坤. 中國人力資源職業發展狀況調查報告2016, 中國人民大學出版社, 2017年12月
9. 周文霞, 王楨, 於坤. 中國人力資源職業發展狀況調查報告2015, 中國勞動社會保障出版社, 2016年6月


2023 中國人民大學教學標兵
2023 北京市高校畢業生就業工作榮譽獎
2022 中國人民大學123金課
2022 Emerald出版社2022 Literati Awards-年度傑出論文獎
2022 北京地區高校就業指導名師工作室
2022 中國致公黨北京社會服務工作先進個人
2021 中國人民大學優秀班主任
2021 北京市高校就業創業金課
2021 第七屆全國大學生人力資源技能競展匯優秀指導教師
2021 北京市海淀區政協優秀提案
2021 中國人民大學教學成果獎一等獎
2021 中國人民大學教學成果獎二等獎
2020 中國人民大學課程教學優秀獎
2020 教育部第八屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎一等獎
2020 中國人民大學招生工作先進個人
2020 中國人民大學線上教學優秀本科課程
2019 中國人民大學課程教學優秀獎
2018 中國人民大學課外教學優秀獎


(1) 致公黨中央教育委員會委員
(2) 中國勞動學會企業人力資源管理與開發專委會副秘書長
(3) 勞動經濟學會職業開發與管理分會副秘書長
(4) 中國企業改革與發展研究會人力資源管理專委會副秘書長
(5) 中國學位與研究生教育學會研究生職業發展教育委員會委員
(6) 中國高等教育學會高校學生管理與就業創業工作研究分會理事
(7) 北京市高等教育學會大學生就業創業研究分會理事
(8) 致公黨北京市經濟委員會委員
(9) 教育部全國高校就業創業指導教師培訓特聘專家
(10) 中國人民大學共同富裕研究院研究員
(11) 中國人民大學雙碳研究院研究員
(12) 海淀區青聯委員


