



  • 中文名:於光認
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:化學、化工、材料相關的專業
  • 任職院校北京化工大學


1996.9-2000.7 山東工業大學 化學工程與工藝 學士
2000.9-2003.7 北京化工大學 化學工藝 碩士 2003.9-2007.7 中國科學院過程工程研究所 套用化學 博士
2007.7-2010.12 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 講師
2011.1-2014.12 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 副教授
2015.1-今 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 教授
2012.3-2013.3 UC Berkeley 訪問學者


國家自然科學基金2項(離子液體氧化脫硫新技術的計算機模擬和實驗研究 No. 21176021;離子液體粘度的基礎研究 No. 20806002)
北京市自然科學基金1項(離子液體萃取硫氮雜環化合物的研究 No. 2103051) 其它橫向課題十餘項


離子溶劑是近十幾年內才發展起來的一類新型“綠色溶劑”,有望在某些領域取代傳統揮發性有機分子型溶劑,解決化工行業中溶劑的揮發損失污染以及安全問題, 目前是綠色化學領域的一個研究熱點。申請者自2007年博士畢業工作後,一直從事離子溶劑(離子液體和低共熔溶劑)的基礎理論與套用研究,包括合成/表 征、計算機模擬(QM/MD/COSMO-RS/QSPR)、資料庫、定量結構性質關聯、及在清潔燃料油生產、有害氣體CO2/SO2/H2S捕集分離、 染料廢水處理、低碳烷烯烴分離、共沸物分離、生物活性鹼提存等領域的套用,取得了創新性的成果,在AIChE J、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.、J. Phys. Chem. B、Green Chem.、Sep. Puri. Tech.等化學/化工環境領域的知名期刊上發表SCI論文60餘篇,引用次數1500多次,申請發明專利2項,在國際會議上以牆報或口頭報導的形式展示 10餘次。先後主持國家自然科學基金2項、北京市自然科學基金1項、中國石油科技創新基金1項、北京化工大學青年教師基金1項、中央高校基本科研業務基金 2項、指導學生完成研究生創新基金1項、國家大學生創新計畫1項、其它橫向課題10餘項。


[1] Guangren Yu, Xiaomin Liu, Xiaochun Zhang, Xiaochun Chen, Zhiping Liu, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab. Elimination of the azeotropic point of acetone and methanol by 1,3-dimethylimidazolium dimethylphosphate: an ab initio calculation study. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2017, 23:74-81.
[2] Tao Ma, Jiexin Wang, Zengzhi Du, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. A process simulation study of CO2 capture by ionic liquids. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017, 58:223-231.
[3] Jun Cao, Guangren Yu*, Xiaochun Chen, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi. Determination of vapor – liquid equilibrium of methyl acetate + methanol + 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium dialkylphosphates at 101.3 kPa. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2017, 62:816-824.
[4] Xiaolong Shen, Rashid Abro, Ibrahim A. Alhumaydhi, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. Separation of propylene and propane by functional mixture of imidazolintum chloride ionic liquid–Organic solvent–Cuprous salt. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 175:177-184.
[5] Jing Zhou, Xiaomin Liu, Suojiang Zhang, Xiangping Zhang, Guangren Yu*. Effect of small amount of water on the dynamics properties and microstructures of ionic liquids. AIChE Journal, 2016, in press (DOI:10.1002/aic.15594)
[6] Shurong Gao, Xiaochun Chen, Rashid Abro, Zhan Su, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangren Yu*. Mutual solubility of acidic ionic liquid and model gasoline of n -octane + 1-octene + toluene. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 69:78-84.
[7] Guangren Yu, Sisi Fan, Xiaochun Chen, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab. CO2 absorption by binary mixture of ionic liquids-monoethanolamine at lower pressure. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2016, 44:52-58.
[8] Yuan Zhang, Guangren Yu*, Liang Yu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu, Mengjiao Gao, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Xiaochun Chen. Computational fluid dynamics study on mixing mode and power consumption in anaerobic mono- and co-digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 203:166-172.
[9] Rashid Abro, Shurong Gao, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab. Oxidative desulfurization of gasoline by ionic liquids coupled with extraction by organic solvents. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016, 27:998-1006.
[10] Zheng Zhao, Na Li, Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Ahmed A.Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangqing Liu, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidonium-based Bronsted-Lewis acidic ionic liquids as catalysts for the hydrolysis of cellulose. Science China-Chemistry, 2016, 59:564-570.
[11] Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Rashid Abro, Shurong Gao, Tauqeer Abbas, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oils using ionic liquids: A review. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 62:84-97.
[12] Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Khadija Qureshi, Rashid Abro, Khanji Harijan, Zheng Zhao, Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi, Tauqeer Abbase, Guangren Yu*. Progress in the production of biomass-to-liquid biofuels to decarbonize the transport sector – prospects and challenges. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:32140-32170.
[13] Shurong Gao, Guangren Yu*, Rashid Abro, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Xiaochun Chen. Desulfurization of fuel oils: Mutual solubility of ionic liquids and fuel oils. Fuel, 2016, 173:164-171
[14] Rashid Abro, Masroor Abro, Shurong Gao, Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Zeenat M Ali, Asif Shah, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. Extractive denitrogenation of fuel oils using ionic liquids: a review. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 93932-93946.
[15] Guangren Yu, Lin Zhang, Xiaochun Chen, Ibraahim A. Alhumaydhi, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Hamid A. Almegren, Salem S. Al-Deyab. Separation of propylene and propane by alkylimidazolium thiocyanate ionic liquids with Cu+ salt. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 156: 356-362.
[16] Shurong Gao, Xiaochun Chen, Rashid Abro, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangren Yu*. Desulfurization of fuel oil: conductor-like screening model for real solvents study on capacity of ionic liquids for thiophene and dibenzothiophene. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54:9421-9430.
[17] Xiaochun Chen, Bin Yang, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangren Yu*, Xingyue Yong*. Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium for acetone + methanol + phosphate ionic liquids. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015, 60:612-620.
[18] Xiaochun Chen, Yanwen Guan, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Xiaoliang Yuan, Chunyan Wang, Guangren Yu*. Using functional acidic ionic liquids as both extractant and catalyst in oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuel: An investigation of real feedstock. Fuel, 2015, 146:6-12.
[19] Jessica Juweriah Ibrahim, Shurong Gao, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Liang Yu, Guangren Yu*, Xiaochun Chen, Xingyue Yong. Extractive desulfurization of fuel oils with dicyano(nitroso)methanide-based ionic liquids. Separation Science and Technology, 2015, 50:1166-1174.
[20] Xiaochun Chen, Hansong Guo, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Yanwen Guan, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangren Yu*, Liang Yu. Bronsted-Lewis acidic ionic liquids and application in oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuel. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29:2998-3003.
[21] Rashid Abro, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Guangren Yu*, Abdul Basit Qazi, Shurong Gao, Xiaochun Chen*. A review for extractive desulfurization of fuel oils using ionic liquids. RSC Advances, 2014, 4:35302-35317.
[22] Xiaochun Chen, Shan Yuan, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Jianwen Zhang*, Liang Yu, Guangren Yu*. Extractive desulfurization and denitrogenation of fuels using functional acidic ionic liquids. Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 133:187-193.
[23] Guangren Yu, Liyong Deng, Ahmed A. Abdeltawab, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Xiaochun Chen, Jianwen Zhang. Functional Solution Composed of Cu(I) Salt and Ionic Liquids to Separate Propylene from Propane. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 13430-13435.
[24] Guangren Yu, Qingzeng Li, Na Li, Ziwei Man, Chenghao Pu, Charles Asumana, Xiaochun Chen. Synthesis of new crosslinked porous ammonium-based poly(ionic liquid) and application in CO2. Polymer Engineering & Science, 2014, 54:59-63.
[25] Guangren Yu, Waheed Afzal, Fuxin Yang, Sasisanker Padmanabhan, Zhongguo Liu, Hongxue Xie, Mahmoud Abdel Shafy, Alexis T. Bella and John M. Prausnitz. Pretratment of MiscanthusXgiganteus using aqueous ammonia with hydrogen peroxide to increase enzymatic hydrolysis to sugars. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2014, 89, 5:689-706.
[26] Guangren Yu, Lu Wen, Dachuan Zhao, Charles Asumana, Xiaochun Chen. QSPR study on the viscosity of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2013, 184:51-59.
[27] Guangren Yu, Ziwei Man, Qingzeng Li, Na Li, Xinying Wu, Charles Asumana, Xiaochun Chen. New crosslinked-porous poly-ammonium microparticles as CO2 adsorbents. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2013, 73:1058-1064.
[28] Charles Asumana, Md Razibul Haque, Liang Yu, Xinying Wu, Xiaochun Chen, Guangren Yu*. Desulfurization of real fuel oils by extraction with ionic liquids. Separation Science and Technology 2013, 48:2582-2588.
[29] Xiaochun Chen, Shuimin Ming, Xinying Wu, Chang Chen, Charles Asumana, Guangren Yu*. Cu(I)-based ionic liquids as potential absorbents to separate propylene and propane. Separation Science and Technology 2013, 48:2317-2323.
[30] Fufeng Cai, Xinying Wu, Chang Chen, Xiaochun Chen,Charles Asumana, Md Razibul Haque, Guangren Yu*. Isobaric vapor?liquid equilibrium for methanol + dimethyl carbonate + phosphoric-based ionic liquids. Fluid Phase Equilibra, 2013, 352:47-53.
[31] Xiaochun Chen, Fufeng Cai, Xinying Wu, Charles Asumana, and Guangren Yu*. Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium for methanol+dimethylcarbonate+1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dibutylphosphate. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2013, 58:1186-1192.
[32] Xiaochun Chen, Fanlei Li, Charles Asumana, Guangren Yu*. Extraction of soluble dyes from aqueous solutions with quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquids. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 106:105-109.
[33] Xiangyang Liu, Waheed Afzal, Guangren Yu, Maogang He, John M. Prausnitz. High solubilities of small hydrocarbons in trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117:10534-10539.
[34] Xiaochun Chen, Dandan Song, Charles Asumana, Guangren Yu*. Deep oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuels by Lewis acidic ionic liquids based on 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium metal chloride. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012, 359: 8-13.
[35] Xiaochun Chen, Ge Liu, Shan Yuan, Charles Asumana, Wenbo Wang, Guangren Yu*. Extractive desulfurization of fuel oils with thiazolium-based Ionic liquids. Separation Science and Technology, 2012, 47: 819-826.
[36] Guangren Yu, Dachuan Zhao, Lu Wen, Shendu Yang, Xiaochun Chen. Viscosity of ionic liquids: Database, observation, and quantitative structure-property relationship analysis. AIChE Journal, 2012, 58: 2885-2899.
[37] Guangren Yu, Xiaochun Chen, Charles Asumana, Suojiang Zhang, Xiaomin Liu, Guohui Zhou. Vaporization enthalpy and cluster species in gas phase of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidinium-based ionic liquids from computer simulations. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57:507-516.
[38] Guangren Yu, Jingjing Zhao, Dandan Song, Charles Asumana, Xiaoyue Zhang, Xiaochun Chen. Deep oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuels by acidic ionic liquids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50:11690-11697.
[39] Guangren Yu, Xi Li, Xinxing Liu, Charles Asumana, Xiaochun Chen. Deep desulfurization of fuel oils by using low-viscosity 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50: 2236-2244.
[40] Guangren Yu, Xiaochun Chen. SO2 capture by guanidinium-based ionic liquids: A theoretical study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011, 115:3466-3477.
[41] Charles Asumana, Guangren Yu, Yanwen Guan, Shendu Yang, Shaozhen Zhou, Xiaochun Chen. Extractive denitrogenation of fuel oils with dicyanamide-based ionic liquids. Green Chemistry, 2011, 13:3300-3305.
[42] Chao Han, Guangren Yu, Lu Wen, Dachuan Zhao, Charles Asumana, Xiaochun Chen. Data and QSPR study for viscosity of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2011, 300:95-104.
[43] Fengxia Gao, XiaoChun Chen, Guangren Yu, Charles Asumana. Compressible gases transport through porous membrane: A modified dusty gas model. Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 379, 200-2006.
[44] Charles Asumana, Guangren Yu, Xi Li, Jingjing Zhao, Ge Liu, Xiaochun Chen. Extractive desulfurization of fuel oils with low-viscosity dicyanamide-based ionic liquids. Green Chemistry, 2010, 12: 2030-2037.
[45] Xiaomin Liu, Guohui Zhou, Suojiang Zhang, Guangren Yu. Molecular simulations of phosphonium-based ionic liquid. Molecular Simulation, 2010, 36:79-86.
[46] Xinying Wu, Guangren Yu, Xiaochun Chen, Yahui Wang, Changjiang Liu. Reduction/reoxidation of a multicomponent molybdate catalyst for propylene ammoxidation. Thermochimica Acta, 2009, 486:20-26.
[47] Xinying Wu, Guangren Yu, Xiaochun Chen, Yahui Wang, Changjiang Liu, Wei Sun. intrinsic kinetics of reoxidation reaction for a multicomponent molybdate catalyst by thermal analysis method. Catalysis Communications, 2009, 10:1066-1069.
[48] Guangren Yu, Suojiang Zhang, Guohui Zhou, Xiaomin Liu, Xiaochun Chen. Structure, interaction and property of amino-functionalized imidazolium ionic liquids by ab initio calculation and molecular dynamics simulation. AIChE Journal, 2007, 53:3210-3221.
[49] Guangren Yu, Suojiang Zhang. Insight into the cation-anion interaction in 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidinium lactate ionic liquid. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2007, 255:86-92.
[50] Xiaomin Liu, Guohui Zhou, Suojiang Zhang, Guangwen Wu, Guangren Yu. Molecular simulation of guanidinium-based ionic liquids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111:5658-5668.
[51] Guohui Zhou, Xiaomin Liu, Suojiang Zhang, Guangren Yu, Hongyan He. A force field for molecular simulation of tetrabutylphosphonium amino acid ionic liquids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111:7078-7084.
[52] Guangren Yu, Suojiang Zhang, Xiaoqian Yao, Jianmin Zhang, Kun Dong, Wenbin Dai, Ryohei Mori. Design of task-specific ionic liquids for capturing CO2: a molecular orbital study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2006, 45:2875-2880.
Book Chapter
Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Rashid Abro, Tauqeer Abbas, Guangren Yu*, Xiaochun Chen. Desulphurization of Fuel Oils Using Ionic Liquids. Petrochemical Catalyst Materials, Processes, and Emerging Technologies. IGI Global, 2016.
[1] Xiaochun Chen, Dandan Song, Guangren Yu. A new oxidative desulfurization method based on Lewis acidic ionic liquids. China Patent, ZL 2012 1 0211520.8.
[2] Guangren Yu, Chenghao Pu, Ziwei Man, Xiaochun Chen. Synthesis and application of a class of crosslinked porous ammonium based poly(ionic liquid). China Patent, ZL 2012 1 0211530.1.




