2016.1–2017.2 維多利亞大學,機械工程系,訪問學者
2005.9–2010.7 一般力學與力學基礎專業, 北京大學工學院, 理學博士
2002.9–2005.7 運籌學與控制論專業, 鄭州大學數學系, 理學碩士
1998.9–2002.7 套用數學專業, 鄭州大學數學系, 理學學士
[1] Junyan Yu, Long Wang, Guofeng Zhang and Mei Yu (2009). Output Feedback Stabilization of Networked Control Systems via Switched System Approach, International Journal of Control, 82(9), 1665-1677. [2] Junyan Yu and Long Wang (2010). Group Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Switching Topologies and Communication Delays, Systems and Control Letters, 59(6), 340-348. [3] Junyan Yu, Long Wang and Mei Yu (2011). Switched System Approach to Stabilization of Networked Control Systems, International Journal of Robust Nonlinear Control, 21(17), 1925-1946. [4] Junyan Yu, Long Wang, Mei Yu, Yingmin Jia and Jie Chen (2008). Packet-loss Dependent Controller Design for Networked Control Systems via Switched System Approach, in Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 3354-3359. [5] Junyan Yu, Long Wang (2009). Robust Controller Design of Networked Control Systems, in Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, pp.2803-2808. |
1.2012.1–2014.12網路化多智慧型體系統的群一致性的設計與分析,國家自然科學基金,主持 2.2015.1-2018.12 基於符號圖理論的合作-競爭多個體系統的群體行為演化,國家自然科學基金,排名第二 3.2015.1-2017.12 基於拓撲距離的多智慧型體系統一致性收斂速度研究,國家自然科學基金,排名第二 1.2012.1–2014.12 Principle investigator, Analysis and design of group consensus for networked multi-agent systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China 2. 2015.1-2018.12 Member, Collective evolution of cooperative-competitive multi-agent systems based on signed graph theory, National Natural Science Foundation of China 3. 2015.1-2017.12 Member, Research on fast convergence of multi-agent systems based on topological distances, National Natural Science Foundation of China |
網路化動態系統的分析與控制,自然科學獎一等獎, 教育部,排名第六, 2016 |
承擔過的課程: 本科生課程: 微積分、 離散數學、數學實驗、控制理論基礎; 研究生課程: 線性系統理論、泛函分析 |