


  • 中文名:方觀富
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 專業方向:教育經濟學、健康經濟學和行為經濟學


經濟學博士,九三學社社員,主要研究方向是教育經濟學、健康經濟學和行為經濟學。在《World Development》《Economics of Transition and Institutional Change》、《The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy》、《China Economic Review》、《財經研究》、《農業經濟問題》、《金融經濟學研究》、《華南農業大學學報》(社會科學版)、《產業經濟評論》等期刊發表論文多篇,參與國家自然科學基金、上海市教委、上海市發展研究中心課題多項。


1. Fang, Guanfu, Hu, Guanliang and Yao, Lan (2019), Reference Dependent Preference and Labor Supply: Evidence from China,International Studies of Economics, 13(2): 331–368.
2. Fang, Guanfu and Cao, Hui (2020), State versus private provision: How does China's market-oriented reform affect health care delivery? Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28(3): 381-41.
3. Fang, Guanfu and Wan, Shan (2020), Peer effects among graduate students: Evidence from China,China Economic Review, 60: 101406.
4. Fang, Guanfu and Feng, Jin (2021), Is the 2003 SARS Epidemic Over? Long-term Effects of Epidemic Exposure on Mortality Among Older Adults, China Economic Review, 67: 101618.
5. Fang, Guanfu and Chen, Yu (2021),Sibling rivalry: Evidence from China’s compulsory schooling reform, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 21(2): 611-656.
6. Fang, Guanfu and Zhu, Ying (2022), Long-term impacts of school nutrition: Evidence from China’s school meal reform,World Development, 153(5): 105854.
7. Fang, Guanfu, Li, Wei, and Zhu, Ying (2022), The Shadow of the Epidemic: Long-term Impacts of Meningitis Exposure on Risk Preference and Behaviors,World Development, 157(9):105937.
8. 姚瀾、方觀富:基於動態視角的中國勞動力供給決策實證分析——以杭州計程車司機為例,《財經研究》,2016年第11期。
9. 方觀富,許嘉怡: 數字普惠金融促進居民就業嗎——來自中國家庭跟蹤調查的證據,《金融經濟學研究》,2020年第3期。
10. 方觀富,唐天裕:“城居保”改變了中國城鎮居民的養老模式嗎?《產業經濟評論》,2020年第3期。
11. 方觀富,朱穎,何歡浪:高校共產黨員的模範效應研究——基於研究生學習同群效應的經驗分析,《財經研究》,2022年第2期。
12. 方觀富,高天天:數字普惠金融與農民工長期居留意願,《華南農業大學學報》(社會科學版),2022年第4期。
13. 方觀富,蔡莉:數字普惠金融如何影響農業產出:事實、機制和政策含義,《農業技術經濟》,2021年,已接受。
1. Fang, Guanfu and Tang, Tianyu (2021), Growing up without Health Insurance: Evidence from Rural China,Health Economics, Revised and Resubmitted.
2. Fang, Guanfu and Zhu, Ying (2022), The Social Scar of the Pandemic: Impacts of COVID-19 Exposure on Interpersonal Trust,Journal of Asian Economics, Revised and Resubmitted.
3. Wenjing Du, Guanfu Fang, Tiantian Gao, and Wei Jiang (2022), Public Credit Institutions, Export Activities, and Global Value Chain Participation: Evidence from China’s Credit Demonstration City Construction Program, Economic Modelling, Revised and Resubmitted.




