方美英,女,教授, 博士生導師,就職於中國農業大學動物遺傳育種與繁殖系。
- 中文名:方美英
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 職稱:博士生導師
- 工作地點:中國農業大學
- 性別:女
1990.09-1994.07 江西農業大學畜牧科學專業,獲農學學士學位
1994.09-1997.07 南京農業大學動物遺傳育種專業,獲農學碩士學位
1999.09-2002.07 中國農業大學動物遺傳育種與繁殖專業,獲農學博士學位
2002.10-2007.01Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,博士後及項目研究員
研究生課程 :動物基因組進化、動物遺傳資源
(1) 2014.01-2017.12:基於群體組學的豬體長性狀重要基因鑑定及進化分析
(2) 2011.01-2015.12:基於高密度SNP晶片的牛、豬基因組選擇技術研究
(3) 2014.01-2018.12:豬繁殖力的生理學及相關遺傳調控機理
[1] Wanjie Yang, Ying Bai, Xu Wang, Xinxing Dong, Ying Li andMeiying Fang(corresponding author). Attaching Biosynthesized Bacterial Magnetic Particles to PEI Enhances Gene Delivery into Mammalian Cells. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology(In Press).
[2] Gang Chen, Ying Bai, Li Ren, Dan Zhu, Yanhua Li,Mei-Ying Fang(corresponding author). Metabolism of Androstenone, 17 beta-Estradiol and Dihydrotestosterone in Primary Cultured Pig Hepatocytes and the Role of 3 beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in This Process. Plos One. 2015;10(1)
[3] Ying Bai, Jibin Zhang, Gang Chen,Mei-Ying Fang(corresponding author). Differential expression of CYB5A in Chinese and European pig breeds due to genetic variations in the promoter region. Animal Genetics. 2015, 46(1):16-22
[4 ]Ying Bai, Jin-Ming Huang, Gang Liu, Ji-Bin Zhang, Jian-Ying Wang, Cheng-Kun Liu andMei-Ying Fang(corresponding author). A comprehensive microRNA expression profile of the backfat tissue from castrated and intact full-sib pair male pigs. BMC genomics,2014, 15:47
[5] Xiaolong Kang, Gang Liu, Yufang Liu, Qinqin Xu andMeiying Fang(corresponding author), Transcriptome Profile at Different Physiological Stages Reveals Potential Mode for Curly Fleece in Chinese Tan Sheep. PLOS ONE, 2013,8(8): e71763
[6] Gang Chen, Sicong Li, Xinxing Dong, Ying Bai, Ailiang Chen, Shuming Yang,Meiying Fang(corresponding author), Galia Zamaratskaia, Olena Doran Investigation of testosterone, androstenone, and estradiol metabolism in HepG2 cells and primary culture pig hepatocytes and their effects on 17βHSD7 gene expression. PLOS ONE, 2012, 7 (12): e52255.
[7] Xinxing Dong, Ying Bai, Yi Xin, Yunzhou Yang, Gang Chen,Meiying Fang(corresponding author) Investigation on the transcription factors of porcine 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase genes. Gene, 2012, 499:186-190
[8] Jinming Huang, Yunzhou Yang, Gang Liu, Jibin Zhang, Xingxing Dong, Ying Bai,Meiying Fang( corresponding author) Molecular cloning and characterization of the porcine FTO promoter and coding regions,Molecular Biology Report, 2011,38:2855-2862.
[9] Yunzhou Yang, Ying Bai, Xin.Xing Dong, Jibin Zhang andMeiying Fang( corresponding author). Expression Analysis of HIF-1α and HIF-2α Genes in Tibetan Chicken under Normoxia and Hypoxia. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2011, 10: 2172-2175.
[10] Jinming Huang, Gang Liu, Yueping Liu, Yuchang Yao,Meiying Fang(corresponding author) Splice variant identification and expression analysis of the fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene in intact and castrated male pigs,DNA and Cell Biology,2010, 29(12): 729-733.
[11] Gang Liu,Yueping Liu, Hao Zhang, Jinming Huang,Meiying Fang( corresponding author) Genetic Variations and Sequences Analysis of MTATP6 and MTATP8 Genes among Different Chinese Pig Breeds, Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,2010,127(6):474-480.
[12]Fang M( corresponding author), Hu X, Jin W, Li N and Wu C. Genetic uniqueness of Chinese village pig populations inferred from microsatellite markers,Journal of Animal Science,2009,87(11):3445-50.
[13]Fang M, Larson G, Soares Ribeiro H, Li N, Andersson L Contrasting Mode of Evolution at a Coat Color Locus in Wild and Domestic Pigs. PLoS Genetics, 2009 (1): e1000341. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000341.
[14]Fang Meiying, Berg Frida, Alain Ducos, Leif Andersson. Mitochondrial haplotypes of European wild boars with 2n=36 are closely related to those of European domestic pigs with 2n=38. Animal Genetics, 2006 (37): 459-464.
[15]Meiying Fang, Leif Andersson. Mitochondrial diversity in European and Chinese pigs is consistent with population expansions that occurred prior to domestication. Proceedings of the Royal Society-Biology, 2006, 273: 1803-1810.
[16] Greger Larson, Keith Dobney, Umberto Albarella,Meiying Fang, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith, Judith Robins, Stewart Lowden, Heather Finlayson, Tina Brand, Eske Willerslev, Peter Rowley-Conwy, Leif Andersson, Alan Cooper. (March 11, 2005) Worldwide phylogeography of wild boar reveals multiple centers of pig domestication. Science, 2005, 307, 1618 – 1621.
[17]Fang Meiying, Martin Braunschweig, Xiaoxiang Hu, Luosui Hu, Jidong Feng, Ning Li, Changxin Wu, Genetic Variation of Exon 2 of SLA-DQB Gene In Chinese Pigs. Biochemical Genetics, 2005, 43 (3/4):119 – 125.
[18]Fang M, X Hu, T Jiang, M Braunschweig, L Hu, Z Du, J Feng, Q Zhang, C Wu, N Li. The Phylogeny of Chinese Indigenous Pig Breeds——Inferred from Microsatellite Markers. Animal Genetics, 2005, 36(1): 7 – 13.