1.Finding nucleolus of flow games, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 15 (2009), pp. 14-29. Also in SODA2006, pp. 124-131. (Co-author: X. Deng and X. Sun)
2.Restricted core stability of flow games, Proceedings of Internet and Network Economics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5385:454-464, 2008. (Co-author: M. Cai)
4.Balancedness of integer domination games, J. Korean Math. Soc., Vol. 43 (2006), pp. 297-309. (Co-author: H.K. Kim)
5.A note on balancedness of dominating set games, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 10 (2005), pp. 303-310. (Co-author: H.K. Kim)
6.Condorcet winners for public goods, Annals of Operations Reserch, Vol. 137 (2005), pp. 229-242. (Co-auhtor: L. Chen, X. Deng, F. Tian)
7.Social choice for data fusion, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 3 (4): 619-631 DEC 2004. (Co-author: S. Zhu, W. Zheng)
8.Approximate and dynamic rank aggregation, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 325 (2004), pp. 409-424. (Co-author: X. Deng, S. Zhu)
9.Total balancedness condition for Steiner tree games, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 127 (2003), pp. 555-563. (Co-author: M. Cai, X. Deng)
10.On computational complexity of membership test in flow games and linear production games, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 31 (2002), pp. -author: S. Zhu, M. Cai and X. Deng