



  • 書名:新通用大學英語快速閱讀1
  • 頁數:126頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2010年7月1日)


叢書名: 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787040294293
條形碼: 9787040294293
尺寸: 29 x 23 x 0.6 cm
重量: 299 g




Passage 2 Are Men Romantic? 68
Unit Ten Dream 73
Passage 1 Creating a Dream 74
Passage 2 Dream the Impossible Dream 76
Unit Eleven Transportation 87
Passage 1 Great Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road 82
Passage 2 Convention Travel 84
Unit Twelve Shopping Smart 87
Passage 1 ' Smart Shopping Tips 88
Passage 2 Shopping Online Has a Great Many
Advantages 90
Unit Thirteen Statesmen 95
Passage 1 Some Fun Facts About U.S. Presidents 96
Passage 2 Kofi Annan 98
Unit Fourteen Tourism 103
Passage 1 Entertainment in London 104
Passage 2 Fascinating Beaches for Romantic People 706
Unit Fifteen Savings 709
Passage 1 The Attitude of Saving 170
Passage 2 What Is the Difference Between a Savings
Account and a Current Account? 712
Unit Sixteen The Nobel Prize 715
Passage 1 The Nobel Prize: Most Cherished Award 116
Passage 2 The Ig Nobel Prizes 118
Answer Key 122
Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills 7
Unit One Getting to Know People 5
Passage 1 Making Friends at College 6
Passage 2 Michael Jackson's Wonderful Performance 8
Unit Two Going Out 77
Passage 1 Let's Run Through the Rain 12
Passage 2 American t-lospitali 14
Unit Three Talking About Family 19
Passage 1 A True Gift of Love 20
Passage 2 The Day I Became a Morn 22
Unit Four American Movies 27
Passage 1 American Movies (1) 28
Passage 2 American Movies (2) 30
Unit Five Eating-in and Eating-out 35
Passage 1 Stop Overeating 36
Passage 2 Strategies for a Healthy Diet 38
Unit Six Staying in Shape 43
Passage 1 Building a Better Body Image 44
Passage 2 Achieve Your Goal in Shape 46
Unit Seven Diet 51
Passage 1 A Healthy Relationship with Food 52
Passage 2 Reasons Why We Love Chocolate 54
Unit Eight Affection 59
Passage 1 Cats and the Meaning of True Friendship 60
Passage 2 Just Two for Breakfast 62
Unit Nine Gender 65
Passage 1 Gender Roles Learned from Childhood Toys 66


