
《新起點大學基礎英語教程:聽說教程1(教師用書)》為《新起點大學基礎英語教程 聽說教程1 教師用書》的修訂版,與原版比較,這版的版式改動很大,文字內容也有改動。全書共10個單元,主要包括warm-up activities、dialogs(3篇)、passages(2篇)及其練習。包括了學生用書的全部內容,老師一書在手就可以進行課堂教學。


  • 書名:新起點大學基礎英語教程:聽說教程1
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:201頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 作者:李霄翔
  • 出版日期:2008年4月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787560072821




Unit 1 It's WonderfuI to Go Out外面的世界真精彩
Part One Warm-up Activities
PartTwo Dialogs
Dialog One Very Pleased to Meet You見到你很高興
Dialog Two Nice Meeting You幸會,幸會
Dialog Three Well Begun Is Half Done良好的開端是成功的一半
Part Three Passages
Passage One Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧
Passage Two How to Address Them怎樣稱呼他們

Unit 2 Every Country Has Its Customs異鄉異俗
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Yard Sale庭院市場
Dialog Two When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do入鄉隨俗
Dialog Three I Like China我喜歡中國
Part Three Passages
Passage One Man’s Best Friend人類最好的朋友
Passage Two Politeness Costs Nothing禮無不答,禮至不爭

Unit 3 A Stepping-Stone to Success通往成功之路
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Ways to Success成才之路
Dialog TWo What’s the Matter,Monica莫尼卡,你怎么了
Dialog Three From a Naughty Boy to a College Student從頑皮男孩到大學生
Part Three Passages
Passage One Education:A Stepping-Stone to Success教育是通往成功之路
Passage Two Education Is Lifelong Learning教育是終身的學習

Unit 4 Choose the Job,Love the Job乾一行,愛一行
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One I Want to Get a Raise我要加薪
Dialog Two Working as a Gatekeeper當個看門人
Dialog Three I'd Like to Have My Own Business自己當老闆
Part Three Passages
Passage One What Jobs Will Disappear in the 21st Century
Passage Two Tips for a Job Interview求職面試小知識

Unit 5 Smell the Flowers勞逸結合
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Just for a Change放鬆-下
Dialog Two Never Too Late to Start起步不怕晚
Dialog Three A New Year Film賀歲片
Part Three Passages
Passage One All Work and No P1ay Makes Jack a Dull Boy勞逸要相宜
Passage Two You Are Wonderful你很棒

Unit 6 Never Judge from Appearances人不可貌相
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Please Help Me請幫幫我
Dialog Two How Do You Know These你如何知道的
Dialog Three My New Girlfriend我的新女友
Part Three Passages
Passage One I Pay That Man to Think我付他錢就是讓他思考
Passage Two It Turned Out to Be a Masterpiece居然是傑作

Unit 7 Swifter,Higher,Stronger更快、更高、更強
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Everyone Has His Likes蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛
Dialog Two Like Parents,Like Children愛好體育之家
Dialog Three Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way有志者,事競成
Part Three Passages
Passage One Olympic Games奧林匹克運動會
Passage Two Physical Education體育課

Unit 8 Computer:Both Sides of a Coin計算機:讓人歡喜讓人愁
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One I Miss My Family我想家了
Dialog Two Every Beginning Is Difficult萬事開頭難
Dialog Three Where h the Internet Cafe網咖在哪裡
Part Three Passages
Passage One Message from God上帝的召喚
Passage Two A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing一知半解,害人害己

Unit 9 We Enjoy Our Traveling a Lot盡情享受旅遊的快樂
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One It’S Really a Nice Place真是一個好地方
Dialog Two I've Come Here at the Right Time來得正是時候
Dialog Three You Must Have Enjoyed Yourself玩得-定很開心
Part Three Passages
Passage One Riding a Bicycle Across Asia騎車穿越亞洲
Passage TWo Touring Yellowstone National Park遊覽黃石國家公園

Unit 10 Health Is a Jewel健康最寶貴
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Work w10n’t Kill,but Worry Will工作不傷身,憂慮愁煞人
Dialog Two It’S Easier Said than Done說起來容易做起來難
Dialog Three At the Doctor’S Office有病看醫生
Part Three Passages
Passage One How Much Water Do We Need Each Day每天該喝多少水
Passage Two Dealing with Stress應對壓力


