

鄭樹棠編著的《新視野英語教程(附光碟讀寫教程3第2版普通高等教育十一五國家級規劃教材)》是一套專供全國高職高專院校使用的英語教材,根據高職高專英語教學的發展在第一版基礎上進行了修訂與完善。體現新時期高職英語的教學要求,涵蓋基本的實用英語語言知識和交際技能,培養學生套用英語進行日常交流及從事相關職業活動的能力,同時提高他們的自主學習能力與綜合文化素養,以適應不同工作崗位的需要。 《新視野英語教程(附光碟讀寫教程3第2版普通高等教育十一五國家級規劃教材)》主題內容反映時代特點,貼近學生生活,注重信息性、趣味性與實用性。語言難度適中,涵蓋高職高專英語教學要求所包含的英語語言知識與技能。練習形式多樣,設計合理,注重對學生語言基礎的加強與套用能力的提高。寫作訓練包括Basic Writing Skills與Practical Writing,既強化英語寫作基本功,又有效提高學生實用寫作技能。配有《綜合練習》,鞏固和拓展《讀寫教程》中的語言知識與技能。除課本外,提供學習光碟、助教課件與試題庫等立體化教學資源,全方位支持英語教學。


  • 書名:新視野英語教程:讀寫教程3
  • 作者:鄭樹棠
  • 出版日期:2011年4月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787560083902
  • 外文名:New Horizon English Course
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:254頁
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 Home and Family
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: I Am Home
Section B
Text B: The Edge
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing E-mail Messages
Unit 2 Advertising
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Advertising
Section B
Text B: The Advertising Sell
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing "Help Wanted" Ads
Unit 3 Life Experience
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Life Is Full of Choices
Section B
Text B: The Accident
Section C
Practical Writing: Placing Orders
Unit 4 A Defining Moment
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: A Defining Moment
Section B
Text B: Have a Little Faith
Section C
Practical Writing: Filling In Invoices
Unit 5 Customs
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Naming Customs
Section B
Text B: Getting Along in the USA:Sorne Customs and Culture Tips
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision(1)
Unit 6 The Internet:Its Benefits and Problems
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Social lsolation and the lnternet
Section B
Text B: Tired of Google?Tired of Life!
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing 13usiness Letters (1)
Unit 7 Achieving Success
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Six Keys to Success
Section B
Text B: Dell Boy Made Good
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Business Letters (2)
Unit 8 Seeking a Job and Career
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A:New College Grad Job-Seeker Story
Section B
Text B: How to Plan Your Career
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Company Descriptions
Unit 9 Human Relationships
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Couple Finds Being "Two of a Kind" Is a Recipe for Happine
Section B
Text B: Business Partners
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Product Descriptions
Unit 10 Smart Machines and Peoples Life
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: The Machine That Knows Your Face
Section B
Text B: All Play and No Work
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision(2)


