

《新編大學英語快速閱讀》是一本由同濟大學出版社在2007年4月1日出版的書籍。本書根據《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》,精選了10個單元30篇文章, 作為大學英語快速閱讀的教學材料,旨在幫助大學生提高閱讀能力。


  • 書名:新編大學英語快速閱讀
  • 頁數:240頁
  • 出版社:同濟大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


第1版 (2007年4月1日)
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787560835662
條形碼: 9787560835662
尺寸: 23.2 x 21.8 x 1.4 cm
重量: 381 g


《新編大學英語快速閱讀1-2(套裝全2冊)》包括《新編大學英語快速閱讀(1)》和《新編大學英語快速閱讀(2)》兩冊。新編大學英語快速閱讀(1)主要講述了:大學英語教學的重要目的之一就是培養學生具有較強的閱讀能力,從一定意義上講,閱讀速度又是 衡量閱讀能力的重要標誌。此書根據《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》,精選了10個單元30篇文章, 作為大學英語快速閱讀的教學材料,旨在幫助大學生提高閱讀能力。
新編大學英語快速閱讀(2)主要講述了:大學英語教學的重要目的之一就是培養學生具有較強的閱讀能力,從一定意義上講,閱讀速度又是 衡量閱讀能力的重要標誌。


Unit One
Passage1 Tips for Language Learning
Passage2 American Classroom Customs
Passage3 Why do People Sign Up for English Classes?
Unit Two
Passage1 Changes We've Survived
Passage2 How to Win Your Parents
Passage3 Motherhood in a Changing World: Women in Ghana
Unit Three
Passage1 Out of the Train
Passage2 Treasure
Passage3 A Lesson fi'om a Car Accident in America
Unit Four
Passage1 Proper Gestures to Make
Passage2 Polite and Impolite Etiquette at Dinner
Passage3 The Meaning of Hand Gestures
Unit Five
Passage1 Is It Difficult to Catch HIV/AIDS?
Passage2 Genetic Therapy
Passage3 Long-term Effects of Divorce
Unit Six
Passage1 Always There When I Needed You
Passage2 The Meaning of Support
Passage3 How Much does a CEO Worth?
Unit Seven
Passage1 Gun, Lord or Evil?
Passage2 Children, Youth and Gun Violence
Passage3 Hate Crimes
Unit Eight
Passage1 Imagination and Creativity
Passage2 Creativity is Hard work
Passage3 How to Be a Leader
Unit Nine
Passagel Will Computers Obtain Human Intelligence?
Passage2 Beyond 2030's Smartest Computer
Passage3 Away from 20th Century City Life
Unit Ten
Passage1 Lying Eyes
Passage2 Raising Moral Standards of Youth
Passage3 Cheating-a Serious Problem
Unit One
Passage1 Globalization
Passage2 The Education System: Western and Eastern
Passage3 Culinary Culture Shock
Unit Two
Passagel Waste to Energy Programs: Fad or Future?
Passage2 Looking to the Future
Passage3 Towards 2030: Shaping the Future of Our Urban Services
Unit Three
Passagel Falling in Love Was a Total Surprise
Passage2 Achieving Harmony in a Mixed Marriage
Passage3 Roses for Rose
Unit Four
Passagel Lectures in Oxford University
Passage2 Student life in Heidelberg
Passage3 How to Reach That Overseas Classroom
Unit Five
Passagel Do Fathers Drive Teenagers to Drugs?
Passage2 Building Bridges for Children's Rights
Passage3 Gaining Pounds, Losing Years
Unit Six
Passage1 Sexual Discrimination in Employment
Passage2 What Is Prejudice
Passage3 High-heel Shoes
Unit Seven
Passage1 Stress at Work
Passage2 Job Stress
Passage3 Researchers: Stress Causes Forgetfulness
Unit Eight
Passage1 Adolescence
Passage2 When the Young Take Their Lives
Passage3 Adolescent Life
Unit Nine
Passage1 Kinesic Behaviors in Intercultural Communication
Passage2 Unique Problems in International Trade
Passage3 Space in Germany
Unit Ten
Passage1 Pearl Harbor Attack
Passage2 American People during World War II
Passage3 Conflict and Competition


