



  • 書名:新編商務英語聽力3(學生用書)
  • 作者:沈愛珍
  • ISBN:9787040172140
  • 頁數:154頁
  • 定價:18元
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2005年4月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Unit 1
Part Ⅰ
A.Ems set to Speed up
B.Background of DHL WorldWide Express
Part Ⅱ
A.Infroducfion of DHL-Sinofrans
B.Philosophy of Dtt DHL-Sinofrans
Part Ⅲ
A.DHL Is Facing Fierce Compefifion
B.UPS to Exfend Its Delivery Services
Part Ⅳ Ihe World of Humor
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ
A.Sales of ReaI Estafe on the Infernet
B.Iry E-headhunfers to Look for High-fech Help
Part Ⅱ
A.A Reportt on the IT Indudry
B.China Set to Ward off IT AHacks
Part Ⅲ
A.A 5uwey on E-life
B.Mail-order Mulfinationals Prefer Shanghai E-commerce Environment
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ
B.sfock Markef
A.Sfock Value and Indexes
B.The Risk Inveslment
Part Ⅲ
A.Warren Buffett-Ace Sfockpicker
B.George Soros-The Man Who Moves Market
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ
A.Sfock Exchange
B.Bull Posifions and Bear Posifions
Part Ⅱ
A.Markefing Securifies
B.Securifies Risks
Part Ⅲ
A.How to Sfart an Invesfment
B.What Make Price Change?
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ
A.If Somefhing Unexpecfed Someiimes Occurs
B.Insurance Is a Necessify
Part Ⅱ
A.Insurance Plans
B.Quesfions to Expect When Applying for Insurance
Part Ⅲ
A.Insurance Companies in The Unifed Sfares
B.A Case of Salvors Demanded Securify
Part Ⅳ Ihe Wartd of Humor
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ
A.Life Insurance Basics
B.Properly and Casually Insurance Companies
Part Ⅱ
A.Screen Out Good Insurance Risks fram Poor Ones
B.Healfh Insurance
Part Ⅲ
A.How Our Company Manages the Market
B.federal Deposit Insurance Corporafion
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ
A.financial Market
B.Online financiers
Part Ⅱ
A.The Problem of Inflafion
B.Shanghai’s financial Indusfry
C.Dollars in the World Market
Part Ⅲ
A.Bank Cards’Sfofus Show Growing Trend Among Cusfomers
B.Evolution of Renminbi Exchange Rare Regime
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ
A.Foreign Investment(1)
B.Foreign Investment(2)
Part Ⅱ
A.I nvestment Wisdom from Warren Buffet
B.Investment Environment
Part Ⅲ
A.Edabli shing Joinf Venfures
B.Preferenfial Policies
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Test 1
Part Ⅰ
Part Ⅱ
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ
Part Ⅴ
Unit 9
Part Ⅰ
A.Physical Disfribufion
B.PhysicaI Disfribution Management(PDM)
Part Ⅱ
A.Ocean Freight and Air freight
Part Ⅲ
A.Mode of Transporfalion
B.Shipping Goods
Party Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 10
Part Ⅰ
A.World’s Richest Billionaires
B.Interview wifh Bill Gales
Part Ⅱ
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Test 2
Words List


