



  • 書名:新編商務英語系列叢書·新編商務英語聽力3
  • ISBN:7040172151
  • 頁數:154頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2006年1月1日
  • 開本:16


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2006年1月1日)
平裝: 154頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040172151
條形碼: 9787040172157
尺寸: 22.8 x 16.8 x 1 cm
重量: 259 g




Unit 1
Part I
A. Etas Set lo Speed up
B. Background of DHL Worldwide Express
Part II
A. Introduction of DHL-Sinotrans
B. Philosophy of DHL-Sinotrans
Part III
A. DHL Is Facing Fierce Competition
B. UPS to Extend Its Delivery Services
Part IV The World of Humor
Unit 2
Part I
A. Sales of Real Estate on fha Internet
B. Try E-headhunters to Look for High-tech Help
Part II
A. A Report on the IT Industry
B. China Set to Ward off IT Attacks
Part III
A.A Survey on E-Life
B.Mail-order Multinationals Prefer Shanghai
E-commerce Environment
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Part III
A.Warren Buffett-Ace Stockpicker
B.George Soros-the Who Moves Market
Part IV The World of Humor
Unit 3
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part Ⅳ
Unit 4
Part I
A.Stock Exchange
B.Bull Positions and Bear Positions
Part II
A.Marketing Securities
B.Securities Risks
Part III
A.How to Start an Investment
B.What Make Price Change?
Part IV The World of Humor
Unit 5
Part I
A.If Something Unexpected Sometimes Occurs
B.Insurance Is a Necessity
Part II
A.Insurance Plans
B.Questions to Expect When Applying for Insurance
Part III
A.Insurance Companies in the United States
B.A Case of Saluors Demanded Security
Part Ⅳ
A. Stock Value and Indexes
B. 1he Risk Investment
Part Ⅲ
A. Warren Buffett——Ace Stockpicker
B. George Soros——the/Man Who/Moves/Market
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 4
A. Stock Exchange
B. Bull Positions and Bear Positions
Part Ⅱ
A.Marketing Securities
B. Securities Risks
Part Ⅲ
A. How to Start an Investment
B. What Make Price Change?
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ
A. If Something Unexpected Sometimes Occurs
B. Insurance Is a Necessity
Part Ⅱ
A. Insurance Plans
B. Questions to Expect When Applying for Insurance
Part Ⅲ
A. Insurance Companies in the United States
B. A Case of Salvors Demanded Security
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ
A. Life Insurance Basics
B. Properly and Casualfy Insurance Companies
Part Ⅱ
A. Screen Our Good Insurance Risks from Poor Ones
B. Health Insurance
Parr Ⅲ
A. flow Our Company/Manages the/Markef
B. Federal Deposif Insurance Corporation
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ
A. Financial/Markef
B. Online Financiers
Part Ⅱ
A. The Problem of Inflafion
B. Shanghai's Financial Indusfry
C. Dollars in fhe World/Markef
Parr Ⅲ
A. Bank Cards' Sfafus Show Growing Trend Among Cusfomers
B. Evolufion of Renminbi Exchange Rare Regime
Part Ⅳ The World of flumor
Unit 8
part Ⅰ
A. Foreign Invesfmenf (1)
B. Foreign Invetmenf (2)
Part Ⅱ
A. Investment Wisdom from Warren Buffer
B. Invesfmenf Environment
Part Ⅲ
A. Establishing Joint Venfures
B. Preferenfial Policies
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Test Ⅰ
Part Ⅰ
Part Ⅱ
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ
Unit 9
Part Ⅰ
A. Physical Distribution
B. Physical Distribufion/Management (PDM)
Part Ⅱ
A. Ocean Freight and Air Freighf
B. Confainerizafion
Part Ⅲ
A./Mode of Transporfafion
B. Shipping Goods
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 10
Part Ⅰ
A. World's Richesf Billionaires
B. Inferview wifh Bill Gales
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15


