以New Concept English 為基本教材,結合前程自編英語教材,聽說讀寫全面出發,循序漸進地擴充語法、強化訓練,解決您的應試教育之苦;同時,注重實用,師生互助開口講英語,介紹經典口語、英文故事及其由來;配美文化背景、古希臘神話傳說嵌入課堂之中,妙趣橫生,前程英語注重應試教育和素質教育“兩手抓”,讓您在輕鬆愉悅的環境中感受到英語水平的全面提高!
何其莘,男,出生於1947年7月,廣東大埔縣人。英語教授,博士生導師,中共黨員。曾任北京外國語大學副校長,博士生導師,首都師範大學首席英語教授,清華大學、浙江大學、武漢大學等十幾所國內知名院校客座教授,現擔任教育部高校專業外語教學指導委員會副主任、英語組組長。在國內外發表學術論文幾十篇。著名的《新概念英語》作者。著有《英國文藝復興時期文學史》、《英國戲劇選讀》和Listen to This等。
Lesson 1 A puma at large逃遁的美洲獅
Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one十三等於一
Lesson 3 An unknown goddess無名女神
Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs阿爾弗雷德·布洛格斯的雙重生活
Lesson 5 The facts確切數字
Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab砸櫥窗搶劫
Lesson 7 Multilated ladies殘鈔鑑別組
Lesson 8 A famous monastery著名的修道院
Lesson 9 Flying cats飛貓
Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic“泰坦尼克”號的沉沒
Lesson 11 Not guilty無罪
Lesson 12 Life on a desert island荒島生活
Lesson 13 It'S only me“是我,別害怕”
Lesson 14 A noble gangster貴族歹徒
Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble五十便士的麻煩
Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb瑪麗有一頭小羔羊
Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world世界上最長的吊橋
Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art現代藝術中的電流
Lesson 19 A very dear cat一隻貴重的寶貝貓
Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots飛行員的先驅
Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza丹尼爾·門多薩
Lesson 22 By heart熟記台詞
Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison各有所愛
Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
report (wild puma 45 S L)----L zoo→not seriously
←→evidence↑=>expert(zoo) obliged to investigate←description—people claim see---similar
Lessons of New Concept English never fail to fascinate their learners. They can be useful and interesting towards the learners, but they require great efforts as well. They never become boring like TEOFL and GRE. As result, participants have learned how to improve their English independently and pleasantly. Most lessons remain characteristic of their own. One of the things that fascinate us most about these lessons is the popular belief that they can help learners grasp the authentic English language. Apparently, there is a good idea of truth in this idea. A learner’s ability to survive examinations is based on the fact.
Recently, the New Oriental School made a study of 132 learners over a period of five months. All these learners had one experience in common: they had participated in the course of NCE, yet only eight of them fail in the exam of TOEFL. Of course, New Oriental School is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of excellent learners. There are plenty of legends to investigate. One student, Sabrina, took 32 examinations, yet only suffer from one failure. “Our learners behave like well-trained linguists,” a teacher said. It seems that the longer the learners stick to NCE, the less they are likely to fail in any exam. In the long run, they reach the advanced level of English and higher. At high levels, excellent learners have more time to practice. They use English like native speakers. This increases their chances of success and reduces the risk of employment when they hit the ground of the United States.