



  • 書名:新概念英語同步拓展閱讀:第3冊
  • 作者:格林 考天下學習網
  • 出版社:中國石化出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年10月1日
  • 頁數:260 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787511417275, 7511417272 
  • 外文名:New Concept English
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Lesson 1
Mountain Lion美洲獅
Lesson 2
Church and Thanksgiving 教堂與感恩
America:Promise of Religious Freedoms美國——宗教自由的允諾
Lesson 3
Peru Finds Human Sacrifices from Inca Civilization秘魯發現印加文明活人祭品遺骸
Delphi:The Sacred Way德爾斐:神聖之路
Lesson 4
O.Henry—A Famous American Writer歐·亨利——美國著名作家
Pay and Conditions報酬和條件
Lesson 5
Speaking on the Phone is Preferred打電話是尋找真愛的較受歡迎的方式
Lesson 6
Rob the Bank搶劫銀行
British Stores扒手的國度
Lesson 7
The Evidence in Court法庭上的證據
Lesson 8
Yosemite National Park優勝美地國家公園
On Christmas Origin聖誕節的起源
Lesson 9
Panda Awareness Week“感受熊貓”周
Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague剩快餐貽鼠患
Lesson 10
The Sunken Treasure沉船中的寶藏
Watch Ice Melt,Win Big看冰融,贏大獎
Lesson 11
The Management of the Police對警察的管理
Lesson 12
Skills for Survival生存技巧
Lesson 13
Story About Hal loween萬聖節的故事
Nike Guy:Philip Knight耐克小子菲利普·耐特
Lesson 14
Prison vs.Work監獄與工廠
Queen Anne安妮女王
Lesson 15
A Brave Boy一個勇敢的男孩
Election Lollipops選舉棒棒糖
Lesson 16
The Trojan War特洛伊戰爭
Athens:Then and Now
Lesson 17
The Golden Gate Bridge金門大橋
Lesson 18
Reading for Pleasure為快樂而讀書
The Babylonian Kingdom巴比倫空中花園
Lesson 19
The Fox and the Cat狐狸和貓
How Much Motherly Love Is Too Much?多少愛叫做溺愛?
Lesson 20
The Genuine Heroes真正的英雄
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士與綠衣騎士
Lesson 21
Is He the Highest Type of Citizen?他是公民的最高典範?
Sports in America體育在美國
Lesson 22
The Peerage上等貴族
Lesson 23
Trouble on the Table餐桌上的麻煩
Lesson 24
Germany apos;s Top Stars Reveal World Cup Rituals大賽在即德國球星曬“怪癖”
Lesson 25
Boat Noise Makes Fish Miss Meals船兒噪聲響魚兒覓食慌
Lesson 26
Advertising Effect廣告效應
Lesson 27
GM Bankruptcy:End of an Era通用破產:一個時代的終結
The Greatest Educator in the Twentieth Century20世紀最偉大的教育家
Lesson 28
A Seaman Meets A Pirate In A Bar一名水手在酒吧遇上一名強盜
Lesson 29
Prometheus and Zeus普羅米修斯和宙斯的較量
Desperation Makes Him Comic Jim Carrey
Lesson 30
Thomas Edison托馬斯·愛迪生
The Cause of World WarⅡ二戰的起因
Lesson 31
Every Day Is a Lucky Day每天都是幸運日
Lesson 32
A Wooden“Treasure Ships”一艘木製“寶船”
Consolation Prize—a Ton of Gold一噸黃金安慰獎
Lesson 33
What a D ifference a Day Makes一天改變了一切
Free Orange Bikes to Fight Traffic Woes行路難?騎腳踏車
Lesson 34
Net Celebrities網路明星
Lesson 35
A Good Heart to Lean on善心可依
The Legal System in Britain英國的法律制度
Lesson 36
Secrets of Self—Made Successes自我奮鬥走向成功的秘訣
The War of l8121812年戰爭
Lesson 37
Bicycle—the Most Popular Form of Transportation Tool in Our Country腳踏車——我國最流行的交通工具
Railway:Yesterday and Today鐵路——昨天和今天
Lesson 38
The Historical Significance of American Revolution
Lesson 39
A Journey to Papua New Guinea巴布亞紐幾內亞之旅
Lesson 40
Banker apos;s Woe銀行家的悲哀
Lesson 41
Rural Life in England英國的鄉村生活
Lesson 42
Where Did Rugby Football Begin?英式橄欖球從哪裡開始的?
Lesson 43
Insurance a Tough Sell for Death-Scoffing Mexicans保險掮客的麥城
Lesson 44
Guide for Traveling旅遊指導
Road Development in the New Nation國家誕生後的道路發展
Lesson 45
Violence of the Media媒體暴力
Lesson 46
Golf:There apos;s Nothing Like It高爾夫——沒有比它更好的運動了
Lesson 47
The Formaldehyde Pollution甲醛污染
Fat City肥胖的城市
Lesson 48
Lesson 49
Ronaldo:K ing of the World羅納爾多:世界球王
In British Bars英國的酒吧禮儀
Lesson 50
Christmas Day聖誕節
Lesson 51
Will Man Conquer Space?人類能征服太空嗎?
Lesson 52
If I Rest,I Rust如果我休息,我就會生鏽
Lesson 53
Drug Events吸毒事件
U.N.Upholds Ban on“Dwarf Throwing”對“投擲矮人”的禁令
Lesson 54
Butterfly apos;s Wings蝴蝶的翅膀
Tabasco Crops Too Hot for Bunnies火辣辣的莊稼
Lesson 55
Pitch in for the Planet為這顆星球努力
Cool Suits Help Kids Head Out讓孩子走進陽光
Lesson 56
Hurricane and House颶風與房子
Lesson 57
Places and People鄉土與人
Lesson 58
Sand and Stone沙和石
Indiana Jail Is for Sale拍賣監獄
Lesson 59
Tuna Tossing Competition擲鮪魚比賽
Lesson 60
Excellence Is Not an Act,but a Habit卓越僅僅是一個習慣


