



  • 書名:新思路•大學英語快速閱讀2
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 頁數:125頁
  • 開本:16
  • 作者:胡安琳 光峰
  • 出版日期:2009年8月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787544614801 


Unit 1 Festivals
Passage 1 Memorial Day
Passage 2 Look Out,or You'll Be the Next April Fool
Passage 3 Easter Day
Passage 4 Happy Father's Day

Unit 2 Social Etiquette
Passage 1 Handshakes
Passage 2 Professional Etiquette
Passage 3 Business Cards
Passage 4 Table Manners

Unit 3 Sports and Health
Passage 1 Don't Just Run:Sprint!
Passage 2 How Boxing Works
Passage 3 Health Benefits of Tennis
Passage 4 About Scuba Diving

Unit 4 Love and Friendship
Passage 1 The Magic of Friendship
Passage 2 Just What Is True Love?
Passage 3 History of Friendship Day
Passage 4 Your Friends and Those That Love You

Unit 5 Travel
Passage 1 The Great Pyramid of Khufu
Passage 2 Vacation Planning for Travel to China
Passage 3 Lhasa
Passage 4 Vienna Travel Guide

Unit 6 Automobile
Passage 1 Can the Future of Automobile Technology Be Anticipated?
Passage2 Trend Is to Buy Not Make
Passage 3 Plastic Cars for Developing Nations
Passage 4 Ford Rethinks Its EV Vision

Unit 7 Robots
Passage 1 That Is Me in the Middle
Passage 2 Robots Go Through the Emotions
Passage 3 Improving Industrial Efficiency Through Robotics
Passage 4 Cobots for the Assembly Line

Unit 8 Money
Passage 1 Mind over Money
Passage 2 The Origin of Dollar
Passage 3 The Only Thing People Are Interested in Today Is Earning More Money
Passage 4 Married,with Money

Unit 9 Music
Passage 1 Light Music
Passage 2 Music Would Not Be the Same With out the Guitar
Passage 3 Charlie Parker Took Jazz in a New Direction
Passage 4 I Live Entirely In My Music-Beethoven

Unit 10 Fashion and Trend
Passage l Coco Chanel and Fashion
Passage 2 Nike:The Fashion of Sports
Passage 3 Join the Blogging Bandwagon
Passage4 Backpacking-New Trend for New Couple

Unit11 Affluenza
Passage 1 Appetite for Luxury Consumption
Passage 2 Avoiding Affluenza
Passage 3 To Keep Up with the Joneses
Passage 4 On Affluenza

Unit 12 Culture Shock
Passage 1 What Is Culture Shock?
Passage 2 The Study of Culture & Common Elements
Passage 3 The Brain Stuff
Passage 4 Culture Shock and Its Effects


If you're taking up the collection,you can ease the situation by asking only those who really know the recipient to participate. Rather than exclude anyone,though,offer the choice to someone who may not want to contribute:“I’m taking up a collection to buy Mary a wedding gift,but I know you don't know her,So I don't feel it's right to ask you.”That leaves the decision entirely in the hands of the giver. From the giver's point of view ,once someone has let you off the hook in this way,you should feel no pressure to contribute. Another solution used in some offices is to pass around an envelope. Each person may anonymously contribute what he or she likes.




