



  • 書名:新思維英語寫作實踐教程
  • 作者:丁秀芹 
  • ISBN:9787118080445
  • 頁數:459
  • 定價:49.80元
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2012-7




Section ⅠEssay Writing
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Writing
Chapter 2 Layout of an Essay
Section Ⅱ Paragraphs-the Parts of an Essay
Chapter 4 Introductory Paragraph
Chapter 6 Concluding Paragraph
Chapter 7 Unity of Paragraphs
Chapter 8 Coherence of Paragraphs
Section Ⅲ Sentences-The Elements of a Paragraph
Chapter 10 Effective Sentences
Chapter 11 Common Sentence Problems
Section Ⅳ Words-The Units of a Sentence
Chapter 12 Choosing the Right Words
Section Ⅴ Types of Essay Development
Chapter 13 Exposition
Pattem One: Development by Illustration
Pattern Two: Development by Process
Pattern Three: Development by Comparison and Contrast
Pattern Four: Development by Cause and Effect
Pattern Five: Development by Division and Classification
Pattern Six: Development by Definition
Chapter 16 Narration
Section Ⅵ Special Skills
Chapter 17 Writing a Summary
Chapter 18 Writing a Book Report
Chapter 19 Making an Oral Presentation
Chapter 20 Writing an Exam Essay
Chapter 21 Writing a Research Paper
Section Ⅶ Practical Writing
Chapter 24 Notes
Chapter 25 Résumés and Cover Letters
Section Ⅷ Improvement of Punctuation
Chapter 26 A Guide to Punctuation


