



  • 書名:新博士生英語閱讀教程
  • 別名:English Reading Course for Doctoral Students
  • 作者:滕玉梅,付文平
  • 頁數:275 頁
  • ISBN:7-5601-2741-X
  • 出版地:長春
  • 語種:漢語,英語


關鍵字: 英語---閱讀教學---研究生---教材英語閱讀教學
摘要 本書共有十五個單元,每單元由兩篇內容相近、題材不近相同的閱讀課文組成,每篇課文後均附有生詞表、文化與語言注釋、練習。


Text A How Books Helped Shape My Life
Text A How Books Helped Shape My Life
Text B Taste In Music
Text B Taste In Music
Text A On Sexual Taboos
Text A On Sexual Taboos
Text B Knowledge And Wisdom
Text B Knowledge And Wisdom
Text A On Human Factor
Text A On Human Factor
Text B Sect In India Guards Desert Wildlife
Text B Sect In India Guards Desert Wildlife
Text A Libidinal Types
Text A Libidinal Types
Text B Freud And Man's Soul
Text B Freud And Man's Soul
Text A Seeds Of peace
Text A Seeds Of peace
Text B "Suppose They Gave A war And No one Came"
Text B "Suppose They Gave A war And No one Came"
Text A Multimedia Technology
Text A Multimedia Technology
Text B Computer Network
Text B Computer Network
Text A The Lure Of Cocaine In Sports'Fast Lane
Text A The Lure Of Cocaine In Sports'Fast Lane
TextB Soccer's Wild World Cup Scramble
TextB Soccer's Wild World Cup Scramble
Text A The Art Of Writing
Text A The Art Of Writing
Text B The Rules Of Writing Practice
Text B The Rules Of Writing Practice
Text A The Police And Law Enforcement In The U.S.A.
Text A The Police And Law Enforcement In The U.S.A.
Text B Consumer Protection Law
Text B Consumer Protection Law
Text A Can Religion Cure Our Troubles?
Text A Can Religion Cure Our Troubles?
Text B Religion
Text B Religion
Text A Gender Roles In A Cross-Cultural
Text A Gender Roles In A Cross-Cultural
Text B The Sex-Role Revolution
Text B The Sex-Role Revolution
Text A The Changing Family
Text A The Changing Family
Text B Breakup Of The Family: Can We Reverse The Trend?
Text B Breakup Of The Family: Can We Reverse The Trend?
Text A Can We And Should We Clone Humans?
Text A Can We And Should We Clone Humans?
Text B Cloning And Transgenic Animals
Text B Cloning And Transgenic Animals
Text A The United States' Outlook
Text A The United States' Outlook
Text B American Dreams And Discontents: Beyond The Level Playing Ground
Text B American Dreams And Discontents: Beyond The Level Playing Ground
Text A The German Boy
Text A The German Boy
Text B Motel Chronicles
Text B Motel Chronicles
Rey to Bxercise
Rey to Bxercise


