



  • 書名:新中國畫四大家
  • 作者:孫曉飛、陳玉珍
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • 頁數:315 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787119090856




Origin and Development of New Traditional Chinese Painting
Lin Fengmian's ‘Woke up Only to Find Day Had Already Broken'
Lin Fengmian: Mutineer and Successor of Tradition
Ups and Downs: Lin Fengmian in Depression
Tireless Innovation: The Reformer Lin Fengmian
Art Education: Modern Art Preacher
Integrating Chinese and Western Ideas: "Fengmian Style"
Beyond Predecessors: Great Innovator in the World of New Chinese Painting
XU Beihong's ‘The Beautiful Shadow Shown Again'
Xu Beihong: Reformer of New Chinese Painting
Early Youth: Growing up in the Midst of a Tide of Rebellion against Traditional Chinese Painting
Studying in France: Introducer and Creator of Realism
Artistic Proselytizing in China: Realism Became the National Art Form
Politicization of Realism: Arts Became a Tool
Evaluation and Review: Promoters of New Chinese Painting
Wu Guanzhong's 'Excellent Painting Skills and Elegant Style'
Wu Guanzhong in Red Robes: A Radical Dancer and Performer
A Boy's Feelings: Small Childlike Pain
Life in the Academy of Art: Tearing Himself Away from the Chinese Paintings
Returning from France in Confusion: Wu Guanzhong's Artistic Introspection
The Sound of Times: Leader of the Modern Art
Modern Ink Wash Painting: Third Master of New Chinese Painting
Summary: Wu Guanzhong Passed Away in Red
Yu Zhixue's ‘Endless Effort to Learn'
Yu Zhixue: Great Pioneer of Ice and Snow Paintings
Son of Willow: Artistic Enlightenment Inspired by Nature
Tough Artistic Road: Dream Chaser outside the Tower of Ivory
Yu Zhixue's Passion for Ice and Snow: Creation of the New Chinese Painting Genealogy
Not only Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue, but also Yu Zhixue, were anxious about the world of ice and snow in North China appearing in their paintings.
Removal and Reconstruction: From Snow Paintings to Ice and Snow Landscape Paintings
Transcend Desolately Cold: Yu Zhixue's Aesthetic Pursuit of Ice and Snow Landscape Paintings
Create White Landscape: Draw a New Ice and Snow World


 陳玉珍,女,中國人民大學新聞系畢業。1980年進入《北京晚報》從事副刊編輯工作,編輯散文、雜文、隨筆等欄目。先後出版《荒漠羚哀》《虎子賣報》《人與動物的故事》《我的動物朋友》《孔雀亮翅》《猿啼如歌》《大柳樹的兒子》《仁獸馴鹿》《100個野生動物的故事》《100個伴侶動物的故事》《100個動物園白勺故事》。 孫曉飛,男,筆名啞樵,作家。散文《失去聲音的烏》入選教育部語文出版社和河南出版集團出版的國小語文課本。《獻給劉彤的故事》等多篇中短篇小說在《當代》及台灣《中國時報》等刊載。出版長篇小說和詩集各1部。 曾任北京大學慈善、體育與法律研究中心秘書長,現任《中國老年》雜誌主編。


