

《新世紀大學英語系列教材·視聽說教程5》是2009年上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是蘇珊。《新世紀大學英語系列教材:視聽說教程5(教師手冊)》簡介: “新世紀大學英語系列教材”按照《大學英語課程教學要求》,由外教社組織國內十餘所著名高校英語教學專家,邀請國際知名視聽教學專家,為我國大學生度身打造而成!科學性、系統性和時代性的完美體現:以國內外先進外語教學理論為指導,融多種教學模式和手段為一體,滿足一般要求、較高要求和更高要求的分層次教學需要。選材貼近時代、貼近生活;強化聽說,注重聽、說、讀、寫、譯等技能協調發展;練習編寫充分體現實用性、新穎性和可操作性。語言能力和文化素質的同步提升:注重培養學習者的英語思維習慣,開拓跨文化交際視野,實現語言綜合套用能力和人文素養的全面提高。分類指導和因材施教的教學原則:綜合、視聽說、閱讀、寫作、快速閱讀等主幹教程和經貿、文化類選修課教程,涵蓋語言知識、套用技能、學習策略和跨文化交際,充分滿足個性化教學的需要,有助於學生提高語言綜合套用能力,從容應對各級語言能力測試。基於計算機和課堂的教學模式:提供完整、多元、立體化的英語教學平台,個性化的學習光碟、方便實用的電子教案、豐富多樣的網路資源,使課堂內.外教與學充分體現互動性、自主式和合作型的新型教學模式,實現培養學生終身學習能力的教學目標。


  • 書名:新世紀大學英語系列教材·視聽說教程5
  • 作者蘇珊(Susan Stempleski)
  • ISBN:9787544614030
  • 頁數:113頁
  • 定價:42
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社; 
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2009年8月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544614030
條形碼: 9787544614030
尺寸: 25.4 x 18.4 x 0.6 cm
重量: 281 g


編者:(美國)蘇珊(Suman Stempleski)




Unit 1 Today's Workplace
Topic Employment trends; workplace issues
Vocabulary Discussing employment trends
Functions Negotiating a solution
Lesson A Work issues
Vocabulary Focus:Trends in the workplace
Listening:Pretending to work
Speaking:I can agree to that
Optional Listening:Your true calling
Lesson B Job choices
Video:Forced to outsource
Unit 2 Big Spender
Topic Earning; spending; budget planning
Vocabulary Spending habits
Functions Making suggestions
Lesson A Are you a savvy saver?
Vocabulary Focus:What do you spend your money on?
Listening:We need a plan.
Speaking:Why don't you rent a car?
Optional Listening: Money makes the world go round.
Lesson B The global economy
Video: Britain's migrant boom
Unit 3 Believe It or Not
Topic Mysterious and unbelievable events; incredible coincidences
Vocabulary Reporting on a case; describing a mysterious event
Functions Making and responding to speculations
Lesson A Mysterious disappearances
Vocabulary Focus:A mysterious disappearance
Listening:A chance meeting
Speaking:The boss's birthday cake
Optional Listening: Mystery world
Lesson B More mysteries
Video:Missing student mystery
Unit 4 Men and Women
Topic Relationships and dating
Vocabulary Describing first dates
Functions Making and responding to invitations
Lesson A An ideal date
Vocabulary Focus:An eligible bachelor
Listening:Don't talk about that!
Speaking:Can I get back to you about that?
Optional Listening: The etiquette of breaking up
Lesson B Online dating
Video:Online dating rules
Unit 5 What's the Story?
Topic Personal and traditional stories
Vocabulary Verbs used with story
Functions Telling and listening to stories
Lesson A The story of my life
Vocabulary Focus:What's the story?
Listening:Everybody has a story.
Speaking:Did I ever tell you about the time ... ?
Optional Listening: The monkey's paw
Lesson B Tell me a story
Video:The storytellers of Moher
Unit 6 Tcchnology
Topic Technology troubles; technological innovations
Vocabulary Phrases and words used to express advantages / disadvantages of technology
Functions Expressing opinions; sharing experiences; discussing abilities / habits
Lesson A Technostress
Vocabulary Focus:Information overload
Listening:When technology doesn't work
Speaking."I'm pretty good at it.
Optional Listening: Not your typical store
Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Video:Extreme gadgets
Unit 7 Emergency
Topic Major and minor emergencies
Vocabulary Preparation for emergencies
Functions Dealing with a crisis situation
Lesson A Do you know what to do?
Vocabulary Focus:Be prepared
Listening:It's an emergency!
Speaking:Everything's going to be OK.
Optional Listening: Recognizing the signs
Lesson B Hurricane dangers
Video:Hurricane dangers
Unit 8 Family Matters
Topic Family life and living arrangements
Vocabulary Family types; issues; relationships
Functions Stating and rebutting a case
Lesson A Different types of families
Vocabulary Focus:Family issues
Listening:Giorgio's ad
Speaking:A lot of people think…
Optional Listening: Friends: today's new family
Lesson B Families past and present
Video:The life of a house husband


