


  • 中文名:新一代大學英語
  • 提供院校:西安交通大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:陳向京、許梅、衛朝霞、李瑛、馬麗娜


Campus culture 校園文化
1.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
1.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-Finding home 促成
 1.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 1.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Prefixes “un-” “in-”
 1.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Active & passive voice
1.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
1.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Lessons learned from a parasite 促成
 1.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 1.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)Words about feelings
1.10 Extension learning 延伸學習
1.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Making a speech
Friendship we live by 論友誼
2.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
2.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-Friendship’s like buying a house 促成
 2.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 2.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: suffix “ment”
 2.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Conjunction “as”
2.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
2.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Are your friends an elevator or a cage? 促成
 2.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 2.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Context in vocabulary learning (1)
2.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 · Reading skills: Simile and metaphor
2.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Writing a report
The art of communication 交流的藝術
3.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
3.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-My students don’t know how to have a conversation 促成
 3.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 3.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: suffix “-al”
 3.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Partial inversion
3.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
3.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Learning to listen 促成
 3.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Writing skills: Explaining a concept
 3.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Metaphorical meaning
3.10 Extension learning 延伸學習
3.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Writing an opinion piece
On the road 在路上
4.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
4.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-Why you should travel young 促成
 4.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 4.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Compound adjectives
 4.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Preparatory subject “it”
4.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
4.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - No destination is the wrong place to go 促成
 4.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Writing skills: Developing an argumentative paragraph
 4.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Suffix “-ize”
4.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 ·
4.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Making a presentation
Loving family 熱愛家庭
5.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
5.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-My mother’s gift 促成
 5.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Reading skills: The five Ws and one H in telling a story
 5.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Compound nouns (n.+n.)
 5.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Adverbial of attendant circumstance
5.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
5.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Best day of my life 促成
 5.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 5.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Identifying the right meaning of a word for a specific context
5.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 ·
5.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Performing a play
To be or not to be 選擇
6.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
6.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-How an economics professor taught me a life-changing lesson 促成
 6.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 6.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Affixes “en-” “-en”
 6.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Gerund vs. present participle
6.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
6.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Follow a career passion? 促成
 6.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Reading skills: Unreal conditional
 6.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Words about career
6.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 ·
6.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Writing an essay
Evolving technology 科技發展
7.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
7.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-Chinese techonology 促成
 7.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Writing skills: Using tense and aspect properly in science writing
 7.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Root “-port” and prefix “ex-”
 7.5 Language focus (語法結構)· Appositive
7.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
7.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - How will virtual reality change our lives? 促成
 7.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 7.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Suffixes “-able” “-ible”
7.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 ·
7.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Role-play an interview
Culture and tradition 文化與傳統
8.1 Setting the scene 驅動(設定真實交際場景)
8.2 Preview assignment for iExplore 1 (布置預習作業)
iExplore 1-Why all the hard work? 促成
 8.3 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)· Reading skills: Lexical cohesion
 8.4 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Vocabulary: Suffix “-ful”
 8.5 Language focus (語法結構)· “As opposed to” and “in opposition to”
8.6 Extension learning 延伸學習
8.7 Preview assignment for iExplore 2(布置預習作業)
iExplore 2 - Dragons across cultures 促成
 8.8 The main idea and structure of the text (思維導圖呈現課文大意及結構)
 8.9 Language building (課後練習中涉及的重點辭彙)· Context in vocabulary learning
8.10 Extension learning 延伸學習 ·
8.11 iProduce (完成產出活動)· Writing an essay


王守仁,文秋芳. 《新一代大學英語綜合教程》(基礎篇2)北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2018
文秋芳. 構建“產出導向法”理論體系[J]. 外語教學與研究(4):69-80+162.
Task-Based Language Teaching Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020


